488 research outputs found

    Queuing delays in randomized load balanced networks

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    Valiant’s concept of Randomized Load Balancing (RLB), also promoted under the name ‘two-phase routing’, has previously been shown to provide a cost-effective way of implementing overlay networks that are robust to dynamically changing demand patterns. RLB is accomplished in two steps; in the first step, traffic is randomly distributed across the network, and in the second step traffic is routed to the final destination. One of the benefits of RLB is that packets experience only a single stage of routing, thus reducing queueing delays associated with multi-hop architectures. In this paper, we study the queuing performance of RLB, both through analytical methods and packet-level simulations using ns2 on three representative carrier networks. We show that purely random traffic splitting in the randomization step of RLB leads to higher queuing delays than pseudo-random splitting using, e.g., a round-robin schedule. Furthermore, we show that, for pseudo-random scheduling, queuing delays depend significantly on the degree of uniformity of the offered demand patterns, with uniform demand matrices representing a provably worst-case scenario. These results are independent of whether RLB employs priority mechanisms between traffic from step one over step two. A comparison with multi-hop shortest-path routing reveals that RLB eliminates the occurrence of demand-specific hot spots in the network

    Traffic Engineering

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    The MIDdleware Assurance Substrate: Enabling Strong Real-Time Guarantees in Open Systems With OpenFlow

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    Middleware designed for use in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded (DRE) systems enable cost and development time reductions by providing simple communications abstractions and hiding operating system-level networking API details from developers. While current middleware technologies can hide many low-level details, designers must provide a static configuration for the system’s underlying network in order to achieve required performance characteristics. This has not been a problem for many types of DRE systems where the configuration of the system is relatively fixed from the factory (e.g., aircraft or naval vessels). However for truly open systems (i.e., systems where end users can add or subtract components at runtime) the standard static network configuration approach cannot guarantee that required performance will be met because network resource demands are not fully known a priori. Open systems with stringent performance requirements need middleware that can dynamically manage the underlying network configuration automatically in response to changing demands. Fortunately, recent trends in networking have resulted in a wide variety of networking equipment that expose a standardized low-level interface to their configuration via the OpenFlow protocol. In this paper we discuss how OpenFlow can be leveraged by DRE middleware to automatically provide performance guarantees. In order to make the discussion concrete, we describe the architecture of our prototype middleware MIDAS as well as the details of one example network resource management strategy. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach via performance assesment of a simple DRE application using our MIDAS and commerically available OpenFlow hardware

    Quantitative Performance Comparison of Various Traffic Shapers in Time-Sensitive Networking

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    Owning to the sub-standards being developed by IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group, the traditional IEEE 802.1 Ethernet is enhanced to support real-time dependable communications for future time- and safety-critical applications. Several sub-standards have been recently proposed that introduce various traffic shapers (e.g., Time-Aware Shaper (TAS), Asynchronous Traffic Shaper (ATS), Credit-Based Shaper (CBS), Strict Priority (SP)) for flow control mechanisms of queuing and scheduling, targeting different application requirements. These shapers can be used in isolation or in combination and there is limited work that analyzes, evaluates and compares their performance, which makes it challenging for end-users to choose the right combination for their applications. This paper aims at (i) quantitatively comparing various traffic shapers and their combinations, (ii) summarizing, classifying and extending the architectures of individual and combined traffic shapers and their Network calculus (NC)-based performance analysis methods and (iii) filling the gap in the timing analysis research on handling two novel hybrid architectures of combined traffic shapers, i.e., TAS+ATS+SP and TAS+ATS+CBS. A large number of experiments, using both synthetic and realistic test cases, are carried out for quantitative performance comparisons of various individual and combined traffic shapers, from the perspective of upper bounds of delay, backlog and jitter. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to quantitatively compare the performance of the main traffic shapers in TSN. The paper aims at supporting the researchers and practitioners in the selection of suitable TSN sub-protocols for their use cases

    Optimization of Flow Allocation in Asynchronous Deterministic 5G Transport Networks by Leveraging Data Analytics

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    This research work was supported in part by the Euro- pean Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the “Cloud for Holography and Augmented Reality (CHARITY)” Project under Agreement 101016509, and 5G- CLARITY Project under Agreement 871428. It is also partially supported by the Spanish national research project TRUE5G: PID2019-108713RB-C53.Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking (DetNet) technologies are increasingly recognized as key levers of the future 5G transport networks (TNs) due to their capabilities for providing deterministic Quality-of-Service and enabling the coexistence of critical and best-effort services. Addi- tionally, they rely on programmable and cost-effective Ethernet- based forwarding planes. This article addresses the flow alloca- tion problem in 5G backhaul networks realized as asynchronous TSN networks, whose building block is the Asynchronous Traffic Shaper. We propose an offline solution, dubbed “Next Generation Transport Network Optimizer” (NEPTUNO), that combines ex- act optimization methods and heuristic techniques and leverages data analytics to solve the flow allocation problem. NEPTUNO aims to maximize the flow acceptance ratio while guaranteeing the deterministic Quality-of-Service requirements of the critical flows. We carried out a performance evaluation of NEPTUNO regarding the degree of optimality, execution time, and flow rejection ratio. Furthermore, we compare NEPTUNO with a novel online baseline solution for two different optimization goals. Online methods compute the flow’s allocation configuration right after the flow arrives at the network, whereas offline solutions like NEPTUNO compute a long-term configuration allocation for the whole network. Our results highlight the potential of data analytics for the self-optimization of the future 5G TNs.Union’s Horizon 2020, 1010165095G-CLARITY 871428TRUE5G: PID2019-108713RB-C53

    A Real-Time Software Defined Networking Framework for Next-Generation Industrial Networks

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    Industry 4.0 brings in a whole set of new requirements to engineering industrial systems, with notorious impact at the networking layer. A key challenge posed by Industry 4.0 is the operational flexibility needed to support on-the-fly reconfiguration of production cells, stations, and machines. At the networking layer, this flexibility implies dynamic packet handling, scheduling, and dispatching. SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) provides this level of flexibility in the general Local Area Network (LAN) domain. However, its application in the industry has been hindered by a lack of support for real-time services. This paper addresses this limitation, proposing an extended SDN OpenFlow framework that includes realtime services, leveraging existing real-time data plane Ethernet technologies. We show the OpenFlow enhancements, a real-time SDN controller, and experimental validation and performance assessment. Using a proof-of-concept prototype with 3 switches and cycles of 250”s, we could achieve 1”s jitter on timetriggered traffic and a reconfiguration time between operational modes below 10msinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ensuring IP services consistency through lightweight monitoring-based admission control

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    This paper evaluates the performance of a distributed and lightweight AC model based on per-class edge-to-edge monitoring feedback for ensuring the quality of multiple services in class-based IP networks. The model resorts to service-dependent AC rules for controlling QoS parameters and SLSs utilization, both intradomain and end-to-end. To provide a proof-of-concept of the proposed AC solution, a prototype of the AC model has been developed and tested using a simulation platform. The devised test scenarios aim at exploring the AC criteria's ability in satisfying each service class QoS levels and existing SLSs commitments. Generically, the results show that the proposed AC model, using a two-rule AC criterion defined on a service class basis, is able to control service levels and achieve high network utilization, without adding significant complexity to the network elements. The use of systematic edge-to-edge on-line monitoring and of a controlled degree of overprovisioning proved to be essential design aspects contributing for reaching a good compromise between simplicity and performance.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia FC
