2,113 research outputs found

    Tight cycles in hypergraphs

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    We apply a recent version of the Strong Hypergraph Regularity Lemma(see [1], [2]) to prove two new results on tight cycles in k-uniform hypergraphs. The first result is an extension of the Erdos-Gallai Theorem for graphs: For every > 0, every sufficiently large k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices with at least edges contains a tight cycle of length @n for any @ 2 [0; 1]. Our second result concerns k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs with partition classes of size n and for each @ 2 (0; 1) provides an asymptotically optimal minimum codegree requirement for the hypergraph to contain a cycle of length @kn

    Tight Hamilton Cycles in Random Uniform Hypergraphs

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    In this paper we show that e/ne/n is the sharp threshold for the existence of tight Hamilton cycles in random kk-uniform hypergraphs, for all k4k\ge 4. When k=3k=3 we show that 1/n1/n is an asymptotic threshold. We also determine thresholds for the existence of other types of Hamilton cycles.Comment: 9 pages. Updated to add materia

    Finding tight Hamilton cycles in random hypergraphs faster

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    In an rr-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices a tight Hamilton cycle consists of nn edges such that there exists a cyclic ordering of the vertices where the edges correspond to consecutive segments of rr vertices. We provide a first deterministic polynomial time algorithm, which finds a.a.s. tight Hamilton cycles in random rr-uniform hypergraphs with edge probability at least Clog3n/nC \log^3n/n. Our result partially answers a question of Dudek and Frieze [Random Structures & Algorithms 42 (2013), 374-385] who proved that tight Hamilton cycles exists already for p=ω(1/n)p=\omega(1/n) for r=3r=3 and p=(e+o(1))/np=(e + o(1))/n for r4r\ge 4 using a second moment argument. Moreover our algorithm is superior to previous results of Allen, B\"ottcher, Kohayakawa and Person [Random Structures & Algorithms 46 (2015), 446-465] and Nenadov and \v{S}kori\'c [arXiv:1601.04034] in various ways: the algorithm of Allen et al. is a randomised polynomial time algorithm working for edge probabilities pn1+εp\ge n^{-1+\varepsilon}, while the algorithm of Nenadov and \v{S}kori\'c is a randomised quasipolynomial time algorithm working for edge probabilities pClog8n/np\ge C\log^8n/n.Comment: 17 page

    Packing tight Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    Let H be a 3-uniform hypergraph with N vertices. A tight Hamilton cycle C \subset H is a collection of N edges for which there is an ordering of the vertices v_1, ..., v_N such that every triple of consecutive vertices {v_i, v_{i+1}, v_{i+2}} is an edge of C (indices are considered modulo N). We develop new techniques which enable us to prove that under certain natural pseudo-random conditions, almost all edges of H can be covered by edge-disjoint tight Hamilton cycles, for N divisible by 4. Consequently, we derive the corollary that random 3-uniform hypergraphs can be almost completely packed with tight Hamilton cycles w.h.p., for N divisible by 4 and P not too small. Along the way, we develop a similar result for packing Hamilton cycles in pseudo-random digraphs with even numbers of vertices.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs below the Dirac threshold

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    We establish a precise characterisation of 44-uniform hypergraphs with minimum codegree close to n/2n/2 which contain a Hamilton 22-cycle. As an immediate corollary we identify the exact Dirac threshold for Hamilton 22-cycles in 44-uniform hypergraphs. Moreover, by derandomising the proof of our characterisation we provide a polynomial-time algorithm which, given a 44-uniform hypergraph HH with minimum codegree close to n/2n/2, either finds a Hamilton 22-cycle in HH or provides a certificate that no such cycle exists. This surprising result stands in contrast to the graph setting, in which below the Dirac threshold it is NP-hard to determine if a graph is Hamiltonian. We also consider tight Hamilton cycles in kk-uniform hypergraphs HH for k3k \geq 3, giving a series of reductions to show that it is NP-hard to determine whether a kk-uniform hypergraph HH with minimum degree δ(H)12V(H)O(1)\delta(H) \geq \frac{1}{2}|V(H)| - O(1) contains a tight Hamilton cycle. It is therefore unlikely that a similar characterisation can be obtained for tight Hamilton cycles.Comment: v2: minor revisions in response to reviewer comments, most pseudocode and details of the polynomial time reduction moved to the appendix which will not appear in the printed version of the paper. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    Cycle decompositions in k-uniform hypergraphs

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    We show that k-uniform hypergraphs on n vertices whose codegree is at least (2/3+o(1))n can be decomposed into tight cycles, subject to the trivial divisibility conditions. As a corollary, we show those graphs contain tight Euler tours as well. In passing, we also investigate decompositions into tight paths.In addition, we also prove an alternative condition for building absorbers for edge-decompositions of arbitrary k-uniform hypergraphs, which should be of independent interest