3 research outputs found

    An Architecture for Blockchain-based Collaborative Signature-based Intrusion Detection System

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    Collaborative intrusion detection system (CIDS), where IDS hosts work with each other and share resources, have been proposed to cope with the increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Despite the promising benefits such as expanded signature databases and alert data from multiple sites, trust management and consensus building remain as challenges for a CIDS to work effectively. The blockchain technology with built-in immutability and consensus building capability provides a viable solution to the issues of CIDS. In this paper, we introduce an architecture for a blockchain-enabled signature-based collaborative IDS, discuss the implementation strategy of the proposed architecture and developed a prototype using Hyperledger and Snort. Our preliminary evaluation on a bench mark showed the proposed architecture offers a solution by addressing the issues of trust, data sharing and insider attacks in the network environment of CIDSs. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed

    Implementation of a P2P NFTs protocol (ERC-721) designed to mitigate ticketing industry hitches

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    Os mercados secundários ilegais têm sido um incómodo de longa duração para a indústria da bil heteira. Os revendedores tendem a comprar agressivamente o maior número possível de bilhetes disponíveis, com o objectivo de os vender noutros locais por um lucro imenso. Após um esgota mento de bilhetes, os clientes interessados não têm outra escolha senão pagar a quantia exorbitante solicitada. Esta cadeia de eventos introduz um mercado injusto e desprotegido para os clientes em geral. Têm surgido propostas e implementações para diminuir esses efeitos, mas a solução perfeita ainda está para vir. Desenvolveu-se um protocolo sustentado pelo sistema Ethereum e que faz uso de NFTs com o objectivo de fornecer um sistema de bilheteira transparente, aberto, descentral izado, e honesto. Nesta tese incidiu-se fortemente na investigação em torno da segurança e técnicas de optimização para a escrita de smart-contracts. Além disso, nesta dissertação documentou-se detalhadamente o desenvolvimento, testes, e estratégias de validação utilizadas para a entrega do protocolo. Concluiu-se que embora o protocolo sirva notavelmente para o seu propósito, existe uma clara limitação, um mercado central autoritário. No entanto, acredita-se que o trabalho aqui implementado posssa servir de orientação para novos utilizadores destas tecnologias, ou servir de inspiração para ideias recém-nascidas baseadas em blokchain.Illegal secondary markets have been a long-lived hassle for the ticketing industry. Scalpers tend to aggressively buy out as many available tickets as possible with the goal to sell them elsewhere for an immense profit. Upon a sold-out, interested customers have no choice than to pay the exorbi tant amount asked. This event-chain introduces an unfair and unprotected market for the overall customers. Proposals and implementations to diminish those effects have been emerging, but the perfect solution is yet to come. We have developed a protocol underpinned by the Ethereum sys tem which makes use of NFTs with the goal of providing a transparent, open, decentralized and honest ticketing system. This thesis strongly focused on research regarding security and optimiza tion techniques for smart-contract coding. Moreover, this dissertation thoroughly documented the development, testing, and validation strategies used to deliver the protocol. We conclude that although the protocol notably serves its purpose, there is one clear limitation, a central authorita tive marketplace. Nevertheless, we believe the work herein implemented can serve as guidance to onboard new users to these technologies, or serve as inspiration for newborn blockchain ideas

    Ticketh, a ticketing system built on ethereum

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    We propose TickEth, a system that aims at mitigating some of the problems encountered by the ticketing industry. The name TickEth is built by combining the words ticket, its application domain, and Ethereum, the underlying platform we adopted for the development of the prototype. Nowadays, ticketing ecosystem is wide and fragmented, and faces several problems. TickEth exploits Ethereum smart contracts to tackle the inability of checking the authenticity of tickets sold online (that can be fake or duplicates of a real ticket), the wild price range of resold tickets in the secondary market, and the unwieldy refund procedures. TickEth is an open specification, where different third-party clients can freely interact, and can be instantiated by different vendors as they like. We implemented a proof-of-concept prototype, available at: https://github.com/H221/TickEth