42 research outputs found

    Throughput Analysis of CSMA Wireless Networks with Finite Offered-load

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    This paper proposes an approximate method, equivalent access intensity (EAI), for the throughput analysis of CSMA wireless networks in which links have finite offered-load and their MAC-layer transmit buffers may be empty from time to time. Different from prior works that mainly considered the saturated network, we take into account in our analysis the impacts of empty transmit buffers on the interactions and dependencies among links in the network that is more common in practice. It is known that the empty transmit buffer incurs extra waiting time for a link to compete for the channel airtime usage, since when it has no packet waiting for transmission, the link will not perform channel competition. The basic idea behind EAI is that this extra waiting time can be mapped to an equivalent "longer" backoff countdown time for the unsaturated link, yielding a lower link access intensity that is defined as the mean packet transmission time divided by the mean backoff countdown time. That is, we can compute the "equivalent access intensity" of an unsaturated link to incorporate the effects of the empty transmit buffer on its behavior of channel competition. Then, prior saturated ideal CSMA network (ICN) model can be adopted for link throughput computation. Specifically, we propose an iterative algorithm, "Compute-and-Compare", to identify which links are unsaturated under current offered-load and protocol settings, compute their "equivalent access intensities" and calculate link throughputs. Simulation shows that our algorithm has high accuracy under various offered-load and protocol settings. We believe the ability to identify unsaturated links and compute links throughputs as established in this paper will serve an important first step toward the design and optimization of general CSMA wireless networks with offered-load control.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1007.5255 by other author

    Tandem queueing networks with neighbor blocking and back-offs

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    We introduce a novel class of tandem queueing networks which arise in modeling the congestion behavior of wireless multi-hop networks with distributed medium access control. These models provide valuable insight in how the network performance in terms of throughput depends on the back-off mechanism that governs the competition among neighboring nodes for access to the medium. The models fall at the interface between classical queueing networks and interacting particle systems, and give rise to high-dimensional stochastic processes that challenge existing methodologies. We present various open problems and conjectures, which are supported by partial results for special cases and limit regimes as well as simulation experiments

    How do Wireless Chains Behave? The Impact of MAC Interactions

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    In a Multi-hop Wireless Networks (MHWN), packets are routed between source and destination using a chain of intermediate nodes; chains are a fundamental communication structure in MHWNs whose behavior must be understood to enable building effective protocols. The behavior of chains is determined by a number of complex and interdependent processes that arise as the sources of different chain hops compete to transmit their packets on the shared medium. In this paper, we show that MAC level interactions play the primary role in determining the behavior of chains. We evaluate the types of chains that occur based on the MAC interactions between different links using realistic propagation and packet forwarding models. We discover that the presence of destructive interactions, due to different forms of hidden terminals, does not impact the throughput of an isolated chain significantly. However, due to the increased number of retransmissions required, the amount of bandwidth consumed is significantly higher in chains exhibiting destructive interactions, substantially influencing the overall network performance. These results are validated by testbed experiments. We finally study how different types of chains interfere with each other and discover that well behaved chains in terms of self-interference are more resilient to interference from other chains

    Mixing Properties of CSMA Networks on Partite Graphs

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    We consider a stylized stochastic model for a wireless CSMA network. Experimental results in prior studies indicate that the model provides remarkably accurate throughput estimates for IEEE 802.11 systems. In particular, the model offers an explanation for the severe spatial unfairness in throughputs observed in such networks with asymmetric interference conditions. Even in symmetric scenarios, however, it may take a long time for the activity process to move between dominant states, giving rise to potential starvation issues. In order to gain insight in the transient throughput characteristics and associated starvation effects, we examine in the present paper the behavior of the transition time between dominant activity states. We focus on partite interference graphs, and establish how the magnitude of the transition time scales with the activation rate and the sizes of the various network components. We also prove that in several cases the scaled transition time has an asymptotically exponential distribution as the activation rate grows large, and point out interesting connections with related exponentiality results for rare events and meta-stability phenomena in statistical physics. In addition, we investigate the convergence rate to equilibrium of the activity process in terms of mixing times.Comment: Valuetools, 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, October 9-12, 2012, Carg\`ese, Franc

    Optimal Tradeoff Between Exposed and Hidden Nodes in Large Wireless Networks

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    Wireless networks equipped with the CSMA protocol are subject to collisions due to interference. For a given interference range we investigate the tradeoff between collisions (hidden nodes) and unused capacity (exposed nodes). We show that the sensing range that maximizes throughput critically depends on the activation rate of nodes. For infinite line networks, we prove the existence of a threshold: When the activation rate is below this threshold the optimal sensing range is small (to maximize spatial reuse). When the activation rate is above the threshold the optimal sensing range is just large enough to preclude all collisions. Simulations suggest that this threshold policy extends to more complex linear and non-linear topologies