6,012 research outputs found

    Throughput Maximization in the Speed-Scaling Setting

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    We are given a set of nn jobs and a single processor that can vary its speed dynamically. Each job JjJ_j is characterized by its processing requirement (work) pjp_j, its release date rjr_j and its deadline djd_j. We are also given a budget of energy EE and we study the scheduling problem of maximizing the throughput (i.e. the number of jobs which are completed on time). We propose a dynamic programming algorithm that solves the preemptive case of the problem, i.e. when the execution of the jobs may be interrupted and resumed later, in pseudo-polynomial time. Our algorithm can be adapted for solving the weighted version of the problem where every job is associated with a weight wjw_j and the objective is the maximization of the sum of the weights of the jobs that are completed on time. Moreover, we provide a strongly polynomial time algorithm to solve the non-preemptive unweighed case when the jobs have the same processing requirements. For the weighted case, our algorithm can be adapted for solving the non-preemptive version of the problem in pseudo-polynomial time.Comment: submitted to SODA 201

    Throughput Maximization in Multiprocessor Speed-Scaling

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    We are given a set of nn jobs that have to be executed on a set of mm speed-scalable machines that can vary their speeds dynamically using the energy model introduced in [Yao et al., FOCS'95]. Every job jj is characterized by its release date rjr_j, its deadline djd_j, its processing volume pi,jp_{i,j} if jj is executed on machine ii and its weight wjw_j. We are also given a budget of energy EE and our objective is to maximize the weighted throughput, i.e. the total weight of jobs that are completed between their respective release dates and deadlines. We propose a polynomial-time approximation algorithm where the preemption of the jobs is allowed but not their migration. Our algorithm uses a primal-dual approach on a linearized version of a convex program with linear constraints. Furthermore, we present two optimal algorithms for the non-preemptive case where the number of machines is bounded by a fixed constant. More specifically, we consider: {\em (a)} the case of identical processing volumes, i.e. pi,j=pp_{i,j}=p for every ii and jj, for which we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the unweighted version, which becomes a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm for the weighted throughput version, and {\em (b)} the case of agreeable instances, i.e. for which ri≤rjr_i \le r_j if and only if di≤djd_i \le d_j, for which we present a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm. Both algorithms are based on a discretization of the problem and the use of dynamic programming

    Wireless MIMO Switching: Weighted Sum Mean Square Error and Sum Rate Optimization

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    This paper addresses joint transceiver and relay design for a wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) switching scheme that enables data exchange among multiple users. Here, a multi-antenna relay linearly precodes the received (uplink) signals from multiple users before forwarding the signal in the downlink, where the purpose of precoding is to let each user receive its desired signal with interference from other users suppressed. The problem of optimizing the precoder based on various design criteria is typically non-convex and difficult to solve. The main contribution of this paper is a unified approach to solve the weighted sum mean square error (MSE) minimization and weighted sum rate maximization problems in MIMO switching. Specifically, an iterative algorithm is proposed for jointly optimizing the relay's precoder and the users' receive filters to minimize the weighted sum MSE. It is also shown that the weighted sum rate maximization problem can be reformulated as an iterated weighted sum MSE minimization problem and can therefore be solved similarly to the case of weighted sum MSE minimization. With properly chosen initial values, the proposed iterative algorithms are asymptotically optimal in both high and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes for MIMO switching, either with or without self-interference cancellation (a.k.a., physical-layer network coding). Numerical results show that the optimized MIMO switching scheme based on the proposed algorithms significantly outperforms existing approaches in the literature.Comment: This manuscript is under 2nd review of IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Heterogeneous Congestion Control: Efficiency, Fairness and Design

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    When heterogeneous congestion control protocols that react to different pricing signals (e.g. packet loss, queueing delay, ECN marking etc.) share the same network, the current theory based on utility maximization fails to predict the network behavior. Unlike in a homogeneous network, the bandwidth allocation now depends on router parameters and flow arrival patterns. It can be non-unique, inefficient and unfair. This paper has two objectives. First, we demonstrate the intricate behaviors of a heterogeneous network through simulations and present a rigorous framework to help understand its equilibrium efficiency and fairness properties. By identifying an optimization problem associated with every equilibrium, we show that every equilibrium is Pareto efficient and provide an upper bound on efficiency loss due to pricing heterogeneity. On fairness, we show that intra-protocol fairness is still decided by a utility maximization problem while inter-protocol fairness is the part over which we don¿t have control. However it is shown that we can achieve any desirable inter-protocol fairness by properly choosing protocol parameters. Second, we propose a simple slow timescale source-based algorithm to decouple bandwidth allocation from router parameters and flow arrival patterns and prove its feasibility. The scheme needs only local information
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