6 research outputs found

    Threshold Partially-Oblivious PRFs with Applications to Key Management

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    An Oblivious PRF (OPRF) is a protocol between a server holding a key to a PRF and a user holding an input. At the end of the interaction, the user learns the output of the OPRF on its input and nothing else. The server learns nothing, including nothing about the user\u27s input or the function\u27s output. OPRFs have found many applications in multiple areas of cryptography. Everspaugh et al. (Usenix 2015) introduced Partially Oblivious PRF (pOPRF) in which the OPRF accepts an additional non-secret input that can be chosen by the server itself, and showed applications in the setting of password hardening protocols. We further investigate pOPRFs showing new constructions, including distributed multi-server schemes, and new applications. We build simple pOPRFs from regular OPRFs, in particular obtaining very efficient DH-based pOPRFs, and provide (n,t)-threshold implementation of such schemes. We apply these schemes to build Oblivious Key Management Systems (KMS) as a much more secure alternative to traditional wrapping-based KMS. The new system hides keys and object identifiers from the KMS, offers unconditional security for key transport, enables forward security, provides key verifiability, reduces storage, and more. Further, we show how to provide all these features in a distributed threshold implementation that additionally protects the service against server compromise. Finally, we extend the scheme to a threshold Oblivious KMS with updatable encryption so that upon the periodic change of OPRF keys by the server, an efficient update procedure allows a client of the KMS service to non-interactively update all its encrypted data to be decryptable only by the new key. Our techniques improve on the efficiency and security of several recent works on updatable encryption from Crypto and Eurocrypt. We report on an implementation of the above schemes and their performance, showing their practicality and readiness for use in real-world systems. In particular, our pOPRF constructions achieve speeds of over an order of magnitude relative to previous pOPRF schemes

    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity: Sybil-Resistant, Anonymous Authentication on Permissionless Blockchains and Incentive Compatible, Strictly Dominant Cryptocurrencies

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    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity from trusted public certificates (e.g., national identity cards and/or ePassports; eSIM) is introduced here to permissionless blockchains in order to remove the inefficiencies of Sybil-resistant mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (i.e., high energy and environmental costs) and Proof-of-Stake (i.e., capital hoarding and lower transaction volume). The proposed solution effectively limits the number of mining nodes a single individual would be able to run while keeping membership open to everyone, circumventing the impossibility of full decentralization and the blockchain scalability trilemma when instantiated on a blockchain with a consensus protocol based on the cryptographic random selection of nodes. Resistance to collusion is also considered. Solving one of the most pressing problems in blockchains, a zk-PoI cryptocurrency is proved to have the following advantageous properties: - an incentive-compatible protocol for the issuing of cryptocurrency rewards based on a unique Nash equilibrium - strict domination of mining over all other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies, thus the zk-PoI cryptocurrency becoming the preferred choice by miners is proved to be a Nash equilibrium and the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy - PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies are condemned to pay the Price of Crypto-Anarchy, redeemed by the optimal efficiency of zk-PoI as it implements the social optimum - the circulation of a zk-PoI cryptocurrency Pareto dominates other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the network effects arising from the social networks inherent to national identity cards and ePassports dominate PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the lower costs of its infrastructure imply the existence of a unique equilibrium where it dominates other forms of paymentComment: 2.1: Proof-of-Personhood Considered Harmful (and Illegal); 4.1.5: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.6: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.7: Removing Single-Points of Failure; 4.3.2: Combining with Non-Zero-Knowledge Authentication; 4.4: Circumventing the Impossibility of Full Decentralizatio

    SoK: Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions

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    In recent years, oblivious pseudorandom functions (OPRFs) have become a ubiquitous primitive used in cryptographic protocols and privacy-preserving technologies. The growing interest in OPRFs, both theoretical and applied, has produced a vast number of different constructions and functionality variations. In this paper, we provide a systematic overview of how to build and use OPRFs. We first categorize existing OPRFs into essentially four families based on their underlying PRF (Naor-Reingold, Dodis-Yampolskiy, Hashed Diffie-Hellman, and generic constructions). This categorization allows us to give a unified presentation of all oblivious evaluation methods in the literature, and to understand which properties OPRFs can (or cannot) have. We further demonstrate the theoretical and practical power of OPRFs by visualizing them in the landscape of cryptographic primitives, and by providing a comprehensive overview of how OPRFs are leveraged for improving the privacy of internet users. Our work systematizes 15 years of research on OPRFs and provides inspiration for new OPRF constructions and applications thereof

    A Formal Treatment of Distributed Key Generation, and New Constructions

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    In this work, we present a novel generic construction for a Distributed Key Generation (DKG) scheme. Our generic construction relies on three modular cryptographic building blocks. The first is an aggregatable Verifiable Secret Sharing (AgVSS) scheme, the second is a Non-Interactive Key Exchange (NIKE) scheme, and the third is a secure hash function. We give formal definitions for the AgVSS and NIKE schemes, as well as concrete constructions. The utility of this generic construction is flexibility; i.e., any aggregatable VSS and NIKE scheme can be employed, and the construction will remain secure. To prove the security of our generic construction, we introduce formalized game based notions of security for DKGs, building upon existing notions in the literature. However, these prior security notions either were presented informally, omitted important requirements, or assumed certain algebraic structure of the underlying scheme. Our security notions make no such assumption of underlying algebraic structure, and explicitly consider details such as participant consistency, communication patterns, and key validity. Further, our security notions imply simulatability with respect to a target key generation scheme without rewinding. Hence, any construction that is proven secure using our security notions additionally imply UC security. We then present STORM, a concrete instantiation of our generic construction that is secure in the discrete logarithm setting in the random oracle model. STORM is more efficient than related DKG schemes in the literature. Because of its simple design and composability, it is a practical choice for real world settings and standardization efforts

    PESTO: Proactively Secure Distributed Single Sign-On, or How to Trust a Hacked Server

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    Single Sign-On (SSO) is becoming an increasingly popular authentication method for users that leverages a trusted Identity Provider (IdP) to bootstrap secure authentication tokens from a single user password. It alleviates some of the worst security issues of passwords, as users no longer need to memorize individual passwords for all service providers, and it removes the burden of these service to properly protect huge password databases. However, SSO also introduces a single point of failure. If compromised, the IdP can impersonate all users and learn their master passwords. To remedy this risk while preserving the advantages of SSO, Agrawal et al. (CCS\u2718) recently proposed a distributed realization termed PASTA (password-authenticated threshold authentication) which splits the role of the IdP across nn servers. While PASTA is a great step forward and guarantees security as long as not all servers are corrupted, it uses a rather inflexible corruption model: servers cannot be corrupted adaptively and --- even worse --- cannot recover from corruption. The latter is known as proactive security and allows servers to re-share their keys, thereby rendering all previously compromised information useless. In this work, we improve upon the work of PASTA and propose a distributed SSO protocol with proactive and adaptive security (PESTO), guaranteeing security as long as not all servers are compromised at the same time. We prove our scheme secure in the UC framework which is known to provide the best security guarantees for password-based primitives. The core of our protocol are two new primitives we introduce: partially-oblivious distributed PRFs and a class of distributed signature schemes. Both allow for non-interactive refreshs of the secret key material and tolerate adaptive corruptions. We give secure instantiations based on the gap one-more BDH and RSA assumption respectively, leading to a highly efficient 2-round PESTO protocol. We also present an implementation and benchmark of our scheme in Java, realizing OAuth-compatible bearer tokens for SSO, demonstrating the viability of our approach

    Crypto Dark Matter on the Torus: Oblivious PRFs from shallow PRFs and FHE

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    Partially Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (POPRFs) are 2-party protocols that allow a client to learn pseudorandom function (PRF) evaluations on inputs of its choice from a server. The client submits two inputs, one public and one private. The security properties ensure that the server cannot learn the private input and the client cannot learn more than one evaluation per POPRF query. POPRFs have many applications including password-based key exchange and privacy-preserving authentication mechanisms. However, most constructions are based on classical assumptions, and those with post-quantum security suffer from large efficiency drawbacks. In this work, we construct a novel POPRF from lattice assumptions and the “Crypto Dark Matter” PRF candidate (TCC’18) in the random oracle model. At a conceptual level, our scheme exploits the alignment of this family of PRF candidates, relying on mixed modulus computations, and programmable bootstrapping in the torus fully homomorphic encryption scheme (TFHE). We show that our construction achieves malicious client security based on circuit-private FHE, and client privacy from the semantic security of the FHE scheme. We further explore a heuristic approach to extend our scheme to support verifiability based on the difficulty of computing cheating circuits in low depth. This would yield a verifiable (P)OPRF. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation and benchmarks of our construction using the tfhe-rs software library. For the core online OPRF functionality, we require amortised 5.0kB communication per evaluation and a one-time per-client setup communication of 16.8MB