84 research outputs found

    Threesomes, Degenerates, and Love Triangles

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    The 3SUM problem is to decide, given a set of nn real numbers, whether any three sum to zero. It is widely conjectured that a trivial O(n2)O(n^2)-time algorithm is optimal and over the years the consequences of this conjecture have been revealed. This 3SUM conjecture implies Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) lower bounds on numerous problems in computational geometry and a variant of the conjecture implies strong lower bounds on triangle enumeration, dynamic graph algorithms, and string matching data structures. In this paper we refute the 3SUM conjecture. We prove that the decision tree complexity of 3SUM is O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{\log n}) and give two subquadratic 3SUM algorithms, a deterministic one running in O(n2/(logn/loglogn)2/3)O(n^2 / (\log n/\log\log n)^{2/3}) time and a randomized one running in O(n2(loglogn)2/logn)O(n^2 (\log\log n)^2 / \log n) time with high probability. Our results lead directly to improved bounds for kk-variate linear degeneracy testing for all odd k3k\ge 3. The problem is to decide, given a linear function f(x1,,xk)=α0+1ikαixif(x_1,\ldots,x_k) = \alpha_0 + \sum_{1\le i\le k} \alpha_i x_i and a set ARA \subset \mathbb{R}, whether 0f(Ak)0\in f(A^k). We show the decision tree complexity of this problem is O(nk/2logn)O(n^{k/2}\sqrt{\log n}). Finally, we give a subcubic algorithm for a generalization of the (min,+)(\min,+)-product over real-valued matrices and apply it to the problem of finding zero-weight triangles in weighted graphs. We give a depth-O(n5/2logn)O(n^{5/2}\sqrt{\log n}) decision tree for this problem, as well as an algorithm running in time O(n3(loglogn)2/logn)O(n^3 (\log\log n)^2/\log n)

    Dynamic Set Intersection

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    Consider the problem of maintaining a family FF of dynamic sets subject to insertions, deletions, and set-intersection reporting queries: given S,SFS,S'\in F, report every member of SSS\cap S' in any order. We show that in the word RAM model, where ww is the word size, given a cap dd on the maximum size of any set, we can support set intersection queries in O(dw/log2w)O(\frac{d}{w/\log^2 w}) expected time, and updates in O(logw)O(\log w) expected time. Using this algorithm we can list all tt triangles of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) in O(m+mαw/log2w+t)O(m+\frac{m\alpha}{w/\log^2 w} +t) expected time, where m=Em=|E| and α\alpha is the arboricity of GG. This improves a 30-year old triangle enumeration algorithm of Chiba and Nishizeki running in O(mα)O(m \alpha) time. We provide an incremental data structure on FF that supports intersection {\em witness} queries, where we only need to find {\em one} eSSe\in S\cap S'. Both queries and insertions take O\paren{\sqrt \frac{N}{w/\log^2 w}} expected time, where N=SFSN=\sum_{S\in F} |S|. Finally, we provide time/space tradeoffs for the fully dynamic set intersection reporting problem. Using MM words of space, each update costs O(MlogN)O(\sqrt {M \log N}) expected time, each reporting query costs O(NlogNMop+1)O(\frac{N\sqrt{\log N}}{\sqrt M}\sqrt{op+1}) expected time where opop is the size of the output, and each witness query costs O(NlogNM+logN)O(\frac{N\sqrt{\log N}}{\sqrt M} + \log N) expected time.Comment: Accepted to WADS 201

    Quantum Algorithms for Computational Geometry Problems

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    We study quantum algorithms for problems in computational geometry, such as POINT-ON-3-LINES problem. In this problem, we are given a set of lines and we are asked to find a point that lies on at least 33 of these lines. POINT-ON-3-LINES and many other computational geometry problems are known to be 3SUM-HARD. That is, solving them classically requires time Ω(n2o(1))\Omega(n^{2-o(1)}), unless there is faster algorithm for the well known 3SUM problem (in which we are given a set SS of nn integers and have to determine if there are a,b,cSa, b, c \in S such that a+b+c=0a + b + c = 0). Quantumly, 3SUM can be solved in time O(nlogn)O(n \log n) using Grover's quantum search algorithm. This leads to a question: can we solve POINT-ON-3-LINES and other 3SUM-HARD problems in O(nc)O(n^c) time quantumly, for c<2c<2? We answer this question affirmatively, by constructing a quantum algorithm that solves POINT-ON-3-LINES in time O(n1+o(1))O(n^{1 + o(1)}). The algorithm combines recursive use of amplitude amplification with geometrical ideas. We show that the same ideas give O(n1+o(1))O(n^{1 + o(1)}) time algorithm for many 3SUM-HARD geometrical problems.Comment: 10 page

    Encoding 3SUM

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    We consider the following problem: given three sets of real numbers, output a word-RAM data structure from which we can efficiently recover the sign of the sum of any triple of numbers, one in each set. This is similar to a previous work by some of the authors to encode the order type of a finite set of points. While this previous work showed that it was possible to achieve slightly subquadratic space and logarithmic query time, we show here that for the simpler 3SUM problem, one can achieve an encoding that takes O~(N32)\tilde{O}(N^{\frac 32}) space for inputs sets of size NN and allows constant time queries in the word-RAM

    Mind the Gap: Essentially Optimal Algorithms for Online Dictionary Matching with One Gap

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    We examine the complexity of the online Dictionary Matching with One Gap Problem (DMOG) which is the following. Preprocess a dictionary D of d patterns, where each pattern contains a special gap symbol that can match any string, so that given a text that arrives online, a character at a time, we can report all of the patterns from D that are suffixes of the text that has arrived so far, before the next character arrives. In more general versions the gap symbols are associated with bounds determining the possible lengths of matching strings. Online DMOG captures the difficulty in a bottleneck procedure for cyber-security, as many digital signatures of viruses manifest themselves as patterns with a single gap. In this paper, we demonstrate that the difficulty in obtaining efficient solutions for the DMOG problem, even in the offline setting, can be traced back to the infamous 3SUM conjecture. We show a conditional lower bound of Omega(delta(G_D)+op) time per text character, where G_D is a bipartite graph that captures the structure of D, delta(G_D) is the degeneracy of this graph, and op is the output size. Moreover, we show a conditional lower bound in terms of the magnitude of gaps for the bounded case, thereby showing that some known offline upper bounds are essentially optimal. We also provide matching upper-bounds (up to sub-polynomial factors), in terms of the degeneracy, for the online DMOG problem. In particular, we introduce algorithms whose time cost depends linearly on delta(G_D). Our algorithms make use of graph orientations, together with some additional techniques. These algorithms are of practical interest since although delta(G_D) can be as large as sqrt(d), and even larger if G_D is a multi-graph, it is typically a very small constant in practice. Finally, when delta(G_D) is large we are able to obtain even more efficient solutions