834,388 research outputs found

    A minimisation approach for computing the ground state of Gross\u2013Pitaevskii systems

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    In this paper, we present a minimisation method for computing the ground stateof systems of coupled Gross\u2013Pitaevskii equations. Our approach relies on a spectral decomposition of the solution into Hermite basis functions. Inserting the spectral representation into the energy functional yields a constrained nonlinear minimisation problem for the coefficients. For its numerical solution, we employ a Newton-like method with an approximate line-search strategy. We analyse this method and prove global convergence. Appropriate starting values for the minimisation process are determined by a standard continuation strategy. Numerical examples with two and three-component two-dimensional condensates are included. These experiments demonstrate the reliability of our method and nicely illustrate the effect of phase segregation

    Tolerance Representation in the Historical Textbooks

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    Tolerance is one of the most important elements for the formation of a multicultural society. Indonesia as a country with ethnic diversity requires a high tolerance from every citizen to realize a peaceful nation life. These tolerance values can be developed through historical learning which has the main function as a form of national character. The history lesson itself cannot be separated from the use of textbooks as a tool of supporting the learning process. This research tries to analyze the content of tolerance values in Indonesian history textbooks using discourse analysis methods, especially Norman Fairclough's representation analysis. The concept of critical discourse analysis uses  three-dimensional models consisting of text, practice of discourse, and social practice. The results show that tolerance in Indonesian history textbooks is represented in various themes such as diversity,  integration, unity and so on. These themes are packaged in historical stories that are adapted to the prevailing curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum. Tolerance needs to be understood as a result and an ongoing process. The long history of the Indonesian people shows that tolerance has been embedded as the identity of the Indonesian nation itself. Historical textbooks have a strategic role in instilling the values of tolerance to students. This history textbook is structured with a more popular regressive approach so  the delivery of moral values including tolerance values is more easier understood by students

    Deformation and tension analysis during embryonic development

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    The aim of this document is to introduce the reader into the process, through microscopic threedimensional images, of the cellular embryonic deformation of the Drosphila Melanogaster fly through its development. It will also be exposed a program with which it will be possible to calculate the tensions through a code of finite elements from a model of lineal material. In order to carry this study, it will be used the Matlab program, with which a code will be created where the experimental data will be entered and the tension and the deformation of the affected cells will be calculated. The study will be carried through two models: one of them will be a cell-centered model while the other one will be a vertex model. With the pertinent procedures, it will be obtained a series of documents that, when analyzed with a tridimensional visualization tool, will offer a representation of both models and the evolution for each of their meshes. This project will conclude with an appreciation on the efficiency of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional approaches
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