564 research outputs found

    Geometric Controls for a Tethered Quadrotor UAV

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    This paper deals with the dynamics and controls of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle that is connected to a fixed point on the ground via a tether. Tethered quadrotors have been envisaged for long-term aerial surveillance with high-speed communications. This paper presents an intrinsic form of the dynamic model of a tethered quadrotor including the coupling between deformations of the tether and the motion of the quadrotor, and it constructs geometric control systems to asymptotically stabilize the coupled dynamics of the quadrotor and the tether. The proposed global formulation of dynamics and control also avoids complexities and singularities associated with local coordinates. These are illustrated by numerical examples

    Vision Based Control of Model Helicopters

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    Agile load transportation systems using aerial robots

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    In this dissertation, we address problems that can occur during load transport using aerial robots, i.e., small scale quadrotors. First, detailed models of such transportation system are derived. These models include nonlinear models of a quadrotor, a model of a quadrotor carrying a fixed load and a model of a quadrotor carrying a suspended load. Second, the problem of quadrotor stabilization and trajectory tracking with changes of the center of gravity of the transportation system is addressed. This problem is solved using model reference adaptive control based on output feedback linearization that compensates for dynamical changes in the center of gravity of the quadrotor. The third problem we address is a problem of a swing-free transport of suspended load using quadrotors. Flying with a suspended load can be a very challenging and sometimes hazardous task as the suspended load significantly alters the flight characteristics of the quadrotor. In order to deal with suspended load flight, we present a method based on dynamic programming which is a model based offline method. The second investigated method we use is based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm which is an optimization technique used for nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. This method is model free and it can be used for offline or online generation of the swing-free trajectories for the suspended load. Besides the swing-free maneuvers with suspended load, load trajectory tracking is another problem we solve in this dissertation. In order to solve this problem we use a Nelder-Mead based algorithm. In addition, we use an online least square policy iteration algorithm. At the end, we propose a high level algorithm for navigation in cluttered environments considering a quadrotor with suspended load. Furthermore, distributed control of multiple quadrotors with suspended load is addressed too. The proposed hierarchical architecture presented in this doctoral dissertation is an important step towards developing the next generation of agile autonomous aerial vehicles. These control algorithms enable quadrotors to display agile maneuvers while reconfiguring in real time whenever a change in the center of gravity occurs. This enables a swing-free load transport or trajectory tracking of the load in urban environments in a decentralized fashion

    Trajectory Generation and Control for Quadrotors

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    This thesis presents contributions to the state-of-the-art in quadrotor control, payload transportation with single and multiple quadrotors, and trajectory generation for single and multiple quadrotors. In Ch. 2 we describe a controller capable of handling large roll and pitch angles that enables a quadrotor to follow trajectories requiring large accelerations and also recover from extreme initial conditions. In Ch. 3 we describe a method that allows teams of quadrotors to work together to carry payloads that they could not carry individually. In Ch. 4 we discuss an online parameter estimation method for quadrotors transporting payloads which enables a quadrotor to use its dynamics in order to learn about the payload it is carrying and also adapt its control law in order to improve tracking performance. In Ch. 5 we present a trajectory generation method that enables quadrotors to fly through narrow gaps at various orientations and perch on inclined surfaces. Chapter 6 discusses a method for generating dynamically optimal trajectories through a series of predefined waypoints and safe corridors and Ch. 7 extends that method to enable heterogeneous quadrotor teams to quickly rearrange formations and avoid a small number of obstacles

    Cooperative Flight Guidance of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    As robotic platforms and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) increase in sophistication and complexity, the ability to determine the spatial orientation and placement of the platform in real time (localization) becomes an important issue. Detecting and extracting locations of objects, barriers, and openings is required to ensure the overall effectiveness of the device. Current methods to achieve localization for UAVs require expensive external equipment and limit the overall applicable range of the platform. The system described herein incorporates leader-follower unmanned aerial vehicles using vision processing, radio-frequency data transmission, and additional sensors to achieve flocking behavior. This system targets search and rescue environments, employing controls, vision processing, and embedded systems to allow for easy deployment of multiple quadrotor UAVs while requiring the control of only one. The system demonstrates a relative localization scheme for UAVs in a leader-follower configuration, allowing for predictive maneuvers including path following and estimation of the lead UAV in situations of limited or no line-of-sight

    Rotorcraft Blade Pitch Control Through Torque Modulation

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    Micro air vehicle (MAV) technology has broken with simple mimicry of manned aircraft in order to fulfill emerging roles which demand low-cost reliability in the hands of novice users, safe operation in confined spaces, contact and manipulation of the environment, or merging vertical flight and forward flight capabilities. These specialized needs have motivated a surge of new specialized aircraft, but the majority of these design variations remain constrained by the same fundamental technologies underpinning their thrust and control. This dissertation solves the problem of simultaneously governing MAV thrust, roll, and pitch using only a single rotor and single motor. Such an actuator enables new cheap, robust, and light weight aircraft by eliminating the need for the complex ancillary controls of a conventional helicopter swashplate or the distributed propeller array of a quadrotor. An analytic model explains how cyclic blade pitch variations in a special passively articulated rotor may be obtained by modulating the main drive motor torque in phase with the rotor rotation. Experiments with rotors from 10 cm to 100 cm in diameter confirm the predicted blade lag, pitch, and flap motions. We show the operating principle scales similarly as traditional helicopter rotor technologies, but is subject to additional new dynamics and technology considerations. Using this new rotor, experimental aircraft from 29 g to 870 g demonstrate conventional flight capabilities without requiring more than two motors for actuation. In addition, we emulate the unusual capabilities of a fully actuated MAV over six degrees of freedom using only the thrust vectoring qualities of two teetering rotors. Such independent control over forces and moments has been previously obtained by holonomic or omnidirection multirotors with at least six motors, but we now demonstrate similar abilities using only two. Expressive control from a single actuator enables new categories of MAV, illustrated by experiments with a single actuator aircraft with spatial control and a vertical takeoff and landing airplane whose flight authority is derived entirely from two rotors

    Master of Science

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    thesisThis thesis details the development of the Algorithmic Robotics Laboratory, its experimental software environment, and a case study featuring a novel hardware validation of optimal reciprocal collision avoidance. We constructed a robotics laboratory in both software and hardware in which to perform our experiments. This lab features a netted flying volume with motion capture and two custom quadrotors. Also, two experimental software architectures are developed for actuating both ground and aerial robots within a Linux Robot Operating System environment. The first of the frameworks is based upon a single finite state machine program which managed each aspect of the experiment. Concerns about the complexity and reconfigurability of the finite state machine prompted the development of a second framework. This final framework is a multimodal structure featuring programs which focus on these specific functions: State Estimation, Robot Drivers, Experimental Controllers, Inputs, Human Robot Interaction, and a program tailored to the specifics of the algorithm tested in the experiment. These modular frameworks were used to fulfill the mission of the Algorithmic Robotics Lab, in that they were developed to validate robotics algorithms in experiments that were previously only shown in simulation. A case study into collision avoidance was used to mark the foundation of the laboratory through the proving of an optimal reciprocal collision avoidance algorithm for the first time in hardware. In the case study, two human-controlled quadrotors were maliciously flown in colliding trajectories. Optimal reciprocal collision avoidance was demonstrated for the first time on completely independent agents with local sensing. The algorithm was shown to be robust to violations of its inherent assumptions about the dynamics of agents and the ability for those agents to sense imminent collisions. These experiments, in addition to the mathematical foundation of exponential convergence, submits th a t optimal reciprocal collision avoidance is a viable method for holonomic robots in both 2-D and 3-D with noisy sensing. A basis for the idea of reciprocal dance, a motion often seen in human collision avoidance, is also suggested in demonstration to be a product of uncertainty about the state of incoming agents. In the more than one hundred tests conducted in multiple environments, no midair collisions were ever produced
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