7 research outputs found

    Video Coding with Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Transforms

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    This article explores the efficiency of motion-compensated three-dimensional transform coding, a compression scheme that employs a motion-compensated transform for a group of pictures. We investigate this coding scheme experimentally and theoretically. The practical coding scheme employs in temporal direction a wavelet decomposition with motion-compensated lifting steps. Further, we compare the experimental results to that of a predictive video codec with single-hypothesis motion compensation and comparable computational complexity. The experiments show that the 5/3 wavelet kernel outperforms both the Haar kernel and, in many cases, the reference scheme utilizing single-hypothesis motion-compensated predictive coding. The theoretical investigation models this motion-compensated subband coding scheme for a group of K pictures with a signal model for K motion-compensated pictures that are decorrelated by a linear transform. We utilize the Karhunen-Loeve Transform to obtain theoretical performance bounds at high bit-rates and compare to both optimum intra-frame coding of individual motion-compensated pictures and single-hypothesis motion-compensated predictive coding. The investigation shows that motion-compensated three-dimensional transform coding can outperform predictive coding with single-hypothesis motion compensation by up to 0.5 bits/sample

    Low Bit-rate Color Video Compression using Multiwavelets in Three Dimensions

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    In recent years, wavelet-based video compressions have become a major focus of research because of the advantages that it provides. More recently, a growing thrust of studies explored the use of multiple scaling functions and multiple wavelets with desirable properties in various fields, from image de-noising to compression. In term of data compression, multiple scaling functions and wavelets offer a greater flexibility in coefficient quantization at high compression ratio than a comparable single wavelet. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possible improvement of scalable wavelet-based color video compression at low bit-rates by using three-dimensional multiwavelets. The first part of this work included the development of the spatio-temporal decomposition process for multiwavelets and the implementation of an efficient 3-D SPIHT encoder/decoder as a common platform for performance evaluation of two well-known multiwavelet systems against a comparable single wavelet in low bitrate color video compression. The second part involved the development of a motion-compensated 3-D compression codec and a modified SPIHT algorithm designed specifically for this codec by incorporating an advantage in the design of 2D SPIHT into the 3D SPIHT coder. In an experiment that compared their performances, the 3D motion-compensated codec with unmodified 3D SPIHT had gains of 0.3dB to 4.88dB over regular 2D wavelet-based motion-compensated codec using 2D SPIHT in the coding of 19 endoscopy sequences at 1/40 compression ratio. The effectiveness of the modified SPIHT algorithm was verified by the results of a second experiment in which it was used to re-encode 4 of the 19 sequences with lowest performance gains and improved them by 0.5dB to 1.0dB. The last part of the investigation examined the effect of multiwavelet packet on 3-D video compression as well as the effects of coding multiwavelet packets based on the frequency order and energy content of individual subbands

    Video transmission over wireless networks

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    Compressed video bitstream transmissions over wireless networks are addressed in this work. We first consider error control and power allocation for transmitting wireless video over CDMA networks in conjunction with multiuser detection. We map a layered video bitstream to several CDMA fading channels and inject multiple source/parity layers into each of these channels at the transmitter. We formulate a combined optimization problem and give the optimal joint rate and power allocation for each of linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser detector in the uplink and two types of blind linear MMSE detectors, i.e., the direct-matrix-inversion (DMI) blind detector and the subspace blind detector, in the downlink. We then present a multiple-channel video transmission scheme in wireless CDMA networks over multipath fading channels. For a given budget on the available bandwidth and total transmit power, the transmitter determines the optimal power allocations and the optimal transmission rates among multiple CDMA channels, as well as the optimal product channel code rate allocation. We also make use of results on the large-system CDMA performance for various multiuser receivers in multipath fading channels. We employ a fast joint source-channel coding algorithm to obtain the optimal product channel code structure. Finally, we propose an end-to-end architecture for multi-layer progressive video delivery over space-time differentially coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (STDC-OFDM) systems. We propose to use progressive joint source-channel coding to generate operational transmission distortion-power-rate (TD-PR) surfaces. By extending the rate-distortion function in source coding to the TD-PR surface in joint source-channel coding, our work can use the ??equal slope?? argument to effectively solve the transmission rate allocation problem as well as the transmission power allocation problem for multi-layer video transmission. It is demonstrated through simulations that as the wireless channel conditions change, these proposed schemes can scale the video streams and transport the scaled video streams to receivers with a smooth change of perceptual quality

    Three-Dimensional Wavelet Coding of Video with Global Motion Compensation

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    Three-dimensional (2D+T) wavelet coding of video using SPIHT has been shown to outperform standard predictive video coders on complex high-motion sequences, and is competitive with standard predictive video coders on simple low-motion sequences. However, on a number of typical moderate-motion sequences characterized by largely rigid motions, 3D SPIHT performs several dB worse than motion-compensated predictive coders, because it is does not take advantage of the real physical motion underlying the scene. In this paper, we introduce global motion compensation for 3D subband video coders, and find .5--2 dB gain on sequences with dominant background motion. Our approach is a hybrid of video coding based on sprites, or mosaics, and subband coding. 1 Introduction Motion compensated predictive video coders have been highly successful since their introduction in the '70s. Today they are quickly being deployed commercially in the form of the standards H.261/3 and MPEG-1/2/4. However..

    Codificação de vídeo: priorização do menor custo de codificação na otimização em taxa-distorção

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2009.O presente trabalho propõe duas novas estratégias para compressão de sinais de vídeo através de algoritmos otimizados em taxa-distorção (RD), focando aplicações típicas de vídeo digital para operação em baixas taxas de bits. As estratégias propostas são implementadas em um codificador de vídeo baseado no padrão H.264, o qual apresenta uma alta complexidade computacional devido principalmente ao grande número de modos de codificação disponível. São apresentadas duas propostas de redução da complexidade, mantendo o desempenho RD próximo àquele do codificador H.264 otimizado em RD usando busca exaustiva. A primeira proposta (denominada rate sorting and truncation - RST) realiza o ordenamento tanto dos vetores de movimento (VMs) quanto dos modos de codificação em ordem ascendente de taxa de bits. O processo de codificação é interrompido quando a taxa de bits dos novos VMs e modos de codificação exceder à menor taxa já obtida para um pré-estabelecido nível de qualidade de imagem. Assim, um grande número de VMs e diversos modos de codificação são descartados antes que sejam avaliados. A segunda proposta consiste em um algoritmo rápido, baseado no perfil de distribuição de vetores do codificador H.264, para estimação de movimento (denominado logarithmic diamond shape search - LDSS). O uso da estratégia RST associada ao algoritmo LDSS reduz até 98% a carga computacional com perda marginal de desempenho RD.This research work proposes two new video compression strategies, aiming at typical low bit rate video applications using rate-distortion (RD) optimized algorithms. The proposed strategies are implemented on an H.264 video encoder, which has high computational complexity due mainly to the large number of coding modes available. Two approaches are presented for reducing the encoder computational complexity, maintaining the RD performance close to the full search RD optimized H.264 encoder. The first approach (termed rate sorting and truncation - RST) is based on sorting the motion vectors (MVs) and coding modes in an ascending rate order. This sorting and encoding process, which is stopped when the rate value exceeds the previous best rate for a required image quality level, allows the elimination of MVs and coding modes before checking their distortion. Apart from obtaining a significant complexity reduction, the process still remains optimized in RD sense. The second approach is an algorithm (termed logarithmic diamond shape search - LDSS), which explores the MVs distribution profile for the RD optimized H.264 encoder. The use of the RST strategy associated with LDSS algorithm yields up to a 98% reduction in the computational burden, with insignificant RD performance loss

    Signalanalyse-Verfahren zur Segmentierung von Multimediadaten

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    Im Rahmen der Segmentierung sollten Objekte in digitalen Bildern und (medizinischen) Volumendaten vom Hintergrund abgegrenzt werden. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt darauf, ein Bild geeigneten Transformationen zu unterziehen, um die Segmentierung so zuverlässlich wie möglich zu machen. Insbesondere wird die Eignung unterschiedlicher Transformationen analysiert und zu Erkenntnissen aus der mathematischen Statistik in Bezug gesetzt

    High ratio wavelet video compression through real-time rate-distortion estimation.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.The success of the wavelet transform in the compression of still images has prompted an expanding effort to exercise this transform in the compression of video. Most existing video compression methods incorporate techniques from still image compression, such techniques being abundant, well defined and successful. This dissertation commences with a thorough review and comparison of wavelet still image compression techniques. Thereafter an examination of wavelet video compression techniques is presented. Currently, the most effective video compression system is the DCT based framework, thus a comparison between these and the wavelet techniques is also given. Based on this review, this dissertation then presents a new, low-complexity, wavelet video compression scheme. Noting from a complexity study that the generation of temporally decorrelated, residual frames represents a significant computational burden, this scheme uses the simplest such technique; difference frames. In the case of local motion, these difference frames exhibit strong spatial clustering of significant coefficients. A simple spatial syntax is created by splitting the difference frame into tiles. Advantage of the spatial clustering may then be taken by adaptive bit allocation between the tiles. This is the central idea of the method. In order to minimize the total distortion of the frame, the scheme uses the new p-domain rate-distortion estimation scheme with global numerical optimization to predict the optimal distribution of bits between tiles. Thereafter each tile is independently wavelet transformed and compressed using the SPIHT technique. Throughout the design process computational efficiency was the design imperative, thus leading to a real-time, software only, video compression scheme. The scheme is finally compared to both the current video compression standards and the leading wavelet schemes from the literature in terms of computational complexity visual quality. It is found that for local motion scenes the proposed algorithm executes approximately an order of magnitude faster than these methods, and presents output of similar quality. This algorithm is found to be suitable for implementation in mobile and embedded devices due to its moderate memory and computational requirements