4 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for Neumann problems of second order impulsive differential equations

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    This work is concerned with the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for Neumann boundary value problems of second order impulsive differential equations. The result is obtained by using a fixed point theorem of generalized concave operators

    Existence and nonexistence results for second-order Neumann boundary value problem

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    In this paper some existence and nonexistence results for positive solutions are obtained for second-order boundary value problem <CENTER>-u"+Mu=f(t,u),    t∈(0,1) </CENTER>with Neumann boundary conditions <CENTER>u'(0)=u'(1)=0, </CENTER>where M>0,  f∈<B>C</B>([0,1]×<B>R</B><SUP>+</SUP>, <B>R</B><SUP>+</SUP>). By making use of fixed point index theory in cones, some new results are obtained