5,739 research outputs found

    Language and thought are not the same thing: evidence from neuroimaging and neurological patients

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    Is thought possible without language? Individuals with global aphasia, who have almost no ability to understand or produce language, provide a powerful opportunity to find out. Surprisingly, despite their near-total loss of language, these individuals are nonetheless able to add and subtract, solve logic problems, think about another person's thoughts, appreciate music, and successfully navigate their environments. Further, neuroimaging studies show that healthy adults strongly engage the brain's language areas when they understand a sentence, but not when they perform other nonlinguistic tasks such as arithmetic, storing information in working memory, inhibiting prepotent responses, or listening to music. Together, these two complementary lines of evidence provide a clear answer: many aspects of thought engage distinct brain regions from, and do not depend on, language

    Developmental differences in the control of action selection by social information

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    Our everyday actions are often performed in the context of a social interaction. We previously showed that, in adults, selecting an action on the basis of either social or symbolic cues was associated with activations in the fronto-parietal cognitive control network, whereas the presence and use of social versus symbolic cues was in addition associated with activations in the temporal and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) social brain network. Here we investigated developmental changes in these two networks. Fourteen adults (21–30 years of age) and 14 adolescents (11–16 years) followed instructions to move objects in a set of shelves. Interpretation of the instructions was conditional on the point of view of a visible “director” or the meaning of a symbolic cue (Director Present vs. Director Absent) and the number of potential referent objects in the shelves (3-object vs. 1-object). 3-object trials elicited increased fronto-parietal and temporal activations, with greater left lateral prefrontal cortex and parietal activations in adults than adolescents. Social versus symbolic information led to activations in superior dorsal MPFC, precuneus, and along the superior/middle temporal sulci. Both dorsal MPFC and left temporal clusters exhibited a Director × Object interaction, with greater activation when participants needed to consider the directors' viewpoints. This effect differed with age in dorsal MPFC. Adolescents showed greater activation whenever social information was present, whereas adults showed greater activation only when the directors' viewpoints were relevant to task performance. This study thus shows developmental differences in domain-general and domain-specific PFC activations associated with action selection in a social interaction context

    The neural representation of mental beliefs held by two agents

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    Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that mentalizing about false beliefs held by other people recruits the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). However, earlier work was limited to a single agent that held a false belief. We investigated the effect of two agents that held similar or mixed false and/or true beliefs. Participants saw animated stories with two smurfs holding true or false beliefs (Story phase). At the end of each trial, they were requested to take the perspective of the self or one of the smurfs (Question phase). We predicted that an increasing number of smurfs holding a false belief would increase activation in the TPJ when participants have to report the belief of the smurf, because the incongruent belief should have a stronger influence if it is held by two compared with one agent. This prediction was confirmed as activation in the TPJ during the Story and Question phase increased when more smurfs held a false belief. Taking the perspective of the self led to stronger activation of the TPJ in the two conditions that involved a true belief and weakest activation in the condition of two false beliefs. These data suggest that activation in TPJ depends on the perspective participants take, and that the number of agents holding a false belief influences activation in the TPJ only when taking the agent's perspective

    Cooperation and Deception Recruit Different Subsets of the Theory-of-Mind Network

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    The term “theory of mind” (ToM) describes an evolved psychological mechanism that is necessary to represent intentions and expectations in social interaction. It is thus involved in determining the proclivity of others to cooperate or defect. While in cooperative settings between two parties the intentions and expectations of the protagonists match, they diverge in deceptive scenarios, in which one protagonist is intentionally manipulated to hold a false belief about the intention of the other. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm using cartoons showing social interactions (including the outcome of the interaction) between two or three story characters, respectively, we sought to determine those brain areas of the ToM network involved in reasoning about cooperative versus deceptive interactions. Healthy volunteers were asked to reflect upon the protagonists' intentions and expectations in cartoons depicting cooperation, deception or a combination of both, where two characters cooperated to deceive a third. Reasoning about the mental states of the story characters yielded substantial differences in activation patterns: both deception and cooperation activated bilateral temporoparietal junction, parietal and cingulate regions, while deception alone additionally recruited orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal regions. These results indicate an important role for prefrontal cortex in processing a mismatch between a character's intention and another's expectations as required in complex social interactions

    Systematic Comparison of Brain Imaging Meta-Analyses of ToM with vPT

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    Relationship between Social Cognition, Language, Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind Ability in High-Functioning Autism

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    Whereas it is generally accepted that individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have deficits in theory of mind, or the ability to understand that other people have thoughts and to infer or predict what those thoughts might be, the relationship of this deficit to other aspects of ASD is still debated. This study examined the relationship between measures of social cognition, language, and the specific executive functions of working memory and cognitive flexibility, and measures of ToM using a large sample of 272 children and adults with high-functioning autism (HFA). The results of a series of hierarchical linear regression models indicated that the strongest relationship occurred between a general measure of language ability (Verbal IQ) and two different measures of ToM. In both children and adults with ASD, ToM abilities appear to be related to overall language abilities rather than a more generalized ability in social cognition or executive function

    Contributions of Human Prefrontal Cortex to the Recogitation of Thought

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    Human beings have a unique ability to not only verbally articulate past and present experiences, as well as potential future ones, but also evaluate the mental representations of such things. Some evaluations do little good, in that they poorly reflect facts, create needless emotional distress, and contribute to the obstruction of personal goals, whereas some evaluations are the converse: They are grounded in logic, empiricism, and pragmatism and, therefore, are functional rather than dysfunctional. The aim of non-pharmacological mental health interventions is to revise dysfunctional thoughts into more adaptive, healthier ones; however, the neurocognitive mechanisms driving cognitive change have hitherto remained unclear. Therefore, this thesis examines the role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in this aspect of human higher cognition using the relatively new method of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Chapter 1 advances recogitation as the mental ability on which cognitive restructuring largely depends, concluding that, as a cognitive task, it is a form of open-ended human problem-solving that uses metacognitive and reasoning faculties. Because these faculties share similar executive resources, Chapter 2 discusses the systems in the brain involved in controlled information processing, specifically the nature of executive functions and their neural bases. Chapter 3 builds on these ideas to propose an information-processing model of recogitation, which predicts the roles of different subsystems localized within the PFC and elsewhere in the context of emotion regulation. This chapter also highlights several theoretical and empirical challenges to investigating this neurocognitive theory and proposes some solutions, such as to use experimental designs that are more ecologically valid. Chapter 4 focuses on a neuroimaging method that is best suited to investigating questions of spatial localization in ecological experiments, namely functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Chapter 5 then demonstrates a novel approach to investigating the neural bases of interpersonal interactions in clinical settings using fNIRS. Chapter 6 explores physical activity as a ‘bottom-up’ approach to upregulating the PFC, in that it might help clinical populations with executive deficits to regulate their mental health from the ‘top-down’. Chapter 7 addresses some of the methodological issues of investigating clinical interactions and physical activity in more naturalistic settings by assessing an approach to recovering functional events from observed brain data. Chapter 8 draws several conclusions about the role of the PFC in improving psychological as well as physiological well-being, particularly that rostral PFC is inextricably involved in the cognitive effort to modulate dysfunctional thoughts, and proposes some important future directions for ecological research in cognitive neuroscience; for example, psychotherapy is perhaps too physically stagnant, so integrating exercise into treatment environments might boost the effectiveness of intervention strategies

    Anatomical and behavioural correlates of emotion-induced social decision-making

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    2Abstract This thesis explored the behavioural and neural processes associated with the effect of sympathy and anger on socio-economic decision-making. Experiment 1 showed the defection rate decrease in sympathy and increase in anger compared to the neutral condition in the Prisoner’s Dilemma and the Trust Game. Experiment 2 revealed that block and event-related designs have the same effect on defection over the three emotion conditions in the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Experiment 3 indicated that direct, but not displaced, emotion group participants’ defection rate replicated the finding of Experiment 1. Additionally, cognitive inhibition showed a consistent pattern over three experiments; while in the Prisoner’s Dilemma low cognitive inhibition participants’ defection decreased in sympathy and increased in anger compared to neutral, high cognitive inhibitors’ defection was similar across conditions. Yet, cognitive flexibility (Experiment 3) did not affect participants’ defection rate. Similarly, Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 found that defection rate in the Prisoner’s Dilemma was modulated by expressive suppression, but not cognitive reappraisal; low expressive suppression participants were defecting more in the anger and less in the sympathy compared to the neutral condition. The fMRI analysis in Experiment 4 showed increased left amygdala activation while defecting in the sympathy condition and decreased putamen activation while cooperating in the anger condition. These areas are possibly necessary to overcome the emotion driven impulses to cooperate in the sympathy and defect in the anger conditions. Finally, Experiment 5 revealed that vmPFC patients’ accuracy decreased from neutral to emotional exclusive disjunction trials, while parietal lobe and normal controls showed a reversed pattern signifying vmPFC’s role while making decisions under emotion. The combination of these findings highlights the importance of individual difference and the role of the amygdala, putamen and prefrontal cortex in socio-economic decision-making under emotion. However, alternative interpretations cannot be ruled out without further investigation
