5 research outputs found

    Low-power Renewable Possibilities for Geothermal IoT Monitoring Systems

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    Nowadays, humanity is facing a difficult challenge, because of sustainable energy use and production. One of the major ways to solve this problem is the usage of renewable energy as a sustainable and reliable source of electric power and heat. This trend is also obvious in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), where research teams are increasingly focusing on renewable energy and its monitoring with IoT. This paper aims to map current research on the use of the Internet of Things with a special focus on use in geothermal applications. Information concerning renewable geothermal energy sources and individual IoT communication technologies is summarized. A basic Bluetooth iBeacon test case is also presented.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    The advances in the technology of cheap and low power consumption microelectronic components have lead to the expansion of wireless technologies in the past two decades. One of the most important shortcomings of all wireless devices, including sensor ones, are limited energy resources. This paper reviews common mechanism of energy harvesting and energy scavenging, which draw power from the environment to feed the energy reserves in wireless sensor networks. They include conversion of the energy of electromagnetic waves, vibrations and heat.Razvoj jeftinih mikroelektronskih komponenti niske potrošnje uslovio je ekspanziju bežičnih tehnologija u zadnje dve dekade. Jedna od glavnih mana svih bežičnih uređaja, uključujući senzorske, jesu ograničeni energetski resursi. U ovom radu opisani su uobičajeni mehanizmi koji se koriste u „energy harvesting“ i „energy scavenging“ procedurama, kojima se snaga iz okoline koristi za dopunjavanje energetskih rezervi u bežičnim senzorskim mrežama. Oni uključuju konverziju energije elektromagnetskih talasa, vibracija i toplote

    Energy harvesting effect on prolonging low-power lossy networks lifespan

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    Low-power lossy networks performance relies heavily on the wireless node battery status. Furthermore, Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network routing protocol was not optimally designed with sustainable energy consumption in mind to suit these networks. Prolonging the lifespan of these networks is of utmost priority. This article introduces a solar energy harvesting module to power energy-constrained network devices and quantifies the effect of using harvested energy on prolonging their network lifetime when Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network routing protocol is used. Simulation of the new developed module is conducted in three different scenarios using Contiki Cooja simulator sporting Zolertia Z1 motes. Furthermore, the harvested energy used was fed from a Cooja-based Simulation model of actual PV supercapacitor circuit design. All battery levels were set to 1% of their total capacity for all nodes in the network to speed up observing the energy harvesting effect. The performance evaluation results showed that the network with no-energy harvesting operated for time duration of 4:08:04 time units (i.e. hour:minute:second) with a dramatic decrease in connection between nodes in the network. However, the same network, when using the harvested energy to back up the battery operation, lasted for 6:40:01 in time units with improved connectivity, a total extended network lifetime of 2:31:97-time units. Furthermore, for the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network routing metrics, OF0 outperformed ETX in term of throughput, packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, and network connectivity. Results indicate that the developed harvested energy module fits perfectly for any Cooja-based simulation and mimics actual photovoltaic-based supercapacitor battery. It should also help researchers introduce and quantify accurately new energy consumption-based routing metrics for Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network

    Energy harvesting technologies and devices from vehicular transit and natural sources on roads for a sustainable transport: state-of-the-art analysis and commercial solutions

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    The roads we travel daily are exposed to several energy sources (mechanical load, solar radiation, heat, air movement, etc.), which can be exploited to make common systems and apparatus for roadways (i.e., lighting, video surveillance, and traffic monitoring systems) energetically autonomous. For decades, research groups have developed many technologies able to scavenge energy from the said sources related to roadways: electromagnetism, piezoelectric and triboelectric harvesters for the cars’ stress and vibrations, photovoltaic modules for sunlight, thermoelectric solutions and pyroelectric materials for heat and wind turbines optimized for low-speed winds, such as the ones produced by moving vehicles. Thus, this paper explores the existing technologies for scavenging energy from sources available on roadways, both natural and related to vehicular transit. At first, to contextualize them within the application scenario, the available energy sources and transduction mechanisms were identified and described, arguing the main requirements that must be considered for developing harvesters applicable on roadways. Afterward, an overview of energy harvesting solutions presented in the scientific literature to recover energy from roadways is introduced, classifying them according to the transduction method (i.e., piezoelectric, triboelectric, electromagnetic, photovoltaic, etc.) and proposed system architecture. Later, a survey of commercial systems available on the market for scavenging energy from roadways is introduced, focusing on their architecture, performance, and installation methods. Lastly, comparative analyses are offered for each device category (i.e., scientific works and commercial products), providing insights to identify the most promising solutions and technologies for developing future self-sustainable smart roads

    Thermal Energy Harvesting WSNs Node for Temperature Monitoring in IIoT

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    As the backbone of industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generally powered by batteries with limited energy, which constrain the continuous operations of WSNs and IIoT. Energy harvesting is a promising solution for this problem. Industrial plants have many hot pipelines or walls, and the temperature is one of the critical parameters to be monitored in industrial processes. This paper developed a novel thermal energy harvesting WSN node for temperature monitoring in IIoT. The feasibility of the presented self-powered WSN node is experimentally verified for a range of different sleep periods of the device. These results demonstrate that the designed boost circuit has an energy conversion rate of about 27%, and the proposed thermal energy harvester is able to indefinitely power a commercial WSN node when the sleep period of the device exceeds 16 s, which represents a duty cycle of 5.4%