6 research outputs found

    Development and validation of web-based STEAM online platform to improve learning quality in pre-service chemistry teachers

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    STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) learning is design to promote student’s interest in learning chemistry. Integration STEAM into chemistry learning is often seen as a challenge, such as not familiar and lack of knowledge on STEAM in chemistry. Coping, for this reason, a web-based STEAM online platform was designed. This paper reports the use of design-based research (DBR) to develop a web-based STEAM online platform. The paper focuses on two studies that step on the development and validation of the platform. In an attempt to implement theoretically designed learning environments in real-world classrooms, DBR was employed as an overarching framework of inquiry. The two cycles of DBR inquiry provide deep insights into the platform’s readability, comprehensibility, and feasibility. The implementation of the framework is specified along with further implications for researchers and practitionersPeer Reviewe


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    Internationalization has become a trend in Indonesian higher education for late decades. Indonesian universities are competing to implement the internationalization program in various ways. However, internationalization programs at Islamic universities are often translated differently depending on the philosophy underlying the university, the leadership implemented in the university and the available resources. One of the internationalization programs upheld in the Islamic university is student mobility including inbound and outbound that can be an entrance to the development of the international programs. Student mobility programs seem to be strategic in strengthening relations among universities in this global era. In addition, this can be the first step in the internationalization of higher education institutions. Each university has its uniqueness and excellency so that this uniqueness can be used as a characteristic for a university in conducting the student mobility program. In this disruption era its very important to let students study from the real experience of global challenge. This article presents the concept of Islamic world view in the formulation of the strategy of internationalization of Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA). There are two major points addressed in this article. First is related to the Islamic philosophy employed in the university. It starts from how Islamic philosophy is carried out in student mobility program and how it has been practiced in the global context. Technically this concept is reflected in the process of preparing the nominated students, equalizing the curriculum and recruiting prospective student mobility programs. Second is related to the challenge and opportunities for student mobility as the internationalization strategy. This study about student mobility as an internationalization strategy began in 2015- 2018 by taking two countries, Netherland and Korea, for inbound and outbound programs. The consideration of taking these two cases is to represent the characteristics (though not all) of the European and Asian regions. That the internationalization process is not only formed by sending Indonesian students abroad but also the acceptance of overseas students in Indonesia. Foreign partner students must also understand that being international does not only mean going or going to "west." However, other countries other than the US, Europe, and Australia are essential parts that shape the International itself. Keywords: Internationalization, student mobility, international cooperation, globalization

    Theory of Digital Natives in the Light of Current and Future E-Learning Concepts

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    The digital generation has many names: Net Generation, Generation@ or Digital Natives. The meaning behind these terms is, that the current generation of students is digitally and media literate, technology-savvy and are able to use other learning approaches than former generations. But these topics are discussed controversial and even the cause-effect-relationship is not as clear as it seems. Did the digital generation really have other learning approaches, or do they have only the possibility to live other learning modes? Against this background this article tries to shed some light on this debate. Therefore we use current and future projects performed at RWTH Aachen University to illustrate the relevance, value and significance due to the theory of the digital natives

    Theory of Digital Natives in the Light of Current and Future E-Learning Concepts

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    The digital generation has many names: Net Generation, Generation@ or Digital Natives. The meaning behind these terms is, that the current generation of students is digitally and media literate, technology-savvy and are able to use other learning approaches than former generations. But these topics are discussed controversial and even the cause-effect-relationship is not as clear as it seems. Did the digital generation really have other learning approaches, or do they have only the possibility to live other learning modes? Against this background this article tries to shed some light on this debate. Therefore we use current and future projects performed at RWTH Aachen University to illustrate the relevance, value and significance due to the theory of the digital natives

    Theory of Digital Natives in the Light of Current and Future E-Learning Concepts

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    The digital generation has many names: Net Generation, Generation@ or Digital Natives. The meaning behind these terms is, that the current generation of students is digitally and media literate, technology-savvy and are able to use other learning approaches than former generations. But these topics are discussed controversial and even the cause-effect-relationship is not as clear as it seems. Did the digital generation really have other learning approaches, or do they have only the possibility to live other learning modes? Against this background this article tries to shed some light on this debate. Therefore we use current and future projects performed at RWTH Aachen University to illustrate the relevance, value and significance due to the theory of the digital natives

    Elearning model for supporting ict competencies development of employees in education

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    Doktorska disertacija razvija nastavni model za elektronsko učenje preko Interneta namenjen razvoju informaciono-komunikacionih kompetencija nastavnika u osnovnim i srednjim školama i drugih zaposlenih u obrazovanju. Informaciono-komunikacione kompetencije nastavnika i drugih zaposlenih u obrazovanju su veoma važne za obrazovni i ekonomski sistem i potrebno je omogućiti njihovo sticanje, unapređivanje i upotrebu u obrazovanju zbog njihovog uticaja na promenu stavova prema obrazovnoj tehnologiji. Za potrebe doktorske disertacije urađeno je pedagoško istraživanje u novembru 2014. godine, sa dve grupe ispitanika, kontrolnom i eksperimentalnom grupom. Istraživanje je u potpunosti sprovedeno preko veb portala: www.azomjns.com/moodle. Uticaj predloženog nastavnog modela za e-učenje "5 koraka" na razvoj kompetencija kod zaposlenih u obrazovanju za kreiranje multimedijalnih prezentacija za nastavu, pokazao je bolje rezultate u odnosu na uticaj klasičnog modela za e-učenje "Isporuka sadržaja". Ponuđeni nastavni model "5 koraka" može se primeniti na različite uzrasne grupe i nastavne predmete što otvara mogućnosti za dalja istraživanja.The thesis develops a model of online e-Learning for improving information and communication competencies  of teachers and other employees in primary and secondary education. Information and communication competencies of employees in education are of great importance to the educational and economic system. We must enable their acquisition, improvement and use in education because they change attitudes towards educational technology. For this purpose, the main pedagogical research was carried out in November 2014, with two groups of respondents: a control and an experimental group. The research was conducted entirely online through the web portal: www.azomjns.com/moodle. The impact of the proposed '5-step' teaching e-learning model on the development of competencies of employees in education in creating teaching multimedia presentations showed better results than the classical model of e-learning, viz. 'learning by distributing'. The offered '5-step' teaching model can be adapted to different age groups and subjects, which opens up possibilities for further research