16,628 research outputs found

    Theoretical evaluation of XML retrieval

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    This thesis develops a theoretical framework to evaluate XML retrieval. XML retrieval deals with retrieving those document parts that specifically answer a query. It is concerned with using the document structure to improve the retrieval of information from documents by only delivering those parts of a document an information need is about. We define a theoretical evaluation methodology based on the idea of `aboutness' and apply it to XML retrieval models. Situation Theory is used to express the aboutness proprieties of XML retrieval models. We develop a dedicated methodology for the evaluation of XML retrieval and apply this methodology to five XML retrieval models and other XML retrieval topics such as evaluation methodologies, filters and experimental results

    Theoretical evaluation of XML retrieval

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    Evaluation Metrics

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    An evaluation metric is used to evaluate the effectiveness of information retrieval systems and to justify theoretical and/or pragmatical developments of these systems. It consists of a set of measures that follow a common underlying evaluation methodology. There are many metrics that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of semi-structured text (XML) retrieval systems. These metrics are based on different evaluation assumptions, incorporate different hypotheses of the expected user behaviour, and implement their own evaluation methodologies to handle the level of overlap among the XML information units

    A document management methodology based on similarity contents

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    The advent of the WWW and distributed information systems have made it possible to share documents between different users and organisations. However, this has created many problems related to the security, accessibility, right and most importantly the consistency of documents. It is important that the people involved in the documents management process have access to the most up-to-date version of documents, retrieve the correct documents and should be able to update the documents repository in such a way that his or her document are known to others. In this paper we propose a method for organising, storing and retrieving documents based on similarity contents. The method uses techniques based on information retrieval, document indexation and term extraction and indexing. This methodology is developed for the E-Cognos project which aims at developing tools for the management and sharing of documents in the construction domain

    Approximative filtering of XML documents in a publish/subscribe system

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    Publish/subscribe systems filter published documents and inform their subscribers about documents matching their interests. Recent systems have focussed on documents or messages sent in XML format. Subscribers have to be familiar with the underlying XML format to create meaningful subscriptions. A service might support several providers with slightly differing formats, e.g., several publishers of books. This makes the definition of a successful subscription almost impossible. This paper proposes the use of an approximative language for subscriptions. We introduce the design of our ApproXFilter algorithm for approximative filtering in a publish/subscribe system. We present the results of our performance analysis of a prototypical implementation

    Dublin City University video track experiments for TREC 2002

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    Dublin City University participated in the Feature Extraction task and the Search task of the TREC-2002 Video Track. In the Feature Extraction task, we submitted 3 features: Face, Speech, and Music. In the Search task, we developed an interactive video retrieval system, which incorporated the 40 hours of the video search test collection and supported user searching using our own feature extraction data along with the donated feature data and ASR transcript from other Video Track groups. This video retrieval system allows a user to specify a query based on the 10 features and ASR transcript, and the query result is a ranked list of videos that can be further browsed at the shot level. To evaluate the usefulness of the feature-based query, we have developed a second system interface that provides only ASR transcript-based querying, and we conducted an experiment with 12 test users to compare these 2 systems. Results were submitted to NIST and we are currently conducting further analysis of user performance with these 2 systems

    Moa and the multi-model architecture: a new perspective on XNF2

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    Advanced non-traditional application domains such as geographic information systems and digital library systems demand advanced data management support. In an effort to cope with this demand, we present the concept of a novel multi-model DBMS architecture which provides evaluation of queries on complexly structured data without sacrificing efficiency. A vital role in this architecture is played by the Moa language featuring a nested relational data model based on XNF2, in which we placed renewed interest. Furthermore, extensibility in Moa avoids optimization obstacles due to black-box treatment of ADTs. The combination of a mapping of queries on complexly structured data to an efficient physical algebra expression via a nested relational algebra, extensibility open to optimization, and the consequently better integration of domain-specific algorithms, makes that the Moa system can efficiently and effectively handle complex queries from non-traditional application domains
