225,033 research outputs found

    Logical Specification and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Systems through Partial Model Checking

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    This paper presents a framework for a logical characterisation of fault tolerance and its formal analysis based on partial model checking techniques. The framework requires a fault tolerant system to be modelled using a formal calculus, here the CCS process algebra. To this aim we propose a uniform modelling scheme in which to specify a formal model of the system, its failing behaviour and possibly its fault-recovering procedures. Once a formal model is provided into our scheme, fault tolerance - with respect to a given property - can be formalized as an equational Āµ-calculus formula. This formula expresses in a logic formalism, all the fault scenarios satisfying that fault tolerance property. Such a characterisation understands the analysis of fault tolerance as a form of analysis of open systems and thank to partial model checking strategies, it can be made independent on any particular fault assumption. Moreover this logical characterisation makes possible the fault-tolerance verification problem be expressed as a general Āµ-calculus validation problem, for solving which many theorem proof techniques and tools are available. We present several analysis methods showing the flexibility of our approach

    A Morphology of Theories of Emergence

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    ā€œEmergenceā€ ā€“ the notion of novel, unpredictable and irreducible properties developing out of complex organisational entities ā€“ is itself a complex, multi-dimensional concept. To date there is no single, generally agreed upon ā€œtheory of emergenceā€, but instead a number of different approaches and perspectives. Neither is there a common conceptual or meta-theoretical framework by which to systematically identify, exemplify and compare different ā€œtheoriesā€. Building upon earlier work done by sociologist Kenneth Bailey, this article presents a method for creating such a framework, and outlines the conditions for a collaborative effort in order to carry out such a task. A brief historical and theoretical background is given both to the concept of ā€œemergenceā€ and to the non-quantified modelling method General Morphological Analysis (GMA)

    Trains, tails and loops of partially adsorbed semi-flexible filaments

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    Polymer adsorption is a fundamental problem in statistical mechanics that has direct relevance to diverse disciplines ranging from biological lubrication to stability of colloidal suspensions. We combine experiments with computer simulations to investigate depletion induced adsorption of semi-flexible polymers onto a hard-wall. Three dimensional filament configurations of partially adsorbed F-actin polymers are visualized with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. This information is used to determine the location of the adsorption/desorption transition and extract the statistics of trains, tails and loops of partially adsorbed filament configurations. In contrast to long flexible filaments which primarily desorb by the formation of loops, the desorption of stiff, finite-sized filaments is largely driven by fluctuating filament tails. Simulations quantitatively reproduce our experimental data and allow us to extract universal laws that explain scaling of the adsorption-desorption transition with relevant microscopic parameters. Our results demonstrate how the adhesion strength, filament stiffness, length, as well as the configurational space accessible to the desorbed filament can be used to design the characteristics of filament adsorption and thus engineer properties of composite biopolymeric materials

    Modeling the power consumption of a Wifibot and studying the role of communication cost in operation time

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    Mobile robots are becoming part of our every day living at home, work or entertainment. Due to their limited power capabilities, the development of new energy consumption models can lead to energy conservation and energy efficient designs. In this paper, we carry out a number of experiments and we focus on the motors power consumption of a specific robot called Wifibot. Based on the experimentation results, we build models for different speed and acceleration levels. We compare the motors power consumption to other robot running modes. We, also, create a simple robot network scenario and we investigate whether forwarding data through a closer node could lead to longer operation times. We assess the effect energy capacity, traveling distance and data rate on the operation time

    Developed Algorithm for Increasing the Efficiency of Data Exchange in a Computer Network

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    This paper presents specialized means to analyze, model and research of data exchange in large-scale corporate computer network. Due to extreme complexity of corporate intranet networks and the internet has resulted in the apparent difficulties in the development of an analytical model. Thus, under these circumstances, simulation models became viable alternative to comprehend the behavior of these complex networks during data exchange. This research work examined the mode of data exchange since its perfection allows in many cases to obtain a considerable improvement of the network and also the network application performance without substantial additional expenditure. Hence, the need for this developed algorithm for increasing the efficiency of data exchange in a computer network and the appropriate topology that suite this case. Test results from the algorithm showed an average of 10 to 15% increase and occasionally 60% and above increase in data exchange efficiency without additional expenses

    On Macroscopic Complexity and Perceptual Coding

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    The theoretical limits of 'lossy' data compression algorithms are considered. The complexity of an object as seen by a macroscopic observer is the size of the perceptual code which discards all information that can be lost without altering the perception of the specified observer. The complexity of this macroscopically observed state is the simplest description of any microstate comprising that macrostate. Inference and pattern recognition based on macrostate rather than microstate complexities will take advantage of the complexity of the macroscopic observer to ignore irrelevant noise

    Demography in a new key

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    The widespread opinion that demography is lacking in theory is based in part on a particular view of the nature of scientific theory, generally known as logical empiricism [or positivism]. A newer school of philosophy of science, the model-based view, provides a different perspective on demography, one that enhances its status as a scientific discipline. From this perspective, much of formal demography can be seen as a collection of substantive models of population dynamics [how populations and cohorts behave], in short, theoretical knowledge. And many theories in behavioural demography - often discarded as too old or too simplistic - can be seen as perfectly good scientific theory, useful for many purposes, although often in need of more rigorous statement.demographic models, demographic theory, methodology, philosophy of science, population theory, the structure of demographic knowledge
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