11,491 research outputs found

    Теократизм як світогляд, ідеологія та форма організації суспільно-політичного буття

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    У статті розглянуто феномен формування світогляду теократії-деспотії та теократії-Софії. Показано маніпулятивні та владно-домінантні тенденції теократії. Розкрито механізми формування суспільного світогляду на основі теократичних пріоритетів.The phenomenon of forming world outlook theocracy-despotism and theocracy-wisdom is considered. The manipulated and power-dominant theocracy tendencies are shown. The forming mechanisms of social world outlook basing on the theocracy priorities are exposed

    Between Liberalism and Theocracy

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    Our symposium conveners have focused us on “the relationship between liberalism and Christianity and their influence on American constitutionalism.” My objective is to complicate the relationship and reorient the influence. The focus of my inquiry is the liberty of conscience and its implications for the relationship between church and state. By approaching these issues through the lens of political theology (as distinct from either political or constitutional theory), hope to show that some of the most significant embodiments of conscience in the American colonies can neither be squared with an individualistic liberalism (as some on the left are prone to do) nor appropriated in the service of arguments that collapse the distinction between church and state (as some on the right are prone to do).I have in mind the political practices of Roger Williams and William Penn. Both are important figures in American political thought, both were known to many of the Founders, and both have drawn increased attention in recent scholarship. Both were also deeply theological thinkers—and their political practices cannot be given sense outside of the theological narratives within which those practices arose. My engagement with Williams and Penn is not confined to their arguments. Both men lived out their political practices in an era much different than our own. For this reason, identifying the theological context of Williams and Penn is only a first step. An equally important objective of this essay is to frame the ongoing relevance of their contributions. To this end, I link the theological politics of Williams and Penn to two contemporary theologians, John Howard Yoder and Stanley Hauerwas. I then suggest a way to connect the theological insights of Yoder and Hauerwas back to Williams and Penn through the work of constitutional scholar H. Jefferson Powell. This essay sketches these connections as a roadmap to future work. It is offered as an opening round of what I hope will evolve into an extended discussion about the contribution of these five theological thinkers to our understanding of religious freedom and the intersection of theology, political theory, and law

    Prison Theocracy

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    This research hopes to understand justice by inquiring about control over definitions of justice. Further questions also include if and how justice works in America’ criminal justice system; who does it define as inclusive/exclusive to society; and how does the system and those who run it choose to protect inclusive members of society? Examples of the Prison Industrial Complex- such as mass incarceration and police brutality- exist as proof that American facilities of law & order lack justice in equity for all its citizen. Both religious and non-religious based grassroots organizations have developed instrumental changes that push to reform and reshape the system to be inclusive with the goal of redefining and actualizing justice. Still, there are more incomprehensible troubles to come in the inevitable gaps of whatever system replaces the current. This framework supplies an avenue for critical analysis for the current criminal justice system and how it impacts its citizens by utilizing current experiences of organizers in the Prison Abolition Movement. Further, this research critically frames organizers’ efforts in the Prison Abolition Movement to acknowledge potential how their aims at a new system can affect the future definitions of justice

    The theocratic basis of John Calvin's social philosophy

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe main emphasis of the thesis is the importance of theocracy as a form of government. This is studied in the light of God's universal sovereignty as Calvin understands it in the word "delegation." This is different in form from the ideas of: "pure" theocracy - the sole rule of God, or "incarnate" theocracy - the presence of a ruler descended from a divine being; in that it is ordained, empowered, appointed by God and universal in concept even though different in form. The method of study is that of studying basic doctrines of each position; analyzing the particular governmental form; and finally, contrasting Calvin's position with the Old Testament, Aquinas' monarchical and Locke's democratic theocracies. [TRUNCATED

    Lecture Seven: The Forces Without the Theocracy

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    This lecture addresses three issues that began to undermine the Theocracy. First was the question of regeneration and baptism. Second was the arrival of members from other faiths, initially the Church of England: Third was the treatment of heretics, particularly Quakers, under the Theocracy. The primary downloadable document contains the original document followed by the transcription. The bottom of each item page also features the primary document as an embedded pdf for browsing. Transcription by Davis Baird. Item description based off writing and context provided by Davis Baird.https://commons.clarku.edu/history_manuscripts_2/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Islamic republic of Iran and Its Opposition

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    This paper takes a stylized paradoxical fact of Iranian politics under the Islamic Republic of Iran as its starting point: the stark confusion between the position and a good portion of the opposition. Such a blurred frontier between 'position' and 'opposition' did not exist during the Shah's regime. Without the decisive support of non-Islamic organizations, secular intellectuals, and political forces on the ground, the creation of a theocratic regime in Iran and its consolidation could not be realized. Now in the thirtieth anniversary of the Islamic Republic, the open opposition of many influential clergies towards the way in which government is run under the present Supreme Leader and President Ahmadinejad, provides a new episode of 'opposition' within the theocrats' circles. To put this paradoxical fact differently, it should be emphasized that no regime in Iran's modern history has produced so much 'opposition' within its own ranks and enjoyed the loyalty of its 'oppositions' at the same time. How could this paradox be explained? Our paper tackles this issue by describing the peculiar type of social order under the Republic Islamic of Iran as ordered anarchy or "destructive coordination". Analysing the sources of this type of coordination, we proceed in two steps. The first is to question whether there has ever been a laic or secular movement in the recent Iranian history. The second consists in defining the institutional setup and recent dynamics of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a strange, if not unique, mutant of Huntington's Praetorian state, led by 'priests' and armed religious militants.secularism, destructive coordination, contradictory orders, parallel institutions, Islamic Republic of Iran

    Vladimir Solovyov\u27s Signposts along the Escatological Path to Goodmanhood

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    The Write Stuff: U.S. Serial Print Culture from Conservatives out to Neo-Nazis

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    Insufficient scholarly attention has been devoted to alternative or "oppositional" serials from the political right, even though a number of scholars have used these materials as primary sources for studies in several academic disciplines. This overview reviews some of the terms used to describe these serials, explores the development of distinct post???WWII right-wing ideologies, and proposes that these serials usefully can be analyzed through a sociological lens as movement literature that both reflects and shapes different sectors through frames and narratives. How oppositional serials can play a role in constructing rhetorical pipelines and echo chambers to take movement grievances and push them into mainstream political policy initiatives is explored. The sectors defined and examined are the secular right, religious right, and xenophobic right. Examples from each sector are provided, with selected periodicals highlighted in detail.published or submitted for publicatio