2 research outputs found

    Publication performance without calculations: an analysis based on the p-index

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    In universities and other research institutions, critical decisions (e.g., hiring, promotions, awards, and research funds allocation) are supported by bibliometric measures. The present study contributes to the literature by proposing a measure of publication performance. Our index (p'-index) takes the p-index suggested by Prathap (2010a,b) as starting point. With a small adjustment in the p-index, we obtain a measure that does not require any form of calculations. We build a table (presented in this study as online appendix) showing the final performance scores for each combination of: (i) total number of papers and (ii) total number of citations. The evidence shows that this new metric is almost perfectly correlated with the p-index (0.999), meaning that we can reach the same conclusions without having to make calculations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new bibliometric index based on the shape of the citation distribution

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    In order to improve the h-index in terms of its accuracy and sensitivity to the form of the citation distribution, we propose the new bibliometric index . The basic idea is to define, for any author with a given number of citations, an “ideal” citation distribution which represents a benchmark in terms of number of papers and number of citations per publication, and to obtain an index which increases its value when the real citation distribution approaches its ideal form. The method is very general because the ideal distribution can be defined differently according to the main objective of the index. In this paper we propose to define it by a “squared-form” distribution: this is consistent with many popular bibliometric indices, which reach their maximum value when the distribution is basically a “square”. This approach generally rewards the more regular and reliable researchers, and it seems to be especially suitable for dealing with common situations such as applications for academic positions. To show the advantages of the -index some mathematical properties are proved and an application to real data is proposed.Web of Science912art. no. e11596