10 research outputs found

    Buffer Overflow Management with Class Segregation

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    We consider a new model for buffer management of network switches with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. A stream of packets, each attributed with a value representing its Class of Service (CoS), arrives over time at a network switch and demands a further transmission. The switch is equipped with multiple queues of limited capacities, where each queue stores packets of one value only. The objective is to maximize the total value of the transmitted packets (i.e., the weighted throughput). We analyze a natural greedy algorithm, GREEDY, which sends in each time step a packet with the greatest value. For general packet values (v1<<vm)(v_1 < \cdots < v_m), we show that GREEDY is (1+r)(1+r)-competitive, where r=max1im1{vi/vi+1}r = \max_{1\le i \le m-1} \{v_i/v_{i+1}\}. Furthermore, we show a lower bound of 2vm/i=1mvi2 - v_m / \sum_{i=1}^m v_i on the competitiveness of any deterministic online algorithm. In the special case of two packet values (1 and α>1\alpha > 1), GREEDY is shown to be optimal with a competitive ratio of (α+2)/(α+1)(\alpha + 2)/(\alpha + 1)

    Comparison-based FIFO buffer management in QoS switches

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    The following online problem arises in network devices, e.g., switches, with quality of service (QoS) guarantees. In each time step, an arbitrary number of packets arrive at a single FIFO buffer and only one packet can be transmitted. Packets may be kept in the buffer of limited size and, due to the FIFO property, the sequence of transmitted packets has to be a subsequence of the arriving packets. The differentiated service concept is implemented by attributing each packet with a non-negative value corresponding to its service level. A buffer management algorithm can reject arriving packets and preempt buffered packets. The goal is to maximize the total value of transmitted packets. We study comparison-based buffer management algorithms, i.e., algorithms that make their decisions based solely on the relative order between packet values with no regard to the actual values. This kind of algorithms proves to be robust in the realm of QoS switches. Kesselman et al. (SIAM J. Comput., 2004) present a comparison-based algorithm that is 2-competitive. For a long time, it has been an open problem whether a comparison-based algorithm exists with a competitive ratio below 2. We present a lower bound of 1 + 1/√2 ≈ 1.707 on the competitive ratio of any deterministic comparison-based algorithm and give an algorithm that matches this lower bound in the case of monotonic sequences, i.e., packets arrive in a non-decreasing order according to their values

    Greedy Algorithms for Multi-Queue Buffer Management with Class Segregation

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    In this paper, we focus on a multi-queue buffer management in which packets of different values are segregated in different queues. Our model consists of m packets values and m queues. Recently, Al-Bawani and Souza (arXiv:1103.6049v2 [cs.DS] 30 Mar 2011) presented an online multi-queue buffer management algorithm Greedy and showed that it is 2-competitive for the general m-valued case, i.e., m packet values are 0 < v_{1} < v_{2} < ... < v_{m}, and (1+v_{1}/v_{2})-competitive for the two-valued case, i.e., two packet values are 0 < v_{1} < v_{2}. For the general m-valued case, let c_i = (v_{i} + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} 2^{j-1} v_{i-j})/(v_{i+1} + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}2^{j-1}v_{i-j}) for 1 \leq i \leq m-1, and let c_{m}^{*} = \max_{i} c_{i}. In this paper, we precisely analyze the competitive ratio of Greedy for the general m-valued case, and show that the algorithm Greedy is (1+c_{m}^{*})-competitive.Comment: 19 page

    Bounded incentives in manipulating the probabilistic serial rule

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    The Probabilistic Serial mechanism is valued for its fairness and efficiency in addressing the random assignment problem. However, it lacks truthfulness, meaning it works well only when agents' stated preferences match their true ones. Significant utility gains from strategic actions may lead self-interested agents to manipulate the mechanism, undermining its practical adoption. To gauge the potential for manipulation, we explore an extreme scenario where a manipulator has complete knowledge of other agents' reports and unlimited computational resources to find their best strategy. We establish tight incentive ratio bounds of the mechanism. Furthermore, we complement these worst-case guarantees by conducting experiments to assess an agent's average utility gain through manipulation. The findings reveal that the incentive for manipulation is very small. These results offer insights into the mechanism's resilience against strategic manipulation, moving beyond the recognition of its lack of incentive compatibility

    Online packet scheduling for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches

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    We consider the problem of online packet scheduling in Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) and buffered crossbar switches. In the widely used CIOQ switches, packet buffers (queues) are placed at both input and output ports. An N×N CIOQ switch has N input ports and N output ports, where each input port is equipped with N queues, each of which corresponds to an output port, and each output port is equipped with only one queue. In each time slot, arbitrarily many packets may arrive at each input port, and only one packet can be transmitted from each output port. Packets are transferred from the queues of input ports to the queues of output ports through the internal fabric. Buffered crossbar switches follow a similar design, but are equipped with additional buffers in their internal fabric. In either model, our goal is to maximize the number or, in case the packets have weights, the total weight of transmitted packets. Our main objective is to devise online algorithms that are both competitive and efficient. We improve the previously known results for both switch models, both for unweighted and weighted packets. For unweighted packets, Kesselman and Rosén (J. Algorithms 60(1):60–83, 2006) give an online algorithm that is 3-competitive for CIOQ switches. We give a faster, more practical algorithm achieving the same competitive ratio. In the buffered crossbar model, we also show 3-competitiveness, improving the previously known ratio of 4. For weighted packets, we give 5.83- and 14.83-competitive algorithms with an elegant analysis for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches, respectively. This improves upon the previously known ratios of 6 and 16.24

    The zero-one principle for switching networks

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    Recently, approximation analysis has been extensively used to study algorithms for routing weighted packets in various network settings. Although dierent techniques were applied in the analysis of diverse models, one common property was evident: the analysis of input sequences composed solely of two dierent values is always substantially easier, and many results are known only for restricted value sequences. Motivated by this, we introduce our zero-one principle for switching networks which characterizes a wide range of algorithms for which achieving c- approximation (as well as c-competitiveness) with respect to sequences composed of 0&apos;s and 1&apos;s implies achieving c-approximation. The zero-one principle proves to be very ecient in the design of switching algorithms, and substantially facilitates their analysis. We present three applications. First, we consider the Multi-Queue QoS Switching model and design a 3competitive algorithm, improving the result from [6]. Second, we study the Weighted Dynamic Routing problem on a line topology of length k and present a (k + 1)-competitive algorithm, which improves and generalizes the results from [1, 11]. As a third application, we consider the work of [14], that compares the performance of local algorithms to the global optimum in various network topologies, and generalize their results from 2-value sequences to arbitrary value sequences