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    Is Adenosine Deaminase in Pleural Fluid a Useful Marker for Differentiating Tuberculosis from Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma in Japan, a Country with Intermediate Incidence of Tuberculosis?

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of the determination of adenosine deaminase (ADA) level in pleural fluid for the differential diagnosis between tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) and malignant pleural effusion (MPE) in Japan, a country with intermediate incidence of tuberculosis (TB). We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 435 patients with pleural effusion and investigated their pleural ADA levels as determined by an auto analyzer. ROC analysis was also performed. The study included patients with MPE (n=188), TPE (n=124), benign nontuberculous pleural effusion (n=94), and pleural effusion of unknown etiology (n=29). The median ADA level in the TPE group was 70.8U/L, which was significantly higher than that in any other groups (p<0.05). The area under the curve (AUC) in ROC analysis was 0.895. With a cut-off level for ADA of 36U/L, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 85.5%, 86.5%, 69.7%, and 93.6%, respectively. As many as 9% of patients with lung cancer and 15% of those with mesothelioma were false-positive with this ADA cutoff setting. Although the ADA activity in pleural fluid can help in the diagnosis of TPE, it should be noted that some cases of lung cancer or mesothelioma show high ADA activity in geographical regions with intermediate incidence of TB, in contrast to high prevalence areas


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    Diare merupakan salah satu penyakit berbasis lingkungan,dua faktor dominan yang berpengaruh terhadap kasus diare adalah sarana air bersih dan pembuangan tinja. Penyakit diare merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang sering menimbulkan Kejadian Luar Biasa terutama diare yang bermasalah dengan air bersih, jamban keluarga dan kebersihan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan cakupan air bersih dan jamban keluarga dengan prevalensi diare di Kabupaten Sambas Tahun 2006. Jenis penelitian observasional dan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel yang diteliti adalah cakupan air bersih perpipaan dan non perpipaan, cakupan jamban keluarga dan prevalensi diare. Uji statistik yang digunakan dalam analisis bivariat adalah korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui cakupan air bersih perpipaan 8,88%, cakupan air bersih non perpipaan 5,50%. Cakupan jambna keluarga 13,61% dan prevalensi diare 29,27 per seribu penduduk. Ada hubungan cakupan air bersihperpipaan dengan prevalensi diare dengan nilai p=0,027, tidak ada hubungan cakupan air bersih non perpipaan dengan prevalensi diare dengan nilai p=0,178, Tidak ada hubungan penyedian air bwersih perpipaan dan non perpipaan dengan nilai p=0,081. Tidak ada hubungan antara cakupan jamban keluarga dengan prevalensi diare dengabn nilai p=0,329. Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara cakupan air bersih perpipaan dengan prevalensi diare, tidak ada hubungan cakupan air bersih non perpipaan dengan prevalensi diare, tidak ada hubungan, tidak ada hubungan total cakupan air bersih perpipaan dan non perpipaan dengan prevalensi diare, tidak ada hubungan cakupan jamban keluarga dengan prevalensi diare. Saran peningkatan cakupan pelayanan air bersih dan jamban keluarga. Kata Kunci: Air bersih, perpipaan, non perpipaan, Jaga, Prevalensi diare. THE RALTHIONSHIP BETWEEN COVERAGE OF FRESH WATER, FAMILY LATRINE AND THE PREVALENCE OF DIARRHEA IN SAMBAS REGENCY 2006 Two dominant factors of environment which have effect on the diarrhea case are fresh water and disposal of faeces. The diarrhea is one of the disease that cause out break especially in the region which have problem with poor fresh water, family latrine and environmental hygiene. The aim this research is to know the relathionship between coverage of fresh water, family latrine with the prevalennce of diarrhea in Sambas Regency in 2006. This is an observational research with a cross sectional. The dependent is coverage of fresh water both pipe and non pipe, family and prevalenceof diarrhea. The population is the amount of resident in each Public Health Center (Puskesmas) in Sambas Regency. Statistical test used a Correlation Pearson Product Moment. Result of this research showed that coverage of piping fresh water is 8,88%, coverage of non piping fresh water is 5,50%, coverage of family latrine is 13,61% and prevalence of diarrehea is 29.27 per 1000. There was a significant correlation between coverage of piping fresh water and prevalence of diarrhea with p-value =0.027, there wasn't a significant correlation between coverage of non piping fresh water and prevalence of diarrhea with p-value = 0,178, there wasn't a significant correlation between total coverage of fresh water both pipe and non pipe and prevalence diarrhea with p-value =0,181, there wasn't a significant correlation between coverage of familty latrine and prevalence of diarrhea with p-value=0,329. This research concluded that coverage of piping fresh water influenced diarrhea prevalence in Sambas. Keyword : Fresh water,pipe,family latrine,prevalence of diarrhe


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    Penyakit scabies adalah penyakit kulit yang berhubungan dengan sanitasi dan hygiene yang buruk, saat kekurangan air dan tidak adanya sarana pembersih tubuh, kekurangan makan dan hidup berdesak-desakan, didapat terutama di daerah kumuh dengan sanitasi yang sangat jelek. Merupakan penyakit kedua terbanyak dari 10 besar penyakit.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan praktek kebersihan diri dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri dengan kejadian scabies pada pemulung di TPA Bakung Bandar Lampung.Merupakan penelitian analitik deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan study cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh pemulung di TPA Bakung Bandar Lampung sebanyak 100 orang kemudian sampel diambil sebanyak 39 orang menggunakan kriteria tenaga kerja dengan usia produktif yaitu pemulung yang berusia 15-55 tahun. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square, dengan program SPSS versi 12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 33 orang (84,6%) pemulung menderita scabies, pada tangan dan kaki dan sebanyak 6 orang (15,4%) tidak menderita scabies. Pemulung yang mempunyai kebiasaan mandi buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 28 orang (93,3%) dengan p-value 0,018 terbukti ada hubungan antara kebiasaan mandi dengan kejadian scabies.Pemulung yang mempunyai kebiasaan ganti pakaian kategori buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 32 orang (86,5%) p-value 0,287 terbukti tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan ganti pakaian dengan kejadian scabies.Pemulung dengan kebersihan tangan kategori buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 26 orang (96,3%) p-value 0,007 terbukti ada hubungan antara kebersihan tangan dengan kejadian scabies. Pemulung dengan kebersihan kaki kategori buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 30 orang (96,8%) p-value 0,001 terbukti ada hubungan antara kebersihan kaki dengan kejadian scabies. Pemulung dengan penggunaan sarung tangan kategori buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 28 orang(93,3%) p-value 0,018 terbukti ada hubungan antara penggunaan sarung tangan dengan kejadian scabies. Pemulung dengan penggunaan sepatu kategori buruk dan menderita scabies sebanyak 29 orang (93%) p-value 0,011 terbukti ada hubungan antara penggunaan sepatu dengan kejadian scabies. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar pemulung di TPA Bakung Bandar lampung menderita scabies akibat sanitasi yang buruk. Kata Kunci: scabies, pemulung, tempat pembuangan akhir ASSOCIATION BETWEEN PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICE AND PERSONAL PROTECTION DEVICES WITH THE OCCURENCE OF SCABIES ON WASTE COLLECTORS AT BAKUNG FINAL DISPOSAL BANDAR LAMPUNG 2007. Scabies is skin disease in association with lack sanitation and hygiene, lack of fresh water, have not body cleaner, to starve, to be crowded out, found on the dirty area with lack sanitation and hygiene. The research is aimed to find out personal hygiene practice and using personal protection devices with the occurence of scabies on waste collectors at Bakung final disposal Bandar Lampung. The research is explanatory with approach of study cross sectional. The population are 100 waste collectors at Bakung final disposal Bandar Lampung and 39 persons as ample taken by productive age criteria (15-55 years old). The analysis used chi square test. Result of research showed as much as 33 persons (84,6%) the waste collectors to suffer scabies on hand and foot. As much as 6 persons (15,4%) not to suffer scabies. The waste collectors have to bath habit with bad category and suffer scabies 28 persons (93,3%) with p-value 0,018 verified to be association between to bath habit with occurence of scabies. The waste collectors change of clothes habit with bad category and to suffer scabies 32 persons (86,5%) with p-value 0,287 verified it wasn't association between change of clothes habit and occurence of scabies. The waste collectors have hand cleanness with bad category and suffer scabies 26 sample (96,3%) with p-value 0,007 verified to be association between hand cleanness with occurence of scabies. The waste collectors have foot cleanness with bad category and to suffer scabies 30 persons (96,8%) with p-value 0,001 verified to be association between foot clenness with occurence of scabies. The waste collectors utilization glove with bad category and to suffer scabies 28 persons (93,3%) with p-value 0,018 verified to be association between utilization glove with occurence of scabies. the waste collectors utilization shoes with bad category and to suffer scabies 29 persons (93%) with p-value 0,011 verified to be association between utilization shoes with occurence of scabies. This reserach can be concluded for the part waste collectors at Bakung final disposal Bandar Lampung, a lack sanitation can be to suffer sacbies


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    Permintan terhadap pelayanan kesehatan akan meningkat jika kendala biaya yang ada telah dapat di atasi dengan baik.Kecermatan menerapkan besarnya tarif memegang peranan penting (income),apabila ternyata besarnya tarif lebih rendah dari total pengeluaran pasti yang dapat menimbulkan kesulitan. Pernelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungsn dengan kemauan keluarga dengan membayar tarif pelayanan rawat jalan di Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan.Penelitian termasuk penelitian survai dengan metode pendekatan cros sectional.Responden penelitian adalah kepala keluarga bukan peserta askes,non gakin sebagai pengambil keputusan dalam keluarga yang pernah berobat jalan di Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan I sebanyak 100 orang .Metode analis data menggunakan uji statistik Kendall Tau-c. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian : 1)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kebutuhan pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisi statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,011 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 2)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap terhadap pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,001yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 3)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan tentang pelayanan rawat rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,010 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 4)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendapatan keluarga per kapita dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p =0,0001 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 5)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara biaya pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan. Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p =0,035 yang lebih kecil dari alfa =0,05. 6)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara lama waktu menunggu pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan. Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,010 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 7)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jarak pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan . Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,227 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. Kata Kunci: Pasien Rawat Jalan Puskesmas, Kemauan Membayar Tarif SOME FAKTORS RELATED TO THE WILLINGNESS TO PAY THE OUTPATIENT SERVICE OF CILACAP SELATAN I PUBLIC HEALT CENTER IN CILACAP REGENCY YEAR 2005 Request to health service will mount if existing expence constraint has earned in overcoming better. Apply the level of tariff play a part important (income), if in the reality the level of lower tariff from totalizing sure expenditure which can generate the research difficulty aim to know the faktors of wich deal with family willingness to pay service of cilacap Selatan I Public Health Center.This research is inclusive of research survay with the method of approach of cross sectional.Research responder is family head non-competitor ,non-pureas decision taker in family,which have medicine walker in Cilacap Selatan I Public Health Center as much 100 people.Method analyzes the data use the statistical Test of Kendall Tau-C. Result of research 1)There is relation having a meaning between service requirement take care with willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,011 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 2)There is relation having a meaning between attitude to service take care with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,001 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 3)There is relation having a meaning between knoledge about service take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,010 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 4)There is relation having a meaning between family earnings per capita with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,0001 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 5)There is relation having a meaning between service expence take care with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,035 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 6) There is relation having a meaning between time depth awaith the service take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p =0,010 which is a smaller than alfa = 0,05. 7)there is not relation having a meaning between service distance take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,227 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. Keyword : Out patient Puskesmas ,Willingness To Pa

    Identifying the Effects of the Americans with Disabilities Act Using State-Law Variation: Preliminary Evidence on Educational Participation Effects

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    The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) broadly prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment and other settings. Several empirical studies have suggested that employment levels of individuals with disabilities declined rather than increased after the ADA's passage. This paper provides a first look at whether lower disabled employment levels after the ADA might have resulted from increased participation in educational opportunities by individuals with disabilities as a rational response to the ADA's employment protections. The main empirical finding is that individuals with disabilities who were not employed in the years following legal innovation in the form of the ADA were more likely than their pre-ADA counterparts to give educational participation as their reason for not being employed. This preliminary evidence suggests the value of further study, with better education data, of the relationship between the ADA's enactment and disabled participation in educational opportunities.


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    Kebiasaan hidup yang kurang baik menyebabkan angka kesakitan penyakit infeksi masih cukup tinggi. Di indonesia infeksi parasit terutama parasit cacing merupakan masalah kesehatan yang ada dalam masyarakat. Masalah ini masih menduduki tempat tertinggi dalam hal morbiditasnya. Selain pemulung kelompok pekerja yang berpotensi cukup besar terkena penyakit infeksi cacing yaitu pekerja kebersihan pasar. Pekerja kebersihan pasar tradisional Johar Kota Semarang berpotensi mengalami infeksi parasit cacing akibat dari sering kontak dengan sampah dan mungkin tidak diimbangi dengan kebersihan perorangan yang baik, kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pemahaman standar prosedur kerja yang baik dan tidak digunakannya alat-alat pelindung diri(APD) selama bekerja. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebersihan perorangan pada pekerja kebersihan pasar dengan kejadian kecacingan di pasar tradisional johar Kota Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah pekerja kebersihan pasar tradisional Johar Kota Semarang sebanyak 43 orang. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji Chi-square test dengan derajat kebebasan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pemakaian alas kaki (p value 0,018), kebersihan kuku (p value 0,027), kebersihan tangan (p value 0,034), dan kebersihan kaki (p value 0,021) pada pekerja kebersihan pasar dengan kejadian kecacingan di pasar tradisional Johar Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara tingkat kebersihan pakaian (p value 0,834), dan kebersihan jamban/WC (p value 0,571) pada pekerja kebersihan pasar dengan kejadian kecacingan di pasar tradisional Johar Kota Semarang. Bagi pekerja kebersihan pasar disarankan agar memperhatikan kebersihan perorangan dan prosedur kerja serta didukung dengan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) sehingga dapat meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi pekerja kebersihan pasar. Kata Kunci: Kebersihan perorangan, pekerja kebersihan pasar, status kecacingan THE CORRELATION BETWEEN PERSONAL HYGIENE OF MARKET CLEANING SERVICE WORKERS AND THE OCCURANCE OF HELMINTH INFECTION AT JOHAR TRADITIONAL MARKET, SEMARANG CITY The life habit which is not good enough causes the rate of infection disease misery is still high enough. In Indonesian the parasite infection, particularly the helminth parasite is the helth problem is society. This problem is still in the highest position in its morbidity. In addition to the garbage gatherer, the employee group who has a big potential to suffer from an helminth infection is the market cleaning service workers. The market cleaning service worker in Johar traditional market, Semarang city has a potential to suffer from helminth parasite infection as the result of their contact with garbage and may be this is not balance with good personal hygiene, lack knowledge about the comprehension of good work prosedure standart and personal protective device (APD) are not use during they work. The aim of this research is to know the correlation between personal hygiene of market cleaning service worker and the occurance of helminth infection at Johar traditional market, Semarang city. The used method was an explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Sample in this research was the market cleaning service workers of Johar traditional market, Semarang city, namely in the amount of 43 people. The research used Chi-square test with freedom degree 5%. The result of this research indicates that there is a significant correlation between the level of sandal use (p value 0,018), nail cleanliness (p value 0,027), hand cleanliness (p value 0,034), and foot cleanliness (p value 0,021) in the market cleaning service workers and the occurance of helminth infection in Johar traditional market, Semarang city. The result also demonstrates that there is no significant correlation between clothes cleanliness (p value 0,834), the use of WC (p value 0,571) with the occurance of helminth infection. It is suggested for the market cleanliness employee to pay attention to the individual cleanliness and work prosedur and also supported with personal protective device (APD), so that they can obtain the work safety and health. Keyword: Personal hygiene, market cleaning service workers, helminth infection statu


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    Air merupakan kebutuhan mutlak bagi kehidupan manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Kebutuhan air dapat diatasi dengan mengembangkan usaha air minum isi ulang. Departemen Kesehatan sudah melakukan pengujian secara laboratorium contoh air hasil pengolahan DAMIU di Jakarta dan diperoleh gambaran cemaran bakteri Coliform berkisar 10 % - 20 %. Idealnya air minum tidak mengandung bakteri patogen, oleh karena itu pengujian bakteriologis air minum isi ulang merupakan upaya untuk mengetahui keamanan air minum sebelum dikonsumsi. Indikator yang digunakan adalah bakteri Coliform dan Fecal coli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi air baku, kondisi peralatan, proses pengolahan, kondisi higiene dan sanitasi depot serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang di Kabupaten Jepara. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode Explanatory Research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh depot air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kabupaten Jepara sebanyak 46 (empat puluh enam) DAMIU dan sampel yang digunakan adalah 28 sampel. Depot air minum isi ulang menggunakan sumber air baku dari mata air gunung Ungaran sebanyak 4 depot, mata air gunung Muria Kudus 10 depot, sumur artesis 13 depot dan PAM sebanyak 1 depot. Hasil pemeriksaan air baku yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 14,3 % atau 4 depot dan kualitas bakteriologis air minum yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 21,4 % atau 6 depot. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji chi square didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara kondisi air baku dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,173 dan RP = 0,231), tidak ada hubungan antara kondisi peralatan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,648 dan RP = 2,00), tidak ada hubungan antara proses pengolahan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,655 dan RP = 1,733) dan ada hubungan antara kondisi higiene dan sanitasi depot dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,022 dan RP = 7,727). Inspeksi terhadap depot air minum isi ulang lebih ditingkatkan frekuensinya yaitu rutin memeriksakan air baku setiap tiga bulan sekali dan air yang siap diminum setiap satu bulan sekali. Kata Kunci: Kualitas bakteriologis, air minum isi ulang FACTORS RELATED TO BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF REFILL DRINKING WATER AT JEPARA REGENCY Water is an absolute needs for human being's life and other creatures. The needs of water may be fulfilled by developing refill drinking water business. The Health Department has carried out an experiment in the laboratory following the sample of water as the product of DAMIU at Jakarta and it is known that the Coliform bacteria contained in the water ranges from 10 % - 20 %. Ideally, drinking water doesn't contain pathogen bacteria, therefore the bacteriological experiment upon refill drinking water is an effort to find out the safety of drinking water before being consumed. The Indicator used in the experiment is the Coliform and Fecal coli bacteria. The aim of the research is to identify the condition of standard water, equipments condition, processing activity, hygiene condition and depot sanitation and to analyze some factors with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water at Jepara Regency. The research is a kind of an Explanatory Research with cross sectional approach. The population of this research is all refill drinking water depots at Jepara Regency it's 46 (fourty six) of DAMIU and sample used in research is 28 samples. Refilled drinking water depot whom used raw water source from Ungaran Mount wellspring were 4 depots, Muria Kudus Mount wellspring were 10 depots, artesian well were 13 depots and PAM was 1 depot. The treatment result of bacteriological examination of raw water indicated 14,3 % or 4 depots was not comply to standard and bacteriological quality or drinking water which not comply to standard was 21,4 % or 6 depots. Then, the data was statistically analyzed using chi square test, and got there no a association between standard water condition with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,173 and RP = 0,231), there no a association between equipments condition with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,648 and RP = 2,00), there no a association between processing activity with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,655 and RP = 1,733) and there was a association between hygiene condition and depots sanitation with bacterilogical quality of refill drinking water ( p value = 0,022 and RP = 7,727). The inspection upon refill drinking water depot should be increased by routinely checking the standard water every three months and drinking water once a month. Keyword : Coliform, Fecal coliBacteriological quality, refill drinking water, Coliform, Fecal col

    Modulating effect of adenosine deaminase on function of adenosine A 1 receptors 1

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    Aim : To study the modulating effect of adenosine deaminase (ADA) on yhe adenosine A 1 receptor (A 1 R) in HEK293 cells stably expressing the human A 1 R. Methods : cDNA was amplified by RT-PCR using total RNA from human embryo brain tissue as the template. The PCR products were subcloned into the plasmid pcDNA3 and cloned into the plasmid pcDNA3.1. The cloned A 1 R cDNA was sequenced and stably expressed in HEK293 cells. The modulating effect of adenosine deaminase on A 1 R was studied by using [ 3 H]DPCPX binding assay and an intracellular calcium assay. Results : HEK293 cells stably expressing human A 1 R were obtained. Saturation studies showed that the K D value and B max value of [ 3 H]DPCPX were 1.6±0.2 nmol/L and 1.819±0.215 nmol/g of protein respectively, in the absence of ecto-ADA respectively, and 1.3±0.2 nmol/L and 1.992±0.130 nmol/g of protein in the presence of ecto-ADA respectively, suggesting that the K D value and B max value of [ 3 H]DPCPX were unaffected by ecto-ADA. In the case of [ 3 H]DPCPX competition curves obtained from intact cells or membranes, A 1 R agonist CCPA/[ 3 H]DPCPX competition curve could be fitted well to a one-site model in the absence of ecto-ADA and a two-site model in the presence of ecto-ADA with a K H value of 0.74 (0.11–4.8) nmol/L (intact cells) or 1.8 (0.25–10) nmol/L (membrane) and a K L value of 0.94 (0.62–1.41) Μmol/L (intact cells) or 0.77 (0.29–0.99) Μmol/L (membrane). The K L value is not significantly different from the EC 50 value of 0.84(0.57–1.23) Μmol/L (intact cells) or 0.84 (0.63–1.12) Μmol/L (membrane) obtained in the absence of ecto-ADA. Similar results were obtained from the CPA/[ 3 H]DPCPX competition curve in the absence or presence of ecto-ADA on intact cells or membranes. Intracellular calcium assay demonstrated that the EC 50 value of CPA were 10 (5–29) nmol/L and 94 (38–229) nmol/L in the presence or absence of ecto-ADA, respectively. Conclusion : A 1 R stably expressed in the HEK293 cells display a low affinity for agonists in the absence of ADA and high and low affinities for agonists in the presence of ADA. The presence of ADA may promote the signaling through the adenosine A 1 receptor in HEK293 cells.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73693/1/j.1745-7254.2005.00524.x.pd


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    RSU Kardinah Tegal pusat pelayanan kesehatan, salah satu jenis pelayanan adalah Sterilisasi pada wanita, dari 105 orang pasca melahirkan perbulan hanya 10,48% yang menjalani sterilisasi, rendahnya angka tersebut bila dibandingkan dengan angka peserta KB baru di kota-kota lain di Jawa Tengah, diduga erat hubungannya dengan faktor predisposing yang meliputi faktor karakteristik, tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap sterilisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor karakteristik, tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap dengan praktek sterilisasi pada ibu pasca melahirkan di RSU Kardinah Tegal tahun 2003. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional study, sebagai populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu pasca melahirkan di RSU Kardinah Tegal bulan Januari sampai Maret 2003 yang berjumlah 334 orang. dan setelah dilakukan penghitungan diperolah 75 responden sebagai sampel penelitian dengan metode pemilihan sampel secara acak sistematik. Analisa data dilakukan dengan uji Chi Square untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel bebas dan variabel terikat karena jenis data berupa nominal. Kesimpulan dari penelitian tersebut yaitu ada hubungan antara umur (p value = 0,0001), jumlah anak (p value = 0,005), pendidikan (p value = 0,0001), tingkat pengetahuan (p value = 0,021), sikap (p value = 0,020) dengan praktek sterilisasi. tidak ada hubungan antara pendapatan (p value = 0,114), agama (p value = 0,146), daerah asal (p value = 0,285), sumber informasi (p value = 0,423) dengan praktek sterilisasi. disarankan pemberian motivasi kepada ibu-ibu yang memenuhi kriteria untuk sterilisasi mengingat masih adanya ibu yang menolak sterilisasi (32%). Kata Kunci: Praktek Sterilisasi, pasca melahirkan RELATION OF CHARACTERISTIC FACTOR, LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE WITH STERILIZATION PRACTICE RSU Kardinah Tegal as center of health service, one of service type is sterilization of at woman, from 105 people pasca bear month only 10,48% experiencing sterilization, lower the number when compared to by number of new competitor KB in other towns in Central Java, anticipated to by sliver its relation with factor predisposing covering characteristic factor, mount knowledge and attitude to sterilization. Intention of research this is to know relation of characteristic factor, mount knowledge and attitude with sterilization practice of at mother pasca bear in RSU Kardinah Tegal Year 2003. Used by research type is explanatory survey with approach of cross sectional study, as population in this research is mother pasca bear in RSU Kardinah Tegal of January Month until March 2003 amounting to 334 people. And after done by a enumeration obtained by 75 responder as sampel research by method of systematic election sampel at random. Analyse data done with test of Chi Square to know relation usher free variable and the variable trussed by since data type in the form of nominal. Conclusion from the research that is there is relation of between responder age with sterilization practice (p value = 0,00010,05), ther no relation of between religion with sterilization practice (p value = 0,146>0,05), there no relation of between origin district with sterilization practice (p value = 0,285 > 0,05), there no relation of between information sufficiency with sterilization level wilt sterilization practice (p value = 0,021<0,05), there is relation of between attitude with sterilization practice (p value = 0,020<0,05). Suggested by a gift motivate to mothers fulfilling criterion for the sterilization remember there (be) still his/its is mother refusing sterilization (32%). Keyword : Characteristic, Sterilization Practice, Mother Post Partu

    The diagnostic value of adenosine deaminase activity in sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis

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    AbstractThis study was carried out in Atatürk Chest Diseases and Surgery Center. It's aim to determine and compare sputum adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in pulmonary tuberculosis (tb), lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in order to assess its diagnostic value. Patients and method: Eighty-four patients (25 tb, 30 lung cancer and 29 COPD) were included in the study. ADA activity in sputum and serum was measured. Sputum ADA activities of tb patients were significantly higher than the other two groups (P<0.05). Sputum/serum ADA ratios were similar in all groups. Sputum ADA activities between 150 and 200 U/L were the measurements with the best test performance according to the ROC curve. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 44.0, 86.4, 57.8, 78.4% for 150 U/L and 32.0, 96.6, 80.0, 77.0% for 200 U/L, respectively. Area under the curve was 0.663. Because of low sensitivity, routine determination of ADA activity in sputum for the diagnosis of pulmonary tb is not recommended. However, it can be helpful in the diagnosis of smear-negative cases who are strongly suspected of tb