7 research outputs found


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    Este art铆culo muestra el an谩lisis comparativo de un clasificador por red neuronal artificial frente a una m谩quina de vectores de soporte para una aplicaci贸n de reconocimiento de comandos de voz, cuya extracci贸n de caracter铆sticas est谩 basada en paquetes wavelet. Para evaluar el desempe帽o de ambos sistemas, se realizaron pruebas variando el esquema de extracci贸n, diferentes arquitecturas de la red neuronal artificial y diferentes funciones n煤cleo (kernel) para las m谩quinas de vectores de soporte. Se encuentra que ambos esquemas de clasificaci贸n presentan desempe帽os similares, con porcentajes de acierto superiores al 96%

    Clasificaci贸n de voces normales y patol贸gicas empleando la transformada wavelet

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de la metodolog铆a de un sistema de clasificaci贸n de voces normales y patol贸gicas utilizando como herramienta de an谩lisis la Transformada Wavelet, ya que se constituye en una herramienta apropiada para el an谩lisis de se帽ales no estacionarias como la voz cuyo contenido espectral var铆a con el tiempo. Se plantea el uso de redes neuronales tipo perceptr贸n multicapa utilizando la t茅cnica de aprendizaje backpropagation y el metodo de optimizaci贸n de Levenberg-Marquardt como estrategia para la etapa de clasificaci贸n de voces normales y patol贸gicas. Se describe el marco experimental realizado para cada una de las etapas que conforman la metodolog铆a propuesta y con el cual se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios al momento de clasificar las voces normales y patol贸gicas. Adem谩s se presentan detalladamente los algoritmos y la interfaz gr谩fica desarrollada bajo la plataforma de MATLAB 5.3.Incluye bibliograf铆

    Interactive speech-driven facial animation

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    One of the fastest developing areas in the entertainment industry is digital animation. Television programmes and movies frequently use 3D animations to enhance or replace actors and scenery. With the increase in computing power, research is also being done to apply these animations in an interactive manner. Two of the biggest obstacles to the success of these undertakings are control (manipulating the models) and realism. This text describes many of the ways to improve control and realism aspects, in such a way that interactive animation becomes possible. Specifically, lip-synchronisation (driven by human speech), and various modeling and rendering techniques are discussed. A prototype that shows that interactive animation is feasible, is also described.Mr. A. Hardy Prof. S. von Solm

    The Use Of Wavelet Transforms In Phoneme Recognition

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    This study investigates the usefulness of wavelet transforms in phoneme recognition. Both discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) and sampled continuous wavelet transforms (SCWT) are tested. The wavelet transform is used as a part of the front-end processor which extracts feacuture vectors for a speaker-independent HMM-based phoneme recognizer. The results are evaluated on a portion of TIMIT corpus consisting of 30293 phoneme tokens for training and 14489 phoneme tokens for testing. The test results suggest that SCWT gives considerably better recognition rate than DWT. On the other hand, the improvement of SCWT over Mel-scale cepstral coefficients appears to be marginal. 1. INTRODUCTION The wavelet transform (WT) theory provides an alternative tool for short time analysis of quasi stationary signal, such as speech, as oppose to the traditional short-time Fourier transform (STFT). WT has been applied widely in different speech analysis problems [16, 8, 9, 7, 3]. Scalograms produced by WT an..