4,136 research outputs found

    Packing tight Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    Let H be a 3-uniform hypergraph with N vertices. A tight Hamilton cycle C \subset H is a collection of N edges for which there is an ordering of the vertices v_1, ..., v_N such that every triple of consecutive vertices {v_i, v_{i+1}, v_{i+2}} is an edge of C (indices are considered modulo N). We develop new techniques which enable us to prove that under certain natural pseudo-random conditions, almost all edges of H can be covered by edge-disjoint tight Hamilton cycles, for N divisible by 4. Consequently, we derive the corollary that random 3-uniform hypergraphs can be almost completely packed with tight Hamilton cycles w.h.p., for N divisible by 4 and P not too small. Along the way, we develop a similar result for packing Hamilton cycles in pseudo-random digraphs with even numbers of vertices.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Counting Hamilton cycles in sparse random directed graphs

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    Let D(n,p) be the random directed graph on n vertices where each of the n(n-1) possible arcs is present independently with probability p. A celebrated result of Frieze shows that if p(logn+ω(1))/np\ge(\log n+\omega(1))/n then D(n,p) typically has a directed Hamilton cycle, and this is best possible. In this paper, we obtain a strengthening of this result, showing that under the same condition, the number of directed Hamilton cycles in D(n,p) is typically n!(p(1+o(1)))nn!(p(1+o(1)))^{n}. We also prove a hitting-time version of this statement, showing that in the random directed graph process, as soon as every vertex has in-/out-degrees at least 1, there are typically n!(logn/n(1+o(1)))nn!(\log n/n(1+o(1)))^{n} directed Hamilton cycles

    Hipergráfok = Hypergraphs

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    A projekt célkitűzéseit sikerült megvalósítani. A négy év során több mint száz kiváló eredmény született, amiből eddig 84 dolgozat jelent meg a téma legkiválóbb folyóirataiban, mint Combinatorica, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Journal of Graph Theory, Random Graphs and Structures, stb. Számos régóta fennálló sejtést bebizonyítottunk, egész régi nyitott problémát megoldottunk hipergráfokkal kapcsolatban illetve kapcsolódó területeken. A problémák némelyike sok éve, olykor több évtizede nyitott volt. Nem egy közvetlen kutatási eredmény, de szintén bizonyos értékmérő, hogy a résztvevők egyike a Norvég Királyi Akadémia tagja lett és elnyerte a Steele díjat. | We managed to reach the goals of the project. We achieved more than one hundred excellent results, 84 of them appeared already in the most prestigious journals of the subject, like Combinatorica, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Journal of Graph Theory, Random Graphs and Structures, etc. We proved several long standing conjectures, solved quite old open problems in the area of hypergraphs and related subjects. Some of the problems were open for many years, sometimes for decades. It is not a direct research result but kind of an evaluation too that a member of the team became a member of the Norvegian Royal Academy and won Steele Prize

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric