7 research outputs found

    Organizational Communication at the Era of Virtual Reality and Society 5.0

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    This research aims to identify how the implementation of organizational communication at the era of Society 5.0 through the technology of Virtual Reality as the most relevant instrument especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic. This research conducted with qualitative methods with literature study. The result of this research take form as the conclusion of what and how the implementation of organizational communication which happens in the era of Society 5.0 via Virtual Reality which certainly be different than conventional interpersonal communication. The research concludes that Society 5.0 is the next milestone in the ever-evolving life phase which situate humanity as the center of the process. Through Society 5.0 and Virtual Reality making it possible as a new plane of interaction with tools like Customizable 3D Avatar, Gesture, and 3D Room Chat. Contradictory to the usual online video calling where we only able to see the video frame of the other party

    Ljudsko povezivanje i interakcija čovjeka i kompjutera

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    In this paper we explore the relationship between the creative bonding and human computer interaction (HCI). Today, faced with various, diverse and incredibly different definitions, theoretical models for conceptualizing bonding and HCI, coupled with huge variety of contradictory methods and techniques for measuring it, we were encouraged to create an Integrative approach. Our Integrative approach is inspired by Card, Newell and Moran, 1983), Relational Transactional Analysis (Hargaden and Sills, 2008) and Creative bonding (Mandić and Ristić, 2013). In this rapidly changing world technological progress is fascinating, becoming rather a universal than a rare and exceptional human experience. Researches observe different ways in which humans interact with computers and design technologies that lets humans interact with computers in novel ways. Today’s Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction is much more concerned with those communication issues. Computer created a new possibility and place to an open-ended dialog between the user and the computer. Humans dreamt of a perfect object, might it be it? Can we play with our magical toy and have a sense of being real at the same time? It is not only a handy gadget, it will endure all of our projections, as well as other defense mechanisms, becoming a perfect transitional object and imaginary friend ready to play, never abandon and ready to go if we get bored of it.U ovom članku želimo istražiti odnos između kreativne povezanosti (bonding) i interakcije čovjeka i kompjutera (HCI - human computer interaction). Naša današnjica je pretrpana nevjerojatno različitim definicijama i teorijskim modelima za konceptualizaciju povezanosti i HCI. Tome se pridružuje varijetet kontradiktornih metoda i tehnika za mjerenje prilikom istraživanja, a mi smo se osjetili spremni stvoriti svoj Integrativni model. Naš integrativni model je, s jedne strane inspiriran radovima Karda, Novela i Morana (Card, Newell and Moran, 1983), a sa druge strane Relacijskom transakcionom analizom (Hargaden and Sills, 2008) i našim istraživanjima kreativne povezanosti (Mandić and Ristić, 2013). U današnjem užurbanom svijetu tehnološki progres je fascinantan, i postaje univerzalzamena za rijetka ljudska iskustva. Istraživači su nakon promatranja interakcije čovjeka sa kompjuterom stvorili tehnologije koje omogućuju ljudima da komuniciraju sa strojevima na različite načine. Današnja oblast psihologije HCI je najviše zainteresirana za takve komunikacije. Kako kompjuter stvara nove mogućnosti otvara se beskrajan prostor za dijalog s otvorenim krajem izmedju korisnika i kompjutera. Ljudi su oduvijek sanjali o savršenom objektu; je li moguđe da su ga napravili? Kompjuter nije samo zgodni gadget već podnosi sve naše projekcije, skupa s ostalim mehanizmima odbrane, te tako zbilja postaje savršeni prijelazni objekt i zamišljeni prijatelj koji je uvijek spreman za igru, nikad nas neće napustiti, a možemo ga isključiti kad god to poželimo

    Från huvudroll till statist, om konsten att spela roll i någon annans familj. En reflekterande studie om familjrekonstruktion.

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    Studien undersöker familjeterapistudenters upplevelser av familjerekonstruktion. Syftet med studien är att få en fördjupad förståelse för familjerekonstruktion med hjälp av reflektioner och upplevelser från studenter på psykoterapeutprogrammet, inför sin framtida profession. Studien utgår från semistrukturerade intervjuer med frågor fokuserade på fyra teman; grupprocess, tidigare kunskap om familjerekonstruktion, känslor och reflektioner över hur familjerekonstruktionen påverkar deras framtida arbete. Svaren analyserades med tematisk analys. Undersökningen visar att studenterna välkomnade möjligheten att arbeta med sin ursprungsfamilj, men lika slående var upplevelsen av att höra andra berätta om sina familjer. Den visade att studenterna hade behovet av att organisera sig och känna sig trygga i sina grupper som en förutsättning för en positiv upplevelse av familjerekonstruktionen. Studien antyder att det finns kliniska implikationer för det familjeterapeutiska arbetet i frågor som berör ursprungsfamiljen. Det väcker frågan om hur arenan som skapades under familjerekonstruktion, med ökad medvetenhet om medkänsla och empati, bäst kan utnyttjas och utvecklas under utbildningen och i arbetet som legitimerad psykoterapeut inom familjeterapiinriktningen.The study examines the subjective experiences of post-graduate students in family therapy training after family reconstruction. The intention of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the possible effects of the family reconstruction process on students during training as well as in their work as family therapists. The survey is based on semi-structured interviews. The data was interpreted by thematic analysis with questions focused on the group process, earlier knowledge about family reconstruction, the feelings associated with the experience and reflections on work as a family therapist. The result of the study shows that the students welcomed the opportunity to work with their own family of origin, but equally significant was their experience of hearing others relating their own story. It also showed a need for the students to organise themselves and to feel secure in their groups as a condition for positively experiencing the family reconstruction. The study suggests there are clinical implications for therapeutic work with families in how family of origin issues can be addressed. It raises the question as to how heightened awareness of compassion and empathy during the training of family therapists can be best utilised and developed

    The Basics of Speech Communication Theory

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    Lecture notes are designed for lecture classes in “The Basics of Speech Communication Theory” for the first-year students, specialty 035 “Philology”, full-time study. The lecture notes contain thematic materials revealing basic information on the theory of speech communication

    A comunicação organizacional e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação: um estudo de caso no grupo DST

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)Desde o século XX, em particular no contexto das complexas sociedades contemporâneas, a comunicação organizacional tem vindo a desenvolver a sua identidade e a afirmar-se como uma importante corrente teórica. Com o poder das inovações tecnológicas, que cada vez mais afetam as organizações, pretendemos contribuir com um estudo sobre os efeitos que as novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação produzem sobre os processos de comunicação no grupo empresarial DST (Domingos da Silva Teixeira, S.A.), sendo a construção civil, engenharia e obras públicas os seus principais ramos de atividade. Refletindo sobre o conceito de comunicação organizacional, introduzimos reflexões sobre conceitos e abordagens teóricas baseadas na Escola de Palo Alto e de Montreal, bem como nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Para a concretização deste trabalho e para respondermos à questão de partida, adotamos uma metodologia de investigação-ação e a realização de um inquérito por questionário e entrevistas aos colaboradores do grupo DST, com o intuito de conhecer a realidade da organização e analisar os seus processos comunicacionais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os colaboradores estão satisfeitos com a oferta de tecnologias de informação e comunicação face à execução das suas tarefas e funções. No entanto, e embora a organização se apresente consciente da importância da comunicação, vários problemas foram identificados na avaliação e diagnóstico aos processos comunicativos, entre os quais a má e excessiva utilização do correio eletrónico, a falta de capacidade para a transmissão de mensagens coesas, a existência de relações tensas e conflituosas entre as diferentes posições hierárquicas, restrições ao acesso e à utilização das tecnologias, e uma diminuição na comunicação face-a-face. Perante estes resultados, importa reafirmar a importância da comunicação nas organizações e o papel cada vez mais influente das tecnologias de informação e comunicação. As organizações devem por isso incorporar um planeamento adequado à sua estrutura, no qual a tecnologia deve ser adequada às funções desempenhadas por cada colaborador.Since the twentieth century, particularly in the context of complex contemporary societies, organizational communication has developed its identity and established itself as an important theoretical approach. With the power of technological innovation, which increasingly affect organizations, we intend to contribute with a study on the effects of new information and communication technologies on the communication processes in the DST group (Domingos da Silva Teixeira, S.A.), whose main domain of activity is construction, engineering and public works. Considering the concept of organizational communication, we introduce reflections on concepts and theoretical approaches based in the School of Palo Alto and Montreal, as well as in information technology and communication. In order to achieve our goals and to answer our research question, we adopt a methodology of action research, conducting a survey and interviews with DST employees in order to know the reality of the organization and analyze their communication processes. The results show that employees are satisfied with the range of information and communication technologies, towards the execution of their tasks and roles. However, even though the organization is aware of the importance of communication, several problems were identified in the assessment and diagnosis of communication processes, such as poor and excessive use of email, lack of capability for the transmission of coherent messages, conflicts between different hierarchical positions, access and use restrictions, and a decrease in face-toface communication. Given these results, it is important to reaffirm the importance of communication in organizations and the increasingly influential role of information and communication technologies. Organizations should incorporate proper planning, in which the available resources should be appropriate to the roles and tasks performed by the employees