6 research outputs found

    Theorems and open problems that concern decidable sets X⊆N and cannot be formulated in the formal language of classical mathematics as they refer to the current knowledge on X

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    Let f(1)=2, f(2)=4, and let f(n+1)=f(n)! for every integer n≥2. Edmund Landau's conjecture states that the set P(n^2+1) of primes of the form n^2+1 is infinite. We present a new heuristic argument for the infiniteness of P(n^2+1). Landau's conjecture implies the following unproven statement Φ: card(P(n^2+1))f(9). For every known system S⊆B, if the finiteness/infiniteness of the set {(x_1,...,x_9)∈(N\{0})^9: (x_1,...,x_9) solves S} is unknown, then the statement ∃ x_1,...,x_9∈N\{0} ((x_1,...,x_9) solves S)∧(max(x_1,...,x_9)>f(9)) remains unproven. We write some system A⊆B of 8 equations. Let Λ denote the statement: if the system A has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x_1,...,x_9, then each such solution (x_1,...,x_9) satisfies x_1,...,x_9≤f(9). The statement Λ is equivalent to the statement Φ. It heuristically justifies the statement Φ . This justification does not yield the finiteness/infiniteness of P(n^2+1). Algorithms always terminate. The next theorems and open problems justify the title of the article and involve epistemic and informal notions. We explain the distinction between existing algorithms (i.e. algorithms whose existence is provable in ZFC) and known algorithms (i.e. algorithms whose definition is constructive and currently known). Assuming that the infiniteness of a set X⊆N is false or unproven, we define which elements of X are classified as known. No known set X⊆N satisfies Conditions (1)-(4) and is widely known in number theory or naturally defined, where this term has only informal meaning. *** (1) A known algorithm with no input returns an integer n satisfying card(X)<ω ⇒ X⊆(-∞,n]. (2) A known algorithm for every k∈N decides whether or not k∈X. (3) No known algorithm with no input returns the logical value of the statement card(X)=ω. (4) There are many elements of X and it is conjectured, though so far unproven, that X is infinite. (5) X is naturally defined. The infiniteness of X is false or unproven. X has the simplest definition among known sets Y⊆N with the same set of known elements. *** Conditions (2)-(5) hold for X=P(n^2+1). The statement Φ implies the conjunction of Conditions (1)-(5) for X=P(n^2+1). We define a set X⊆N which satisfies Conditions (1)-(5) except the requirement that X is naturally defined. We present a table that shows satisfiable conjunctions of the form #(Condition 1) ∧ (Condition 2) ∧ #(Condition 3) ∧ (Condition 4) ∧ #(Condition 5), where # denotes the negation ¬ or the absence of any symbol. No set X⊆N will satisfy Conditions (1)-(4) forever, if for every algorithm with no input, at some future day, a computer will be able to execute this algorithm in 1 second or less. The physical limits of computation disprove this assumption

    Statements and open problems on decidable sets X⊆N that contain informal notions and refer to the current knowledge on X

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    Let f(1)=2, f(2)=4, and let f(n+1)=f(n)! for every integer n≥2. Edmund Landau's conjecture states that the set P(n^2+1) of primes of the form n^2+1 is infinite. Landau's conjecture implies the following unproven statement Φ: card(P(n^2+1))f(9). For every known system S⊆B, if the finiteness/infiniteness of the set {(x_1,...,x_9)∈(N\{0})^9: (x_1,...,x_9) solves S} is unknown, then the statement ∃ x_1,...,x_9∈N\{0} ((x_1,...,x_9) solves S)∧(max(x_1,...,x_9)>f(9)) remains unproven. We write some system A⊆B of 8 equations. Let Λ denote the statement: if the system A has at most finitely many solutions in positive integers x_1,...,x_9, then each such solution (x_1,...,x_9) satisfies x_1,...,x_9≤f(9). The statement Λ is equivalent to the statement Φ. It heuristically justifies the statement Φ . This justification does not yield the finiteness/infiniteness of P(n^2+1). We present a new heuristic argument for the infiniteness of P(n^2+1), which is not based on the statement Φ. Algorithms always terminate. The next statements and open problems justify the title of the article and involve epistemic and informal notions. We explain the distinction between existing algorithms (i.e. algorithms whose existence is provable in ZFC) and known algorithms (i.e. algorithms whose definition is constructive and currently known). Assuming that the infiniteness of a set X⊆N is false or unproven, we define which elements of X are classified as known. No known set X⊆N satisfies Conditions (1)-(4) and is widely known in number theory or naturally defined, where this term has only informal meaning. *** (1) A known algorithm with no input returns an integer n satisfying card(X)<ω ⇒ X⊆(-∞,n]. (2) A known algorithm for every k∈N decides whether or not k∈X. (3) No known algorithm with no input returns the logical value of the statement card(X)=ω. (4) There are many elements of X and it is conjectured, though so far unproven, that X is infinite. (5) X is naturally defined. The infiniteness of X is false or unproven. X has the simplest definition among known sets Y⊆N with the same set of known elements. *** Conditions (2)-(5) hold for X=P(n^2+1). The statement Φ implies Condition (1) for X=P(n^2+1). We define a set X⊆N which satisfies Conditions (1)-(5) except the requirement that X is naturally defined. The conjecture that there are infinitely many primes of the form k!+1 implies that the set N \setminus X is finite. We present a table that shows satisfiable conjunctions of the form #(Condition 1) ∧ (Condition 2) ∧ #(Condition 3) ∧ (Condition 4) ∧ #(Condition 5), where # denotes the negation ¬ or the absence of any symbol. No set X⊆N will satisfy Conditions (1)-(4) forever, if for every algorithm with no input, at some future day, a computer will be able to execute this algorithm in 1 second or less. The physical limits of computation disprove this assumption. The article was presented at the 25th Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, http://www.applications-of-logic.uni.wroc.pl/Program-

    The complexity of membership problems for circuits over sets of integers

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    AbstractWe investigate the complexity of membership problems for {∪,∩,-,+,×}-circuits computing sets of integers. These problems are a natural modification of the membership problems for circuits computing sets of natural numbers studied by McKenzie and Wagner [The complexity of membership problems for circuits over sets of natural numbers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2607, 2003, pp. 571–582]. We show that there are several membership problems for which the complexity in the case of integers differs significantly from the case of the natural numbers: testing membership in the subset of integers produced at the output of a {∪,+,×}-circuit is NEXPTIME-complete, whereas it is PSPACE-complete for the natural numbers. As another result, evaluating {-,+}-circuits is shown to be P-complete for the integers and PSPACE-complete for the natural numbers. The latter result extends McKenzie and Wagner's work in nontrivial ways. Furthermore, evaluating {×}-circuits is shown to be NL∧⊕L-complete, and several other cases are resolved

    The twenty-fourth Fermat number is composite

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    We have shown by machine proof that F24 = 2^2^24 + 1 is composite. The rigorous Pépin primality test was performed using independently developed programs running simultaneously on two different, physically separated processors. Each program employed a floating-point, FFT-based discrete weighted transform (DWT) to effect multiplication modulo F24. The final, respective Pépin residues obtained by these two machines were in complete agreement. Using intermediate residues stored periodically during one of the floating-point runs, a separate algorithm for pure-integer negacyclic convolution verified the result in a “wavefront” paradigm, by running simultaneously on numerous additional machines, to effect piecewise verification of a saturating set of deterministic links for the Pépin chain. We deposited a final Pépin residue for possible use by future investigators in the event that a proper factor of F24 should be discovered; herein we report the more compact, traditional Selfridge-Hurwitz residues. For the sake of completeness, we also generated a Pépin residue for F23, and via the Suyama test determined that the known cofactor of this number is composite

    The twenty-fourth Fermat number is composite

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