10 research outputs found

    Traveling salesman path problems

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    Packing circuits in matroids

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    The purpose of this paper is to characterize all matroids M that satisfy the following minimax relation: for any nonnegative integral weight function w defined on E(M), Maximum { k: M has k circuits ,(repetition, allowed) such that each element e of M is used at most 2w(e) times by these circuits = Minimum { ∑x ∈ X w(x): X is a collection of elements (repetition allowed) of M such that every circuit in M meets X at least twice}. Our characterization contains a complete solution to a research problem on 2-edge-connected subgraph polyhedra posed by Cornuéjols, Fonlupt, and Naddef in 1985, which was independently solved by Vandenbussche and Nemhauser in Vandenbussche and Nemhauser (J. Comb. Optim. 9:357-379, 2005). © 2008 Springer-Verlag.preprin

    On The Circuit Diameters of Some Combinatorial Polytopes

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    The combinatorial diameter of a polytope P is the maximum value of a shortest path between two vertices of P, where the path uses the edges of P only. In contrast to the combinatorial diameter, the circuit diameter of P is defined as the maximum value of a shortest path between two vertices of P, where the path uses potential edge directions of P i.e., all edge directions that can arise by translating some of the facets of P . In this thesis, we study the circuit diameter of polytopes corresponding to classical combinatorial optimization problems, such as the Matching polytope, the Traveling Sales- man polytope and the Fractional Stable Set polytope. We also introduce the notion of the circuit diameter of a formulation of a polytope P. In this setting the circuits are determined from some external linear system describing P which may not be minimal with respect to its constraints. We use this notion to generalize other results of this thesis, as well as introduce new results about a formulation of the Spanning Tree polytope and a formulation of the Matroid polytope

    Well-solvable special cases of the TSP : a survey

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem belongs to the most important and most investigated problems in combinatorial optimization. Although it is an NP-hard problem, many of its special cases can be solved efficiently. We survey these special cases with emphasis on results obtained during the decade 1985-1995. This survey complements an earlier survey from 1985 compiled by Gilmore, Lawler and Shmoys. Keywords: Traveling Salesman Problem, Combinatorial optimization, Polynomial time algorithm, Computational complexity

    Combinatorial methods in cooperative game theory

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    Traveling salesman path problems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-155).In the Traveling Salesman Path Problem, we are given a set of cities, traveling costs between city pairs and fixed source and destination cities. The objective is to find a minimum cost path from the source to destination visiting all cities exactly once. The problem is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem with many important applications. In this thesis, we study polyhedral and combinatorial properties of a variant we call the Traveling Salesman Walk Problem, in which the minimum cost walk from the source to destination visits all cities at least once. Using the approach of linear programming, we study properties of the polyhedron corresponding to a linear programming relaxation of the traveling salesman walk problem. Our results relate the structure of the underlying graph of the problem instance with polyhedral properties of the corresponding fractional walk polyhedron. We first characterize traveling salesman walk perfect graphs, graphs for which the convex hull of incidence vectors of traveling salesman walks can be described by linear inequalities. We show these graphs have a description by way of forbidden minors and also characterize them constructively.(cont.) We extend these results to relate the underlying graph structure to the integrality gap of the corresponding fractional walk polyhedron. We present several graph operations which preserve integrality gap; these operations allow us to find the integrality gap of graphs built from smaller bricks, whose integrality gaps can be found by computational or other methods.by Fumei Lam.Ph.D