1,022 research outputs found

    Symmetric products and subgroup lattices

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    Let G be a finite group. We show that the rational homotopy groups of symmetric products of the G-equivariant sphere spectrum are naturally isomorphic to the rational homology groups of certain subcomplexes of the subgroup lattice of G.Comment: final published versio

    Finiteness properties of soluble arithmetic groups over global function fields

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    Let G be a Chevalley group scheme and B<=G a Borel subgroup scheme, both defined over Z. Let K be a global function field, S be a finite non-empty set of places over K, and O_S be the corresponding S-arithmetic ring. Then, the S-arithmetic group B(O_S) is of type F_{|S|-1} but not of type FP_{|S|}. Moreover one can derive lower and upper bounds for the geometric invariants \Sigma^m(B(O_S)). These are sharp if G has rank 1. For higher ranks, the estimates imply that normal subgroups of B(O_S) with abelian quotients, generically, satisfy strong finiteness conditions.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol8/paper15.abs.htm

    B^F Theory and Flat Spacetimes

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    We propose a reduced constrained Hamiltonian formalism for the exactly soluble BFB \wedge F theory of flat connections and closed two-forms over manifolds with topology Σ3×(0,1)\Sigma^3 \times (0,1). The reduced phase space variables are the holonomies of a flat connection for loops which form a basis of the first homotopy group π1(Σ3)\pi_1(\Sigma^3), and elements of the second cohomology group of Σ3\Sigma^3 with value in the Lie algebra L(G)L(G). When G=SO(3,1)G=SO(3,1), and if the two-form can be expressed as B=eeB= e\wedge e, for some vierbein field ee, then the variables represent a flat spacetime. This is not always possible: We show that the solutions of the theory generally represent spacetimes with ``global torsion''. We describe the dynamical evolution of spacetimes with and without global torsion, and classify the flat spacetimes which admit a locally homogeneous foliation, following Thurston's classification of geometric structures.Comment: 21 pp., Mexico Preprint ICN-UNAM-93-1

    Finite Approximations to Quantum Physics: Quantum Points and their Bundles

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    There exists a physically well motivated method for approximating manifolds by certain topological spaces with a finite or a countable set of points. These spaces, which are partially ordered sets (posets) have the power to effectively reproduce important topological features of continuum physics like winding numbers and fractional statistics, and that too often with just a few points. In this work, we develop the essential tools for doing quantum physics on posets. The poset approach to covering space quantization, soliton physics, gauge theories and the Dirac equation are discussed with emphasis on physically important topological aspects. These ideas are illustrated by simple examples like the covering space quantization of a particle on a circle, and the sine-Gordon solitons.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures on a uuencoded postscript file, DSF-T-29/93, INFN-NA-IV-29/93 and SU-4240-55

    Chains of modular elements and shellability

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    Let L be a lattice admitting a left-modular chain of length r, not necessarily maximal. We show that if either L is graded or the chain is modular, then the (r-2)-skeleton of L is vertex-decomposable (hence shellable). This proves a conjecture of Hersh. Under certain circumstances, we can find shellings of higher skeleta. For instance, if the left-modular chain consists of every other element of some maximum length chain, then L itself is shellable. We apply these results to give a new characterization of finite solvable groups in terms of the topology of subgroup lattices. Our main tool relaxes the conditions for an EL-labeling, allowing multiple ascending chains as long as they are lexicographically before non-ascending chains. We extend results from the theory of EL-shellable posets to such labelings. The shellability of certain skeleta is one such result. Another is that a poset with such a labeling is homotopy equivalent (by discrete Morse theory) to a cell complex with cells in correspondence to weakly descending chains.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2 has minor fixes; v3 corrects the technical lemma in Section 4, and improves the exposition throughou