92,890 research outputs found

    Anomaly and Change Detection in Graph Streams through Constant-Curvature Manifold Embeddings

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    Mapping complex input data into suitable lower dimensional manifolds is a common procedure in machine learning. This step is beneficial mainly for two reasons: (1) it reduces the data dimensionality and (2) it provides a new data representation possibly characterised by convenient geometric properties. Euclidean spaces are by far the most widely used embedding spaces, thanks to their well-understood structure and large availability of consolidated inference methods. However, recent research demonstrated that many types of complex data (e.g., those represented as graphs) are actually better described by non-Euclidean geometries. Here, we investigate how embedding graphs on constant-curvature manifolds (hyper-spherical and hyperbolic manifolds) impacts on the ability to detect changes in sequences of attributed graphs. The proposed methodology consists in embedding graphs into a geometric space and perform change detection there by means of conventional methods for numerical streams. The curvature of the space is a parameter that we learn to reproduce the geometry of the original application-dependent graph space. Preliminary experimental results show the potential capability of representing graphs by means of curved manifold, in particular for change and anomaly detection problems.Comment: To be published in IEEE IJCNN 201

    Perturbation Theory around Non-Nested Fermi Surfaces I. Keeping the Fermi Surface Fixed

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    The perturbation expansion for a general class of many-fermion systems with a non-nested, non-spherical Fermi surface is renormalized to all orders. In the limit as the infrared cutoff is removed, the counterterms converge to a finite limit which is differentiable in the band structure. The map from the renormalized to the bare band structure is shown to be locally injective. A new classification of graphs as overlapping or non-overlapping is given, and improved power counting bounds are derived from it. They imply that the only subgraphs that can generate rr factorials in the rthr^{\rm th} order of the renormalized perturbation series are indeed the ladder graphs and thus give a precise sense to the statement that `ladders are the most divergent diagrams'. Our results apply directly to the Hubbard model at any filling except for half-filling. The half-filled Hubbard model is treated in another place.Comment: plain TeX with postscript figures in a uuencoded gz-compressed tar file. Put it on a separate directory before unpacking, since it contains about 40 files. If you have problems, requests or comments, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Helly meets Garside and Artin

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    A graph is Helly if every family of pairwise intersecting combinatorial balls has a nonempty intersection. We show that weak Garside groups of finite type and FC-type Artin groups are Helly, that is, they act geometrically on Helly graphs. In particular, such groups act geometrically on spaces with convex geodesic bicombing, equipping them with a nonpositive-curvature-like structure. That structure has many properties of a CAT(0) structure and, additionally, it has a combinatorial flavor implying biautomaticity. As immediate consequences we obtain new results for FC-type Artin groups (in particular braid groups and spherical Artin groups) and weak Garside groups, including e.g.\ fundamental groups of the complements of complexified finite simplicial arrangements of hyperplanes, braid groups of well-generated complex reflection groups, and one-relator groups with non-trivial center. Among the results are: biautomaticity, existence of EZ and Tits boundaries, the Farrell-Jones conjecture, the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture, and a description of higher order homological and homotopical Dehn functions. As a mean of proving the Helly property we introduce and use the notion of a (generalized) cell Helly complex.Comment: Small modifications according to the referee report, updated references. Final accepted versio

    Projections of model spaces for latent graph inference

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    Graph Neural Networks leverage the connectivity structure of graphs as an inductive bias. Latent graph inference focuses on learning an adequate graph structure to diffuse information on. In this work we employ stereographic projections of the hyperbolic and spherical model spaces, as well as products of Riemannian manifolds, for the purpose of latent graph inference. Stereographically projected model spaces achieve comparable performance to their non-projected counterparts, while providing theoretical guarantees that avoid divergence of the spaces when the curvature tends to zero
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