1,404 research outputs found

    Ceremonial Leaders and Funeral Practices: The Role Relationships of Clergy and Funeral Directors in Newfoundland

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    In the Western Christian tradition, the primary ceremonial leader of a funeral was the local clergy. However, with the rise of the professional funeral industry, funeral directors emerged as a second group of ceremonial leaders. These individuals orchestrate the preparation and disposal of the body, and are increasingly involved in providing "aftercare" for families. This paper analyses the conflicts which might occur between these two professions, both of which organize the marking of death in our culture. After a discussion of sociological research on this role conflict, the paper presents data from a 1999 mail survey of clergy in Newfoundland and Labrador. The survey covered the clergy's own reflections on their interactions with funeral professionals. The paper concludes with observations on how changes in one profession's terrain can influence the operation of other, closely aligned, professions

    Variability in growth and condition of juvenile common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris)

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Ecologia Marinha). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015The objective of this study was to assess the variability in condition for juvenile common two-banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris in nursery areas of the main Portuguese estuaries using several individual condition indices. Estuaries and coastal lagoons play an important role for juveniles of marine fish because they offer areas with high availability of food, high water temperature and lower predation. These characteristics permit a fast and safe growth of fish until they reach adequate size to return to the ocean and to join adult populations. In this study, two indices estimated by analysis of otolith microstructure were used: widths of the 10 last and of the 60 first daily increments were considered as recent growth index and initial growth index, respectively. Furthermore, two common condition indices were also used: biochemical RNA:DNA ratio, that assesses nutritional status of individuals, and morphometric Fulton's K, that gives an estimate of general well-being of individuals. Since recent growth index and RNA:DNA ratio were significantly related with total length of individuals, a correction was performed and corrected condition indices recent growth’ index and RNA:DNA’ ratio were considered. Fulton's K was also significantly related with total length of juveniles and for this reason was replaced by condition factor K', which considers allometry in the growth of fish. Condition factor K' was considered in the study. A significant positive correlation between recent growth’ and initial growth indices was obtained. Results of the multiple regression analyses seem to reflect the discrepancy in the response times of the different condition indices used. In general, Sado, Ria Formosa and Guadiana provided juveniles in better individual condition. Future studies should be done to better investigate relationships between condition indices and between condition indices and environmental variables, focusing on the link between individual condition and habitat quality of nursery areas.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a condição dos juvenis de sargo-safia, Diplodus vulgaris, em áreas de viveiro dos principais estuários da costa Portuguesa, utilizando vários índices de condição individual. Os estuários e lagoas costeiras desempenham uma função importante para os juvenis de muitas espécies de peixes marinhos porque oferecem elevada disponibilidade de alimento, águas quentes e menor pressão predatória. Estas caraterísticas permitem que os juvenis cresçam rapidamente e em segurança até atingirem dimensões suficientes para regressar ao mar e recrutar para as populações adultas. Neste estudo, foram usados dois índices baseados na análise da microestrutura dos otólitos: as larguras dos 10 últimos e dos 60 primeiros incrementos diários foram considerados como um índice de crescimento recente e um índice de crescimento inicial, respetivamente. Além disso, foram considerados o rácio bioquímico ARN:ADN, que estima o estado nutricional dos indivíduos, e o morfométrico K de Fulton, que avalia o bem-estar geral dos indivíduos. Uma vez que o índice de crescimento recente e o rácio ARN:ADN apresentaram uma relação significativa com o comprimento total dos indivíduos, foi efetuada uma correção e os índices corrigidos índice de crescimento recente' e rácio ARN:ADN’ foram considerados. Também o K de Fulton mostrou-se significativamente relacionado com o comprimento total dos juvenis e foi substituído pelo fator de condição K', o qual considera o crescimento do peixe alométrico. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação positiva significativa entre os índices de crescimento recente’ e de crescimento inicial. Os resultados das regressões múltiplas parecem mostrar discrepância nos tempos de resposta dos diferentes índices de condição usados. Em geral, Sado, Ria Formosa e Guadiana apresentaram juvenis em melhor condição. No futuro, deve-se investigar melhor as relações entre os índices de condição e entre os índices de condição e as variáveis ambientais, focando a ligação entre condição individual e qualidade do habitat das áreas de viveiro

    The Campaign Strategies of Candidate Richard Fulton in Nashville\u27s 1975 Mayoral Race

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    Because of the increasing importance of local government in America\u27s cities, it is worthwhile to note what factors influence the election of our local leaders. This study sought to isolate the communication factors and rhetorical strategies which influenced the election of Mayor Richard Fulton in Nashville\u27s 1975 Mayoral Race. Data was gathered from the written and video media, a private interview with the candidate, and campaign materials. Research also provided the candidate\u27s previous political background. Various factors in Nashville\u27s 1975 Mayoral Race combined to produce an insightful episode in rhetorical and nonrhetorical communication campaign strategies. During the initial stages of the study, emphasis was placed on the rhetorical strategies of candidate Richard Fulton, and to a lesser degree, those of his opponent, Earl Hawkins. As the study progressed, it became increasingly evident that although rhetorical strategies were influential in Fulton\u27s campaign victory, the major reason for his political success could not be totally attributed to his campaign speaking. After acknowledging that fact, a search throughout the available data began to determine what factors were responsible for his ultimate campaign success. It was found that the raising of the candidate\u27s ethos was the most influential campaign factor. Evidence throughout the available data documented over and over again the conclusion that Richard Fulton built an attractive image appealing to Nashville\u27s voters. Fulton\u27s rhetorical content and past experiences served to connunicate this winning image. It was revealed that: The national and local political situation was favorable to the image which Fulton projected, Fulton\u27s ethos was very high, Fulton\u27s image was the chief factor in this successful campaign, and Fulton\u27s rhetorical strategies were in accord with the majority of Nashville\u27s voters\u27 attitudes. Because specific categories have not been formed by the communication community pertaining to the political candidate\u27s image, this study has been one of discovery and new insight in the area of local politics. A proper rhetorical analysis could not simply proffer an evaluation of traditional aspects of speaking, such as ethos, logos, and pathos. Truly these categories enter the campaign on an important level, but with the increasing role of the media, even in local campaigns, new categories need to be developed and explored. It is the hope of the writer that this particular study will encourage greater interest and future investigations into the local political workings in our cities, particularly those in the South. Why are the Americans of each city choosing their particular leaders? What role is public rhetoric playing in the local choice? How is the media affecting those choices on the local level? Is the American public being sold a false image by local politicians due to local advertising, and if so, how might greater public speaking help to dispell these misleading images? These are just a few questions which may stir future interest in pursuing the rhetorical study of our nation\u27s many, local political campaigns and their place in the future development of the contemporary South

    The News, Part 1, May 29, 1969

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    The News, Part 1, October 3, 1968

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    The News, Part 1, May 29, 1969

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    The News, Part 2, August 7, 1969

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    The News, Part 2, August 7, 1969

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    The News, May 5, 1950

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    The Courier, Number 36, 1970.

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    Barzillai Pease and Mr. Fulton\u27s Steamboat / Arsine Schmavonian -- University Library Problems and Trends / Robert Bingham Downs -- Poems from Once Upon a Dream / Martin Buxbaum -- Babington\u27s Bibliography of John Addington Symonds: Some Additions and Corrections / Timothy D\u27Arch Smith -- Stanley Edgar Hyman: An Appreciation / Robert Phillips -- Open for Research...Notes on Collections -- News of Library Associates -- Contributors to this Issu
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