18 research outputs found

    The signed Eulerian numbers on involutions

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    We define an analogue of signed Eulerian numbers fn,kf_{n,k} for involutions of the symmetric group and derive some combinatorial properties of this sequence. In particular, we exhibit both an explicit formula and a recurrence for fn,kf_{n,k} arising from the properties of its generating function.Comment: 10 page

    Equidistribution and Sign-Balance on 321-Avoiding Permutations

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    Let TnT_n be the set of 321-avoiding permutations of order nn. Two properties of TnT_n are proved: (1) The {\em last descent} and {\em last index minus one} statistics are equidistributed over TnT_n, and also over subsets of permutations whose inverse has an (almost) prescribed descent set. An analogous result holds for Dyck paths. (2) The sign-and-last-descent enumerators for T2nT_{2n} and T2n+1T_{2n+1} are essentially equal to the last-descent enumerator for TnT_n. The proofs use a recursion formula for an appropriate multivariate generating function.Comment: 17 pages; to appear in S\'em. Lothar. Combi

    Odd length for even hyperoctahedral groups and signed generating functions

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    We define a new statistic on the even hyperoctahedral groups which is a natural analogue of the odd length statistic recently defined and studied on Coxeter groups of types AA and BB. We compute the signed (by length) generating function of this statistic over the whole group and over its maximal and some other quotients and show that it always factors nicely. We also present some conjectures

    Signed Mahonians

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    A classical result of MacMahon gives a simple product formula for the generating function of major index over the symmetric group. A similar factorial-type product formula for the generating function of major index together with sign was given by Gessel and Simion. Several extensions are given in this paper, including a recurrence formula, a specialization at roots of unity and type BB analogues.Comment: 23 page

    Counting derangements with signed right-to-left minima and excedances

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    Recently Alexandersson and Getachew proved some multivariate generalizations of a formula for enumerating signed excedances in derangements. In this paper we first relate their work to a recent continued fraction for permutations and confirm some of their observations. Our second main result is two refinements of their multivariate identities, which clearly explain the meaning of each term in their main formulas. We also explore some similar formulas for permutations of type B.Comment: Advances in Applied Mathematics 152, 10259