3,341 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate is there a relation between age and the way that people are using digital media content. By developing information and communication technology in the field of media communications, media con-tent users are able to use more visual information of the same content, affecting the success of decoding the message and users can also manipulate part of the visual presentation by adapting the user interface to their visual needs. This puts the user in the position of the designer of the visual content. The information user today partially takes the role of the creator of the visual aspect of the information, so it comes to repositioning in relation the graphic designer - the recipient of the message. The paper examines whether the age of the user has an impact on the visual pattern used in the digital content utilization. The research approach is qualitative and exploratory in nature, as the aim is to develop a model of information consumption for elderlies in digital environment in which the information quality is challenged by the way of user’s visual approach and visual pattern. Through the empirical part of the research, user behavior was investigated in the use of media web content. Although, there are some differences between two users groups divided by age, we can not claim that these differences are connected with age. The research has shown that the primary reason for certain visual pattern is interest for specific theme. Based on conducted theoretical analysis and empirical research it can be concluded that visual communication in a new, converging media environment is experiencing redefinition and enables rapid transition from status information per se to status per nos, but the interest for content is still dominant regulator of specific users navigation trought the content.Svrha ovog rada je istražiti odnos između dobi i načina na koji ljudi koriste digitalne medijske sadržaje. Razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije u području medijskih komunikacija korisnici medija sadržaja mogu koristiti više vizualnih informacija istog sadržaja, što utječe na uspjeh dekodiranja poruke, a korisnici također mogu manipulirati dijelom vizualne prezentacije prilagodbom korisničkog sučelja njihovim vizualnim potrebama. Time se korisnik postavlja u poziciju dizajnera vizualnog sadržaja. Korisnik informacija danas dijelom preuzima ulogu tvorca vizualnog aspekta informacija, pa dolazi do repozicioniranja u odnosu grafički dizajner - primatelj poruke. U radu se ispituje ima li dob korisnika utjecaj na vizualni obrazac koji se koristi u korištenju digitalnog sadržaja. Istraživački pristup je kvalitativnog i istraživačkog karaktera, a cilj je razviti model konzumiranja informacija za starije osobe u digitalnom okruženju u kojem se kvalitetu podataka dovodi u pitanje korisnikovim vizualnim pristupom i vizualnim obrascem. Empirijskim dijelom istraživanja istraženo je ponašanje korisnika pri korištenju medijskih web sadržaja. Iako postoje neke razlike između dvije korisničke skupine podijeljene prema dobi, ne možemo tvrditi da su te razlike povezane s dobi. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je glavni razlog određenog vizualnog uzorka zanimanje za određenu temu. Na temelju provedene teorijske analize i empirijskog istraživanja može se zaključiti da vizualna komunikacija u novom, konvergiranom medijskom okruženju doživljava redefiniranje i omogućava brzi prijelaz iz statusa per se u status per nos, no zanimanje za sadržaj još uvijek je dominantan regulator navigacije za određene korisnike sadržaja

    Bringing the IPTC News Architecture into the Semantic Web

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    Construction Grammar and Artificial Intelligence

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    In this chapter, we argue that it is highly beneficial for the contemporary construction grammarian to have a thorough understanding of the strong relationship between the research fields of construction grammar and artificial intelligence. We start by unravelling the historical links between the two fields, showing that their relationship is rooted in a common attitude towards human communication and language. We then discuss the first direction of influence, focussing in particular on how insights and techniques from the field of artificial intelligence play an important role in operationalising, validating and scaling constructionist approaches to language. We then proceed to the second direction of influence, highlighting the relevance of construction grammar insights and analyses to the artificial intelligence endeavour of building truly intelligent agents. We support our case with a variety of illustrative examples and conclude that the further elaboration of this relationship will play a key role in shaping the future of the field of construction grammar.Comment: Peer-reviewed author's draft of a chapter to appear in the Cambridge Handbook of Construction Grammar (2024 - edited by Mirjam Fried and Kiki Nikiforidou

    Construction Grammar and Artificial Intelligence

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    Construction Grammar and Artificial Intelligence

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    Towards Ontological Support for Journalistic Angles

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    Journalism relies more and more on information and communication technology (ICT). New journalistic ICT platforms continuously harvest potentially news-related information from the internet and try to make it useful for journalists. Because the information sources and formats vary widely, knowledge graphs are emerging as a preferred technology for integrating, enriching, and preparing journalistic information. The paper explores how journalistic knowledge graphs can be augmented with support for news angles, in order to help journalists detect news-worthy events and present them in ways that will interest the intended audience. We argue that finding newsworthy angles on news-related information is important as an example of a more general problem in information science: that of finding the most interesting events and situations in big data sets and presenting those events and situations in the most interesting ways.acceptedVersio

    Semantic Knowledge Graphs for the News: A Review

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    ICT platforms for news production, distribution, and consumption must exploit the ever-growing availability of digital data. These data originate from different sources and in different formats; they arrive at different velocities and in different volumes. Semantic knowledge graphs (KGs) is an established technique for integrating such heterogeneous information. It is therefore well-aligned with the needs of news producers and distributors, and it is likely to become increasingly important for the news industry. This article reviews the research on using semantic knowledge graphs for production, distribution, and consumption of news. The purpose is to present an overview of the field; to investigate what it means; and to suggest opportunities and needs for further research and development.publishedVersio