20,220 research outputs found

    Edge-disjoint spanning trees and eigenvalues of regular graphs

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    Partially answering a question of Paul Seymour, we obtain a sufficient eigenvalue condition for the existence of kk edge-disjoint spanning trees in a regular graph, when k{2,3}k\in \{2,3\}. More precisely, we show that if the second largest eigenvalue of a dd-regular graph GG is less than d2k1d+1d-\frac{2k-1}{d+1}, then GG contains at least kk edge-disjoint spanning trees, when k{2,3}k\in \{2,3\}. We construct examples of graphs that show our bounds are essentially best possible. We conjecture that the above statement is true for any k<d/2k<d/2.Comment: 4 figure

    The Singular Values of the Exponientiated Adjacency Matrixes of Broom-Tree Graphs

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    In this paper, we explore the singular values of adjacency matrices {An} for a particular family {Gn} of graphs, known as broom trees. The singular values of a matrix M are defined to be the square roots of the eigenvalues of the symmetrized matrix MTM. The matrices we are interested in are the symmetrized adjacency matrices AnTAn and the symmetrized exponentiated adjacency matrices BnTBn = (eAn − I)T(eAn − I) of the graphs Gn. The application of these matrices in the HITS algorithm for Internet searches suggests that we study whether the largest two eigenvalues of AnTAn (or those of BnTBn) can become close or in fact coincide. We have shown that for one family of broom-trees, the ratio of the two largest eigenvalues of BnTBn as the number n of nodes (more specifically, the length l of the graph) goes to infinity is bounded below one. This bound shows that for these graphs, the second largest eigenvalue remains bounded away from the largest eigenvalue. For a second family of broom trees it is not known whether the same is true. However, we have shown that for that family a certain later eigenvalue remains bounded away from the largest eigenvalue. Our last result is a generalization of this latter result

    Maximal Entropy Random Walk: solvable cases of dynamics

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    We focus on the study of dynamics of two kinds of random walk: generic random walk (GRW) and maximal entropy random walk (MERW) on two model networks: Cayley trees and ladder graphs. The stationary probability distribution for MERW is given by the squared components of the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue \lambda_0 of the adjacency matrix of a graph, while the dynamics of the probability distribution approaching to the stationary state depends on the second largest eigenvalue \lambda_1. Firstly, we give analytic solutions for Cayley trees with arbitrary branching number, root degree, and number of generations. We determine three regimes of a tree structure that result in different statics and dynamics of MERW, which are due to strongly, critically, and weakly branched roots. We show how the relaxation times, generically shorter for MERW than for GRW, scale with the graph size. Secondly, we give numerical results for ladder graphs with symmetric defects. MERW shows a clear exponential growth of the relaxation time with the size of defective regions, which indicates trapping of a particle within highly entropic intact region and its escaping that resembles quantum tunneling through a potential barrier. GRW shows standard diffusive dependence irrespective of the defects.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 24th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics (Zakopane, Poland, September 17-22, 2011

    Abelian Spiders

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    If G is a finite graph, then the largest eigenvalue L of the adjacency matrix of G is a totally real algebraic integer (L is the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of G). We say that G is abelian if the field generated by L^2 is abelian. Given a fixed graph G and a fixed set of vertices of G, we define a spider graph to be a graph obtained by attaching to each of the chosen vertices of G some 2-valent trees of finite length. The main result is that only finitely many of the corresponding spider graphs are both abelian and not Dynkin diagrams, and that all such spiders can be effectively enumerated; this generalizes a previous result of Calegari, Morrison, and Snyder. The main theorem has applications to the classification of finite index subfactors. We also prove that the set of Salem numbers of "abelian type" is discrete.Comment: This work represents, in part, the PhD thesis of the second autho

    The second largest eigenvalue of a tree

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    AbstractDenote by λ2(T) the second largest eigenvalue of a tree T. An easy algorithm is given to decide whether λ2(T)⩽λ for a given number λ, and a structure theorem for trees withλ2(T)⩽λ is proved. Also, it is shown that a tree T with n vertices has λ2(T)⩽lsqb(n−3)2rsqb12; this bound is best possible for odd n

    Quadratic embedding constants of graphs: Bounds and distance spectra

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    The quadratic embedding constant (QEC) of a finite, simple, connected graph GG is the maximum of the quadratic form of the distance matrix of GG on the subset of the unit sphere orthogonal to the all-ones vector. The study of these QECs was motivated by the classical work of Schoenberg on quadratic embedding of metric spaces [Ann. of Math., 1935] and [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1938]. In this article, we provide sharp upper and lower bounds for the QEC of trees. We next explore the relation between distance spectra and quadratic embedding constants of graphs - and show two further results: (i)(i) We show that the quadratic embedding constant of a graph is zero if and only if its second largest distance eigenvalue is zero. (ii)(ii) We identify a new subclass of nonsingular graphs whose QEC is the second largest distance eigenvalue. Finally, we show that the QEC of the cluster of an arbitrary graph GG with either a complete or star graph can be computed in terms of the QEC of GG. As an application of this result, we provide new families of examples of graphs of QE class.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    On the spectral properties of Feigenbaum graphs

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    A Horizontal Visibility Graph (HVG) is a simple graph extracted from an ordered sequence of real values, and this mapping has been used to provide a combinatorial encryption of time series for the task of performing network based time series analysis. While some properties of the spectrum of these graphs --such as the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix-- have been routinely used as measures to characterise time series complexity, a theoretic understanding of such properties is lacking. In this work we explore some algebraic and spectral properties of these graphs associated to periodic and chaotic time series. We focus on the family of Feigenbaum graphs, which are HVGs constructed in correspondence with the trajectories of one-parameter unimodal maps undergoing a period-doubling route to chaos (Feigenbaum scenario). For the set of values of the map's parameter μ\mu for which the orbits are periodic with period 2n2^n, Feigenbaum graphs are fully characterised by two integers (n,k) and admit an algebraic structure. We explore the spectral properties of these graphs for finite n and k, and among other interesting patterns we find a scaling relation for the maximal eigenvalue and we prove some bounds explaining it. We also provide numerical and rigorous results on a few other properties including the determinant or the number of spanning trees. In a second step, we explore the set of Feigenbaum graphs obtained for the range of values of the map's parameter μ\mu for which the system displays chaos. We show that in this case, Feigenbaum graphs form an ensemble for each value of μ\mu and the system is typically weakly self-averaging. Unexpectedly, we find that while the largest eigenvalue can distinguish chaos from an iid process, it is not a good measure to quantify the chaoticity of the process, and that the eigenvalue density does a better job.Comment: 33 page

    Graph homomorphisms between trees

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    In this paper we study several problems concerning the number of homomorphisms of trees. We give an algorithm for the number of homomorphisms from a tree to any graph by the Transfer-matrix method. By using this algorithm and some transformations on trees, we study various extremal problems about the number of homomorphisms of trees. These applications include a far reaching generalization of Bollob\'as and Tyomkyn's result concerning the number of walks in trees. Some other highlights of the paper are the following. Denote by hom(H,G)\hom(H,G) the number of homomorphisms from a graph HH to a graph GG. For any tree TmT_m on mm vertices we give a general lower bound for hom(Tm,G)\hom(T_m,G) by certain entropies of Markov chains defined on the graph GG. As a particular case, we show that for any graph GG, exp(Hλ(G))λm1hom(Tm,G),\exp(H_{\lambda}(G))\lambda^{m-1}\leq\hom(T_m,G), where λ\lambda is the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of GG and Hλ(G)H_{\lambda}(G) is a certain constant depending only on GG which we call the spectral entropy of GG. In the particular case when GG is the path PnP_n on nn vertices, we prove that hom(Pm,Pn)hom(Tm,Pn)hom(Sm,Pn),\hom(P_m,P_n)\leq \hom(T_m,P_n)\leq \hom(S_m,P_n), where TmT_m is any tree on mm vertices, and PmP_m and SmS_m denote the path and star on mm vertices, respectively. We also show that if TmT_m is any fixed tree and hom(Tm,Pn)>hom(Tm,Tn),\hom(T_m,P_n)>\hom(T_m,T_n), for some tree TnT_n on nn vertices, then TnT_n must be the tree obtained from a path Pn1P_{n-1} by attaching a pendant vertex to the second vertex of Pn1P_{n-1}. All the results together enable us to show that |\End(P_m)|\leq|\End(T_m)|\leq|\End(S_m)|, where \End(T_m) is the set of all endomorphisms of TmT_m (homomorphisms from TmT_m to itself).Comment: 47 pages, 15 figure