7,527 research outputs found

    Invisible design: exploring insights and ideas through ambiguous film scenarios

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    Invisible Design is a technique for generating insights and ideas with workshop participants in the early stages of concept development. It involves the creation of ambiguous films in which characters discuss a technology that is not directly shown. The technique builds on previous work in HCI on scenarios, persona, theatre, film and ambiguity. The Invisible Design approach is illustrated with three examples from unrelated projects; Biometric Daemon, Panini and Smart Money. The paper presents a qualitative analysis of data from a series of workshops where these Invisible Designs were discussed. The analysis outlines responses to the films in terms of; existing problems, concerns with imagined technologies and design speculation. It is argued that Invisible Design can help to create a space for critical and creative dialogue during participatory concept development

    Differences in Quadriceps Muscle Layer Thickness (QMLT) and contributing risk factors to muscle mass in community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults

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    Sarcopenia, a major concern in the older adult population, is defined as age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. Quadriceps muscle layer thickness (QMLT) measured using ultrasonography (US) is a newly-validated tool to measure muscle mass, which can be used to identify sarcopenic individuals. Our objective was to determine the association of factors such as handgrip strength (HGS), protein intake, nutritional status (via Subjective Global Assessment-SGA) and fat mass (FM) percentage with QMLT size (measured by US) in community-dwelling and institutionalized older adults. Additionally, we aimed to understand how perceived food intake of protein-rich foods could have an impact actual food intake. Sixty-three older adults ā‰„65 years (23 community-dwelling and 40 institutionalized older adults) took part in a cross-sectional study measuring differences in QMLT size, HGS, protein intake, SGA scores, and FM percentage between groups. Additionally, focus groups and individual interviews provided qualitative perspectives on protein intake. QMLT size was not significant between groups (p=0.358); however, HGS was significantly higher in community-dwelling older adults (pr=0.432, pr=-0.361, p=0.004). HGS was the best predictor of QMLT size (b=0.391, r(63)=0.432, p=0.014) and QMLT measurements were highly reproducible (

    Designer as Ethnographer: A Study of Domestic Cooking and Heating Product Design for Irish Older Adults

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    In many ways, the design of domestic cooking and heating products reflects the zeitgeist of Irish culture throughout the 20th and into the 21st century. From domesticity to materialism, these products have evolved to meet fundamental human needs within the home. Concurrent with this, the methods and processes designers use to create domestic artefacts have evolved and changed. The emergence of Design Ethnography illustrates an evolution where Design has appropriated an established method of Anthropology for its own particular objectives. However, the integrity of the ethnography practised by designers has been criticised by many, e.g. Dourish questions whether it creates forms of ā€œdiscount ethnographyā€ (2006, p.548). The designer ethnographer has different objectives to the anthropologist and the particular principles, methods, and understanding of design ethnography have not been fully elucidated for use by professional designers. Bichard and Gheerawo observe ā€œā€¦if anthropologists and ethnographers appear to be becoming designers as such, then perhaps designers should allow themselves to reflect on their ā€˜fieldā€™ and ā€˜workā€™ more as anthropologists and ethnographersā€(2011, p.55). The identification and construction of a design ethnography, epistemology, and methodology that is distinct from, while respectful of that of anthropology, is required. Design ethnography has been heralded for its ability to investigate future complex issues for humanity, and to produce powerful, democratising, and radical effects (Plowman, 2003). Meeting the demands of a growing older population will be one of these future complexities. Ireland is rapidly becoming an ageing society with its population living longer in ill health (McGill, 2010). 89% of older Irish people would prefer to live at home rather than in institutional care (McGee et al., 2005). Therefore developing healthy environments in which they grow old must be a priority. Particular attention must be given to the design of domestic products that provide older people with basic daily requirements. Domestic cooking and heating products offer basic health and wellbeing needs in the form of nutrition and heat. Prior to designing these products a deep understanding of older peopleā€™s needs must be determined. To achieve this, empathy and sensitivity are essential (Newell et al., 2010). Comprehensive field studies such as ethnographies are important in gaining understanding and eliciting true user insights (Seidel, 2009, Newell et al., 2010) This thesis contributes to two domains. Firstly, it identifies and develops an understanding of the essence of design ethnography, and a process by which designers can harness ethnographic methods for the purposes of design practice. Secondly, it provides an example of a designer ethnographic approach to product design for older people, producing insights and product design requirements for cooking and heating products. The research involved design ethnographic fieldwork over twelve months within the homes of forty older adult participants across Ireland and from various socio-economic groups. Personas, design requirements, and concepts were produced, which allowed the researcher to reflect on the role of design ethnographer and inform future practice. Insights into product requirement were deep and far reaching, revealing important and diverse health and wellbeing needs to be addressed for older people in domestic products. A methods and process framework is formulated for conducting future design ethnography, from fieldwork and data analysis to design practice

    Promoting and maintaining health of people with sight loss: A scoping study

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    This study was undertaken in response to a request by the Thomas Pocklington Trust to identify and explore the following issues: ā€¢ The needs and concerns regarding immediate risks to health and safety related to sight loss; ā€¢ Additional risks arising from sight loss for those who are also managing a long term disease; ā€¢ The difficulties in maintaining and promoting health; ā€¢ Whether or not health promotion activities and policies sufficiently address perceived needs. Findings pertaining to these objectives have been generated from data collected in Leeds, UK, a city where innovative programming for sight loss has either been planned or is being incorporated into health planning and a review of the literature. Findings related to the last two issues indicate that gaps exist in service provision for maintaining health and emphasise the need for more explicitly targeted health promotion initiatives that could address current weaknesses. - A review of the literature; - Focus group discussions with a range of people who had experienced sight loss; - Interviews with professional practitioners engaged in service provision to this population; - An expert hearing with four professional practitioners, one of whom had sight loss, and two service users with sight loss. Most participants were from the West Yorkshire region and the services described in the study are largely located in Leeds. Evidence from the literature review suggests that people with visual impairment have increased risk of accidents within the home and that ensuing consequences include injuries incurred and decreased confidence. Rates of depression among people who are blind or partially sighted are far higher than in the wider population and the likelihood of depression increases with age, although psycho-social interventions and technological assistance can be successfully implemented to improve quality of life. Sight loss together with other long term health conditions exacerbates the impact of other health conditions and has particularly severe impact on the wellbeing of older people insofar as it may affect their mobility, which in turn increases their risk of falls and depression. The nature and level of support available to people is variable but it is clear that access both to the right information at the right time and to appropriate services is a critical issue. Focus group discussions, interviews and the expert hearing corroborated and extended the themes noted in the literature and discuss the differential impact of different risks to health and the difficulties of coping with these at different times in a personā€™s life. A simple typology was defined using two dimensions of experience (ā€˜stage of lifeā€™ and ā€˜early/late onset of sight lossā€™) as a means of organizing findings and providing a means of making further distinctions in interpreting the data. Potentially, this scheme can allow health promotion initiatives to be targeted more effectively to stages at which people with sight loss are more likely to encounter specific difficulties in managing and maintaining their health. There was a clear consensus throughout the study that interventions to meet the needs of people with sight loss must be tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals: people with sight loss are not a homogeneous group and the way in which each person experiences the challenges of sight loss and of managing their health will inevitably vary from person to person. Recommendations generated by this study include: ā€¢ The scope for more pro-active services and need for closer collaboration between service providers; ā€¢ The need for provision and promotion of targeted information; ā€¢ The need for greater awareness of the needs of people with visual impairments among generic service providers; and ā€¢ Further research that explores the usefulness of the typology with a larger sample more representative of population demographics such as BME communities that are more likely to slip through the cracks of service provision

    Engaging older adults and people with dementia in the design of digital technologies

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    PhD ThesisImprovements in healthcare and nutrition have led to increased life expectancies for people around the world, and a growing need to support the larger numbers of older people living with chronic and age-related health conditions. Although the use of digital technologies is increasingly proposed for health and social care solutions, in practice the designers of these technologies are ill equipped to actively engage older people and in particular people with syndromes such as dementia. An examination of previous work on design for older people, and people with dementia, suggests that poor design arises from a gulf in knowledge and experience between the designers and their subjects. To address this divide the KITE participatory design method for engaging people with dementia in design is proposed. KITE facilitates engagement by structuring and scaffolding an empathic relationship between designers and their participants. The approach is elaborated and evaluated through an exercise to design a digital technology to help people with dementia have safe walking experiences. The analysis of this process leads to the formulation of the OASIS design method which is intended to apply to older people more generally. OASIS is evaluated and refined through a number of design studies for technologies to support healthy eating, day-to-day travelling needs and living safely within the community. Reflection on the application of the OASIS method highlights a number of key strategies that can be used to establish and maintain respectful, empathic, and productive participatory design relationships with older adults and people with dementia

    Designing an Educational and Intelligent Human-Computer Interface for Older Adults

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    As computing devices continue to become more heavily integrated into our lives, proper design of human-computer interfaces becomes a more important topic of discussion. Efficient and useful human-computer interfaces need to take into account the abilities of the humans who will be using such interfaces, and adapt to difficulties that different users may face ā€“ such as the particular difficulties older users must face. However, various issues in the design of human-computer interfaces for older users yet exist: a wide variance of ability is displayed by older adults, which can be difficult to design for. Motions and notions found intuitive by younger users can be anything but for the older user. Properly-designed devices must also assist without injuring the pride and independence of the users ā€“ thus, itā€™s understood that devices designed ā€œfor the elderlyā€ may encounter a poor reception when introduced to the ageing community. Affective computing gives current researchers in HCI a useful opportunity to develop applications with interfaces that detect mood and attention via nonverbal cues and take appropriate actions accordingly. Current work in affective computing applications with older adult users points to possibilities reducing feelings of loneliness in the older adult population via these affective applications. However, we believe that everyday applications ā€“ such as chat programs or operating systems ā€“ can also take advantage of affective computing principles to make themselves more accessible for older adults, via communication enhancement. In this thesis, we document a variety of work in the field of developing human-computer interfaces for the older adult user, and the various requirements each of these studies confirm regarding human-computer interaction design for the elderly. We then explain how integration of affective computing can positively affect these designs, and outline a design approach for proper human-computer interfaces for the elderly which take into account affective computing principles. We then develop a case study around a chat application ā€“ ChitChat ā€“ which takes these principles and guidelines into account from the beginning, and give several examples of real-world applications also built with these guidelines. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the broader impacts of this work
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