53 research outputs found

    On the virtualization and dynamic orchestration of satellite communication services

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    Key features of satellite communications such as wide-scale coverage, broadcast/multicast support and high availability, together with significant amounts of new satellite capacity coming online, anticipate new opportunities for satellite communications services as an integral part within upcoming 5G systems. To materialize these opportunities, satellite communications services have to be provisioned and operated in a more flexible, agile and cost-effective manner than done today. In this context, this paper describes a solution for the virtualization and dynamic orchestration of satellite communication services that builds on the introduction of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies within the satellite ground segment systems. Along with the description of the main system architecture traits, the flowchart of a general procedure for the dynamic instantiation of virtualized satellite networks on top of a SDN/NFV-enabled satellite ground segment system is provided. The paper also presents experimental results for the dynamic customization of satellite network services through the implementation of a set of virtualized satellite network functions that can be orchestrated over general purpose open virtual platforms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance analysis of joint precoding and MUD techniques in multibeam satellite systems

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    This paper considers interference mitigation techniques in the forward link of multibeam satellite systems. In contrast to previous works, either devoted to receiver interference mitigation (e.g. multiuser detection) or transmitter interference mitigation (precoding), this work evaluates the achievable rates of the joint combination of both techniques. On the one hand, precoding cannot properly mitigate all the inter- beam interference while maintaining a sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio. On the other hand, the receiver cost and complexity exponentially increases with the number of signals to be simultaneously detected. This highlights that the receiver cannot deal with all the interferences so that in general only 2 signals are jointly detected. As a result, the use of precoding within a coverage area jointly with multiuser detection can both benefit from each other and extremely increase the achievable rates of the system. This is numerically evaluated in a close-to-real coverage area considering simultaneous non-unique decoding strategies. The results show the benefits of this joint scheme that eventually can increase the current precoding performance a 23%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance Analysis of C/U Split Hybrid Satellite Terrestrial Network for 5G Systems

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    Over the last decade, the explosive increase in demand of high-data-rate video services and massive access machine type communication (MTC) requests have become the main challenges for the future 5G wireless network. The hybrid satellite terrestrial network based on the control and user plane (C/U) separation concept is expected to support flexible and customized resource scheduling and management toward global ubiquitous networking and unified service architecture. In this paper, centralized and distributed resource management strategies (CRMS and DRMS) are proposed and compared com- prehensively in terms of throughput, power consumption, spectral and energy efficiency (SE and EE) and coverage probability, utilizing the mature stochastic geometry. Numerical results show that, compared with DRMS strategy, the U-plane cooperation between satellite and terrestrial network under CRMS strategy could improve the throughput and EE by nearly 136% and 60% respectively in ultra-sparse networks and greatly enhance the U-plane coverage probability (approximately 77%). Efficient resource management mechanism is suggested for the hybrid network according to the network deployment for the future 5G wireless network

    Green Hybrid Satellite Terrestrial Networks: Fundamental Trade-Off Analysis

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    With the worldwide evolution of 4G generation and revolution in the information and communications technology(ICT) field to meet the exponential increase of mobile data traffic in the 2020 era, the hybrid satellite and terrestrial network based on the soft defined features is proposed from a perspective of 5G. In this paper, an end-to-end architecture of hybrid satellite and terrestrial network under the control and user Plane (C/U) split concept is studied and the performances are analysed based on stochastic geometry. The relationship between spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) is investigated, taking consideration of overhead costs, transmission and circuit power, backhaul of gateway (GW), and density of small cells. Numerical results show that, by optimizing the key parameters, the hybrid satellite and terrestrial network can achieve nearly 90% EE gain with only 3% SE loss in relative dense networks, and achieve both higher EE and SE gain (20% and 5% respectively) in sparse networks toward the future 5G green communication networks

    Will 5G See its Blind Side? Evolving 5G for Universal Internet Access

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    Internet has shown itself to be a catalyst for economic growth and social equity but its potency is thwarted by the fact that the Internet is off limits for the vast majority of human beings. Mobile phones---the fastest growing technology in the world that now reaches around 80\% of humanity---can enable universal Internet access if it can resolve coverage problems that have historically plagued previous cellular architectures (2G, 3G, and 4G). These conventional architectures have not been able to sustain universal service provisioning since these architectures depend on having enough users per cell for their economic viability and thus are not well suited to rural areas (which are by definition sparsely populated). The new generation of mobile cellular technology (5G), currently in a formative phase and expected to be finalized around 2020, is aimed at orders of magnitude performance enhancement. 5G offers a clean slate to network designers and can be molded into an architecture also amenable to universal Internet provisioning. Keeping in mind the great social benefits of democratizing Internet and connectivity, we believe that the time is ripe for emphasizing universal Internet provisioning as an important goal on the 5G research agenda. In this paper, we investigate the opportunities and challenges in utilizing 5G for global access to the Internet for all (GAIA). We have also identified the major technical issues involved in a 5G-based GAIA solution and have set up a future research agenda by defining open research problems

    Experimental proof of concept of an SDN-based traffic engineering solution for hybrid satellite-terrestrial mobile backhauling

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Mendoza, F, Ferrus, R, Sallent, O. Experimental proof of concept of an SDN‐based traffic engineering solution for hybrid satellite‐terrestrial mobile backhauling. Int J Satell Commun Network. 2019; 37: 630– 645, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/sat.1303. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingSatellite networks are expected to be an integral part of 5G service deployment. One compelling use case is mobile backhauling, where the exploitation of a satellite component can improve the reach, robustness, and economics of 5G rollout. The envisaged availability of new satellite capacity, together with the development of better integration approaches for the provisioning and operation of the satellite component in a more flexible, agile, and cost-effective manner than done today, are expected to revamp such use case within the 5G ecosystem. In this context, sustained in the architectural designs proposed within H2020 VITAL research project, this paper presents an experimental proof of concept (PoC) of a satellite-terrestrial integration solution that builds upon software-defined networking (SDN) technologies for the realization of end-to-end traffic engineering (E2E TE) in mobile backhauling networks with a satellite component. A laboratory test bed has been developed and validated, consisting of a small-scale private mobile network with a backhaul setting that combines Ethernet-wired links, a satellite link emulator (OpenSAND), OpenFlow switches, and an OpenFlow controller running the network application for E2E TE. Provided results show the operation of a E2E TE application able to enforce different traffic routing and path failure restoration policies as well as the performance impact that it has on the mobile network connectivity services.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    AI for Zero-Touch Management of Satellite Networks in B5G and 6G Infrastructures

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    Satellite Communication (SatCom) networks are become more and more integrated with the terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure. In this paper, we shows the current status of the still ongoing European Space Agency (ESA) project”Data-driven Network Controller Orchestration for Real time Network Management-ANChOR”. In particular, we propose a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)based methodology to drive the dynamic selection of the optimal satellite gateway station, which will be performed by combining different kinds of information (i.e. traffic profile, network and weather conditions). Some preliminary results on the real world dataset shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    The radiation effect on low noise amplifier implemented in the space-aerial–terrestrial integrated 5G networks

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    This paper provides the details of a study on the effects of electron irradiation on two Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA), the Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs) pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) based and the Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT)-based. Previous studies have shown that the properties of GaAs and SiGe HBT’s are very tolerant of gamma, neutron, and proton irradiation without additional radiation hardening. Nowadays, commercials on the shelves (COTS) LNAs have been used in CubeSat space communication systems which may be connected to other communication networks for the implementation of the space-aerial- terrestrial integrated 5G network (SATIN) systems projects, for satellites, launched into Low and Medium Earth Orbits. Previous studies suggest that the electron radiation in space may degrade the LNAs’ performance and might even lead to its failure. Located at the front end of the communication receiver system, this paper conducted such investigation to evaluate the performance under the radiation of the GaAs and SiGe LNAs considering the physics of the technology of each LNA, respectively. The results indicate that both SiGe and GaAs technologies are affected after electron irradiation. As a result, this degradation of the LNAs’ performance affected the communications system performance of the inter-satellite radio link. After the assessment of the quality performance of the communication link at the system level, it has been found that the inter-satellite space link will be at risk under high space radiation dose and the link BER degrades proportionally to the radiation dose level