2 research outputs found

    Communicating COVID-19 on Social Media : The Effects of the Spiral of Silence

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    In this paper, the Spiral of Silence theory (SOS) in the study of mass communications is applied to examine the trends and mechanisms of public opinion in Social Media (SM), using the popular topic of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study includes a secondary analysis of the data on pandemic information consumption obtained through four mass surveys conducted in Armenia. In the period from July 1 to August 30, 2020, we also surveyed Armenian Facebook users by means of Google forms during the highest outbreak of the pandemic in Armenia. In particular, the study demonstrates that although the majority of people are well informed about both public conduct requirements and the sanctions for misconduct during the pandemic, they do not follow the rules but hide their real opinion, preferring to openly agree with the official position while silently breaking the rules (that is, they keep their silence). We have found a correlation between the opinion environment of ā€œfriendsā€ and other Facebook users, and a willingness to express their own opinion. Due to the predominance of the self-presentation mode as a communication strategy on Facebook, there is a trend among Armenian users not to risk their reputation, and avoid possible critics by keeping silence, if the discussion goes against their opinion. The findings of the study might be helpful both for the further development of communication theories and its application to the conditions of new pandemic reality, and for a better understanding of communicative behavior mechanisms in SM.Peer reviewe

    Autoestima en estudiantes universitarios de primer aƱo de una universidad privada, PerĆŗ 2020

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    La presente investigaciĆ³n tuvo como objetivo general determinar el nivel de autoestima en estudiantes universitarios de primer aƱo de una universidad privada. El diseƱo del estudio es no experimental, de corte transversal, nivel descriptivo comparativo. El instrumento para evaluar la variable autoestima fue el Cuestionario de Autoestima, elaborado por Torres Luis en el 2018 y adaptado el 2020. El enfoque de investigaciĆ³n es cuantitativo, de tipo bĆ”sica, no experimental, con diseƱo comparativo con el propĆ³sito de determinar las diferencias o similitudes entre los dos campus de una universidad privada. La muestra estuvo conformada por 226 estudiantes para el campus Lima y 295 para el campus Juliaca. En los resultados, al utilizar el estadĆ­stico U de Mann-Whitney, se encontrĆ³ que en la variable autoestima (,224ā‰„0,05) y la dimensiĆ³n autovaloraciĆ³n (,744ā‰„ 0,05) no existe diferencia significativa, por lo que, se procede a aceptar la Ho lo que indica que no existe diferencia significativa en la autoestima y autovaloraciĆ³n en los estudiantes universitarios de una universidad privada. Por otro lado, en la dimensiĆ³n autoimagen (.049ā‰„ 0,05) y autoconfianza (,001ā‰„ 0,05), existe relaciĆ³n significativa, por lo que se procede a aceptar la H1, indicando que existe relaciĆ³n significativa en la autoimagen y autoconfianza en los estudiantes de una universidad privada