8 research outputs found

    Tool support for software process assessments

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    Thesis Abstract Software process assessments are currently being conducted by organisations using de facto assessment standards such as ISO/IEC 15504, ISO 9001, CMM and BOOTSTRAP. These assessment standards require practical tools and support mechanisms to enable them to be effective and efficient in their execution. This thesis is a study of the functional composition of such automated tools and investigates the viability of creating mappings between the software process models that would allow the assessment data to be translated between models. The result is a model for creating automated assessment tools and a methodology for using data mappings to translate and compare assessment data between software process models in these assessment tools

    Analyse, évaluation et amélioration de la performance du processus de développement libre : une approche par la norme ISO/IEC 29110

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    Les F/OSS font face à de nombreux problèmes de qualité [67, 108, 115] et cette problématique de qualité est d'actualité. Malgré un nombre important de publications sur les F/OSS, nous déplorons la rareté des recherches qui se sont penchées sur l'application des normes de base de développement du génie logiciel au processus de développement libre. Cependant, certains projets libres ont pu développer du logiciel de qualité et ont maintenu ce niveau de qualité dans les logiciels développés ou maintenus au sein de leurs communautés. Cette recherche a donc pour but d'analyser si une norme de développement du génie logiciel telle que la jeune norme ISO/IEC 29110 peut soutenir ou améliorer le processus de développement libre compte tenu de la culture du libre. La méthodologie de recherche utilisée est divisée en deux phases. La première phase est une étude exploratoire des F/OSS au travers de l'étude des projets : Linux, Apache, Mozilla et GNOME. Elle a permis de se familiariser aux F/OSS, d'identifier les problèmes de qualité rencontrés, d'extraire et d'évaluer le processus de développement actuel des F/OSS par rapport à la norme ISO/IEC 29110. Les résultats de cette évaluation rejoignent à littérature en ce sens que le développement libre souffre d'un manque de documentation. La deuxième phase consiste en une analyse de compatibilité des activités du processus d'implémentation de la norme ISO/IEC 29110 avec les F/OSS, afin d'identifier les activités de la norme qui sont compatibles aux F/OSS. Cette évaluation a permis l'identification de 4 activités de la norme ISO/IEC 29110 qui sont compatibles aux F/OSS, et qui ont été la base d'une stratégie d'amélioration de la performance du processus de développement libre.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Assurance qualité, qualité, processus de développement, valeurs, logiciels libres, valeurs, culture, principes, activités, artefacts, norme de développement du génie logiciel, logiciels open source, génie logiciel

    Pitfalls and guide lines in the transition to object oriented software design methodologies

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.Due to the dynamic nature of the software engineering industry there is a constant move towards new strategies for solving design problems. More specifically there is a move towards Object Oriented (OO) methodologies, presumably because of the various advantages offered in terms of maintainability, and reuse of code produced this way. As with various other aspects of the software industry there are however also problems encountered in this transition and lessons to be learned from the experience of companies who have already performed this change. This research report investigates possible guidelines for companies who are currently contemplating a change to the OO software design methodologies, by covering a collection of issues one should know about prior to this change. It also summarises the problems faced in the transition so far, the reasons for these problems and suggests possible solutions. Lastly it also investigates new trends in the OO arena. The emphasis is on South African companies and projects. The results obtained are compared with results obtained overseas to find out what the differences and similarities are. Areas of concern are also identified, where theoreticians' views have been ignored, and both South African and overeeas companies have not implemented any of the suggestions made.Andrew Chakane 201

    Perspectives on improving software maintenance

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    Vliet, J.C. van [Promotor

    Process modelling to support software development under the capability maturity model

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    the SPICE Trials

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    was set up to support the development of the ISO/IEC 15504 standard for software process assessment (SPA). The project mounted a set of trials to validate the emerging standard against the goals and requirements defined at the start of the SPICE project and to verify the consistency and usability of its component parts. A considerable number of empirical evaluation studies have been conducted during the Phase 2 SPICE Trials based on ISO/IEC PDTR 15504 (between September 1996 and June 1998). Such an exercise is unprecedented in the software engineering standards community and it provides a unique opportunity for empirical validation. The purpose of this paper is to present major parts of the findings of the empirical studies conducted as part of the SPICE Project during Phase 2 of the SPICE Trials. The topics covered in this paper include (i) investigation into reasons for performing SPAs, (ii) evaluation of the internal consistency of the capability dimension, (iii) use of interrater agreement as a measure of the reliability of assessments, (iv) evaluation of the predictive validity of process capability, (v) evaluation of an exemplar model (Part 5), (vi) identification of factors influencing assessor effort, and (vii) empirical comparison between ISO/IEC PDTR 15504 and ISO 9001