1,162 research outputs found

    Critical review of the e-loyalty literature: a purchase-centred framework

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    Over the last few years, the concept of online loyalty has been examined extensively in the literature, and it remains a topic of constant inquiry for both academics and marketing managers. The tremendous development of the Internet for both marketing and e-commerce settings, in conjunction with the growing desire of consumers to purchase online, has promoted two main outcomes: (a) increasing numbers of Business-to-Customer companies running businesses online and (b) the development of a variety of different e-loyalty research models. However, current research lacks a systematic review of the literature that provides a general conceptual framework on e-loyalty, which would help managers to understand their customers better, to take advantage of industry-related factors, and to improve their service quality. The present study is an attempt to critically synthesize results from multiple empirical studies on e-loyalty. Our findings illustrate that 62 instruments for measuring e-loyalty are currently in use, influenced predominantly by Zeithaml et al. (J Marketing. 1996;60(2):31-46) and Oliver (1997; Satisfaction: a behavioral perspective on the consumer. New York: McGraw Hill). Additionally, we propose a new general conceptual framework, which leads to antecedents dividing e-loyalty on the basis of the action of purchase into pre-purchase, during-purchase and after-purchase factors. To conclude, a number of managerial implementations are suggested in order to help marketing managers increase their customers’ e-loyalty by making crucial changes in each purchase stage

    Factors Influencing Online Consumers' Intention to Purchase in an Online Auction and Shopping Website in Thailand

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    Online sales method is significantly becoming a fast business. Specially, online auction and shopping website have also become rapidly growth and more and more suppliers and consumers are entering this market. Therefore, the factors influencing online consumers’ intention to purchase is the key factor determining how attractive them to purchase good and products with on online auction and shopping website. The study examines the factors influencing between online information system quality, online auction price, and online service quality toward online consumers’ intention to purchase in an online auction and shopping website in Thailand. The questionnaires were developed from many previous researches. The data was collected from 397 online consumers of Sanook.com. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Analysis and Multiple Regressions were used to test the hypotheses. The results of this study show that online information system quality has positive relationship to online consumers’ intention to purchase as hypothesized. Online auction price and online service quality also have the significant and positive relationship with online consumers’ intention to purchase. This study shows that the perception of online consumer about online information system quality, online auction price, and online service quality are almost equally important to influence their attraction. Moreover, among the three factors, online auction price is the most significant influence toward online consumers’ intention to purchase

    E-commerce quality and evaluation framework based on technical and user perspectives

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    The study produces an e-commerce quality and evaluation (ECQE) framework based on consumer perspectives.It was conducted in four main phases that include: 1) theoretical study; 2) empirical study; 3) e-commerce quality and evaluation framework construction and development, and 4) confirmation study. The ECQE framework includes four components: quality factors that deal with user expectation and satisfaction; assessment entity, assessment specification, and quality level.The framework was tested on six e-commerce websites.Results show that the ECQE framework is applicable and realistic.The ECQE framework offers a guidance and standard procedure for e-commerce website quality evaluation that can be used to improve organization websites to meet the consumers need and to keep the organization competitive and sustainable

    Методология Оценки Качества Веб-Сайта Универсальная Звезда: первая вершина – «Содержание»

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    The Internet continues to grow at a fast pace with over 1.5 billion websites in 2019 as compared with only one in 1991. The emergence of enormous websites of various complexities and types makes assessing the quality of these sites a vastly important, difficult and complicated task. With this concern, the current paper proposes a novel approach for website assessment by developing a new Website Quality Evaluation Methodology Universal Star (WQEMUS) with a theoretical and empirical basis. It became possible through the employment of the  grounded  theory  methodology  that  enables  relevant  concepts  to  emerge  from  data. To improve the reliability and validity of the findings, an extensive literature review, in-depth and qualitative interviews, and a user evaluation survey were conducted and associated together. In this way, the study presents the results of the selection and categorization of generic quality attributes for WQEMUS with a three-tier structure, consisting of top-level quality criteria, sub-criteria and indicators. These quality dimensions are grounded on a combination of subjective and objective indicators. Consequently, WQEMUS becomes capable of estimating a wide range of different websites irrespective of domain affiliation and services they provide, including Web 3.0 sites.Интернет продолжает расти быстрыми темпами, более чем 1,5 млрд веб-сайтов в2019 г. по сравнению только с одним в1991 г. Появление огромных веб-сайтов различной сложности и типов делает оценку качества этих сайтов чрезвычайно важной и трудной задачей. В связи с этим в статье представлен новый подход к оценке веб-сайтов путем разработки новой Методологии Оценки Качества Веб-Сайтов Универсальная Звезда (МОКВУЗ) на теоретической и эмпирической основе. Чтобы повысить надежность и достоверность результатов исследования, были приведены обширный обзор литературы, углубленные и качественные интервью и оценки пользователей. Таким образом, в статье представлены результаты отбора и  категоризации общих  атрибутов качества для МОКВУЗ с трехуровневой структурой, состоящей из критериев качества высшего уровня, субкритериев и показателей. Эти аспекты качества основаны на сочетании субъективных и объективных показателей. Следовательно, МОКВУЗ становится способной оценивать широкий спектр различных веб-сайтов независимо от принадлежности к домену и предоставляемых ими услуг, включая сайты Веб 3.0

    Assessing the Relative Importance of an E-learning system Usability Design Characteristics Based on Students' Preferences

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    This study considers the interaction between an e-learning system, the Blackboard system, and the students who use it in Saudi Arabia. While previous work exists, there is limited consideration of the assessment of the preferences of e-learning system usability variables based on students’ perspectives, especially in developing countries such as Saudi Arabia. This paper attempts to fill the gap by investigating the relative importance of the design criteria developed for e-learning system usability evaluation from the students’ perspective in Saudi tertiary education. Based on reviewed literature, a set of usability principles was developed that have had an influence in the students’ learning process and use of the e-learning system. The list includes system navigation, system learnability, visual design, information quality, instructional assessment and system interactivity. An exploratory study was carried out to identify the most important usability design characteristics from a student’s perspective and then evaluate the overall usability of the current e-learning system, based on this subset. A quantitative approach was adopted to weigh usability design characteristics, based on 181 learners’ perceptions. The sample consists of undergraduates who are users of a web-based e-learning system in a university in Saudi Arabia. The research instrument was tested for construct validity and reliability. The analysed results have shown that information quality is the most important dimension followed by the navigation of the e-learning system. The study has also revealed that the system learnability and visual design came third and fourth in order of importance of e-learning system usability assessment. Finally, the least important design categories that influenced the e-learning system usability assessment were instructional assessment and system interactivity. The empirical results of this study may help to provide insights for designers and evaluators leading to a more effective approach to improve the usability and uptake of the e-learning system

    Understanding and Managing Website Information Content: The WICS Method

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    This study describes and demonstrates the Website Information Content Survey (WICS), which is intended to provide practitioners and researchers with a means of systematically describing website information content. In an exploratory survey of twenty business-to-consumer websites across five e-commerce domains, we demonstrate how the survey can be used to make cross-website comparisons that can identify potential gaps in a website’s information content. The results of this study offer actionable guidance to practitioners seeking to match their website’s information mix to customers’ demands for product, company, and channel information. We also enable future investigations of hypothesized relationships between website information content and user-website interaction outcomes

    Understanding Intention To Repurchase On Auction Websites From Users\u27 It Reliance

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    Does the level of users’ information technology (IT) reliance lead to differences in the motivation of their intention to repurchase on auction websites? This study identifies two seller service propositions that positively affect buyers’ repurchase intentions either directly or indirectly and aims to make two important contributions. First, this study introduces the concept of service provision, which suggests that buyers’ expectations of service and their perception of service provision around purchase has an impact on customers’ intention to repurchase from the same online seller in auction website. Second, this study examines the impact of service provision on buyers’ repurchase intention both directly and indirectly

    The effects of website quality on customer satisfaction, use intention, and purchase intention: A comparison among three types of booking channels

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    There is no doubt that hotel distribution has changed dramatically since the advent of the Internet. Online travel agencies’ (OTAs) and hotel websites have risen to reach a broader range of customers to generate more revenue. The latest in a series of disruptive innovations brought by the Internet, is the sharing economy business. This new wave of peer-to-peer businesses allow customers to make money from underused assets. In the hospitality industry, Airbnb is the best-known example of this phenomenon. The proliferation of online accommodation booking websites has created the need for measurement criteria to evaluate the quality of website. It is important for hoteliers, hosts, and website designers to understand and compare what components comprise website quality and how website quality influences customers’ purchase intention across three types of booking channels: OTA websites, hotel branded websites, and hospitality sharing economy platforms (HSEPs). This study identified what constituted website quality by regressing the perceived ease-of-use, information quality, privacy risk, and website aesthetics against overall website quality. This study also proposed a purchase intention model by adding customer satisfaction and use intention as two mediating variables. Results from 973 online survey responses revealed the conceptualization of website quality varied across three types of booking websites and highlighted the importance of website aesthetics. It was suggested OTA website quality was assessed based on customers’ experience in the information search process, while hotel website quality was evaluated with a focus on the technical adequacy. In the HSEP setting, it was noted that aesthetics was viewed as high-quality. Additionally, this study confirmed the inter-relationships among website quality, customer satisfaction and purchase intention, and mapped the customers’ search-purchase relationships in an online context. The mediating effects of customer satisfaction and use intention were also detected. The contribution of this research is both academic and practical. First, given the rapid growth of sharing economy platforms, this research is among the first studies to investigate the impact of website quality on customers’ intention to purchase on the HSEPs; and provides new insights in understanding this niche segment from customers’ perspectives. Second, this study expands upon the current website quality measurements body of knowledge in a more accurate manner by assessing measurement invariance and regressing overall website quality against each proposed website quality dimension across three booking channels. The third contribution of study is through the inclusion of two types of behavioral intentions (use intention and purchase intention) and the examination of the relationship between these two constructs, which suggest the diminished value of the billboard effect. Lastly, this study helps hospitality industry practitioners better position their own websites by revealing and comparing the influential factors that determine online accommodation bookers’ perceptions towards three types of booking channels