10 research outputs found

    Integrals and Valuations

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    We construct a homeomorphism between the compact regular locale of integrals on a Riesz space and the locale of (valuations) on its spectrum. In fact, we construct two geometric theories and show that they are biinterpretable. The constructions are elementary and tightly connected to the Riesz space structure.Comment: Submitted for publication 15/05/0

    QRB, QFS, and the probabilistic powerdomain

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    AbstractWe show that the first author's QRB-domains coincide with Li and Xu's QFS-domains, and also with Lawson-compact quasi-continuous dcpos, with stably-compact locally finitary compact spaces, with sober QFS-spaces, and with sober QRB-spaces. The first three coincidences were discovered independently by Lawson and Xi. The equivalence with sober QFS-spaces is then applied to give a novel, direct proof that the probabilistic powerdomain of a QRB-domain is a QRB-domain. This improves upon a previous, similar result, which was limited to pointed, second-countable QRB-domains

    Bitopological Duality for Distributive Lattices and Heyting Algebras

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    We introduce pairwise Stone spaces as a natural bitopological generalization of Stone spaces—the duals of Boolean algebras—and show that they are exactly the bitopological duals of bounded distributive lattices. The category PStone of pairwise Stone spaces is isomorphic to the category Spec of spectral spaces and to the category Pries of Priestley spaces. In fact, the isomorphism of Spec and Pries is most naturally seen through PStone by first establishing that Pries is isomorphic to PStone, and then showing that PStone is isomorphic to Spec. We provide the bitopological and spectral descriptions of many algebraic concepts important for the study of distributive lattices. We also give new bitopological and spectral dualities for Heyting algebras, co-Heyting algebras, and bi-Heyting algebras, thus providing two new alternatives of Esakia’s duality

    The probabilistic powerdomain for stably compact spaces

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    This paper reviews the one-to-one correspondence between stably compact spaces (a topological concept covering most classes of semantic domains) and compact ordered Hausdorff spaces. The correspondence is extended to certain classes of real-valued functions on these spaces. This is the basis for transferring methods and results from functional analysis to the non-Hausdorff setting. As an application of this, the Riesz Representation Theorem is used for a straightforward proof of the (known) fact that every valuation on a stably compact space extends uniquely to a Radon measure on the Borel algebra of the corresponding compact Hausdorff space. The view of valuations and measures as certain linear functionals on function spaces suggests considering a weak topology for the space of all valuations. If these are restricted to the probabilistic or sub-probabilistic case, then another stably compact space is obtained. The corresponding compact ordered space can be viewed as the set of (probability or sub-probability) measures together with their natural weak topology.