53 research outputs found

    Highly Robust Error Correction by Convex Programming

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    This paper discusses a stylized communications problem where one wishes to transmit a real-valued signal x ∈ ℝ^n (a block of n pieces of information) to a remote receiver. We ask whether it is possible to transmit this information reliably when a fraction of the transmitted codeword is corrupted by arbitrary gross errors, and when in addition, all the entries of the codeword are contaminated by smaller errors (e.g., quantization errors). We show that if one encodes the information as Ax where A ∈ ℝ^(m x n) (m ≥ n) is a suitable coding matrix, there are two decoding schemes that allow the recovery of the block of n pieces of information x with nearly the same accuracy as if no gross errors occurred upon transmission (or equivalently as if one had an oracle supplying perfect information about the sites and amplitudes of the gross errors). Moreover, both decoding strategies are very concrete and only involve solving simple convex optimization programs, either a linear program or a second-order cone program. We complement our study with numerical simulations showing that the encoder/decoder pair performs remarkably well

    An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases

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    We study the problem of answering a workload of linear queries Q\mathcal{Q}, on a database of size at most n=o(Q)n = o(|\mathcal{Q}|) drawn from a universe U\mathcal{U} under the constraint of (approximate) differential privacy. Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang~\cite{NTZ} proposed an efficient mechanism that, for any given Q\mathcal{Q} and nn, answers the queries with average error that is at most a factor polynomial in logQ\log |\mathcal{Q}| and logU\log |\mathcal{U}| worse than the best possible. Here we improve on this guarantee and give a mechanism whose competitiveness ratio is at most polynomial in logn\log n and logU\log |\mathcal{U}|, and has no dependence on Q|\mathcal{Q}|. Our mechanism is based on the projection mechanism of Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang, but in place of an ad-hoc noise distribution, we use a distribution which is in a sense optimal for the projection mechanism, and analyze it using convex duality and the restricted invertibility principle.Comment: To appear in ICALP 2015, Track

    Spectral Norm of Random Kernel Matrices with Applications to Privacy

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    Kernel methods are an extremely popular set of techniques used for many important machine learning and data analysis applications. In addition to having good practical performances, these methods are supported by a well-developed theory. Kernel methods use an implicit mapping of the input data into a high dimensional feature space defined by a kernel function, i.e., a function returning the inner product between the images of two data points in the feature space. Central to any kernel method is the kernel matrix, which is built by evaluating the kernel function on a given sample dataset. In this paper, we initiate the study of non-asymptotic spectral theory of random kernel matrices. These are n x n random matrices whose (i,j)th entry is obtained by evaluating the kernel function on xix_i and xjx_j, where x1,...,xnx_1,...,x_n are a set of n independent random high-dimensional vectors. Our main contribution is to obtain tight upper bounds on the spectral norm (largest eigenvalue) of random kernel matrices constructed by commonly used kernel functions based on polynomials and Gaussian radial basis. As an application of these results, we provide lower bounds on the distortion needed for releasing the coefficients of kernel ridge regression under attribute privacy, a general privacy notion which captures a large class of privacy definitions. Kernel ridge regression is standard method for performing non-parametric regression that regularly outperforms traditional regression approaches in various domains. Our privacy distortion lower bounds are the first for any kernel technique, and our analysis assumes realistic scenarios for the input, unlike all previous lower bounds for other release problems which only hold under very restrictive input settings.Comment: 16 pages, 1 Figur

    Tight Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Selection

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    A pervasive task in the differential privacy literature is to select the kk items of "highest quality" out of a set of dd items, where the quality of each item depends on a sensitive dataset that must be protected. Variants of this task arise naturally in fundamental problems like feature selection and hypothesis testing, and also as subroutines for many sophisticated differentially private algorithms. The standard approaches to these tasks---repeated use of the exponential mechanism or the sparse vector technique---approximately solve this problem given a dataset of n=O(klogd)n = O(\sqrt{k}\log d) samples. We provide a tight lower bound for some very simple variants of the private selection problem. Our lower bound shows that a sample of size n=Ω(klogd)n = \Omega(\sqrt{k} \log d) is required even to achieve a very minimal accuracy guarantee. Our results are based on an extension of the fingerprinting method to sparse selection problems. Previously, the fingerprinting method has been used to provide tight lower bounds for answering an entire set of dd queries, but often only some much smaller set of kk queries are relevant. Our extension allows us to prove lower bounds that depend on both the number of relevant queries and the total number of queries