49 research outputs found

    Learning Linear Dynamical Systems via Spectral Filtering

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    We present an efficient and practical algorithm for the online prediction of discrete-time linear dynamical systems with a symmetric transition matrix. We circumvent the non-convex optimization problem using improper learning: carefully overparameterize the class of LDSs by a polylogarithmic factor, in exchange for convexity of the loss functions. From this arises a polynomial-time algorithm with a near-optimal regret guarantee, with an analogous sample complexity bound for agnostic learning. Our algorithm is based on a novel filtering technique, which may be of independent interest: we convolve the time series with the eigenvectors of a certain Hankel matrix.Comment: Published as a conference paper at NIPS 201

    Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Clinical Concept Extraction

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    Automated extraction of concepts from patient clinical records is an essential facilitator of clinical research. For this reason, the 2010 i2b2/VA Natural Language Processing Challenges for Clinical Records introduced a concept extraction task aimed at identifying and classifying concepts into predefined categories (i.e., treatments, tests and problems). State-of-the-art concept extraction approaches heavily rely on handcrafted features and domain-specific resources which are hard to collect and define. For this reason, this paper proposes an alternative, streamlined approach: a recurrent neural network (the bidirectional LSTM with CRF decoding) initialized with general-purpose, off-the-shelf word embeddings. The experimental results achieved on the 2010 i2b2/VA reference corpora using the proposed framework outperform all recent methods and ranks closely to the best submission from the original 2010 i2b2/VA challenge.Comment: This paper "Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Clinical Concept Extraction" is accepted for short paper presentation at Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop at COLING 2016 Osaka, Japan. December 11, 201

    Towards Hierarchical Prosodic Prominence Generation in TTS Synthesis

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    We address the problem of identification (from text) and generation of pitch accents in HMM-based English TTS synthesis. We show, through a large scale perceptual test, that a large improvement of the binary discrimination between pitch accented and non-accented words has no effect on the quality of the speech generated by the system. On the other side adding a third accent type that emphatically marks words that convey ”contrastive” focus (automatically identified from text) produces beneficial effects on the synthesized speech. These results support the accounts on prosodic prominence that consider the prosodic patterns of utterances as hierarchical structured and point out the limits of a flattening of such structure resulting from a simple accent/non-accent distinction. Index Terms: speech synthesis, HMM, pitch accents, focus detection 1

    Live neighbor-joining

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    Background: In phylogenetic reconstruction the result is a tree where all taxa are leaves and internal nodes are hypothetical ancestors. In a live phylogeny, both ancestral and living taxa may coexist, leading to a tree where internal nodes may be living taxa. The well-known Neighbor-Joining heuristic is largely used for phylogenetic reconstruction. Results: We present Live Neighbor-Joining, a heuristic for building a live phylogeny. We have investigated Live Neighbor-Joining on datasets of viral genomes, a plausible scenario for its application, which allowed the construction of alternative hypothesis for the relationships among virus that embrace both ancestral and descending taxa. We also applied Live Neighbor-Joining on a set of bacterial genomes and to sets of images and texts. Non-biological data may be better explored visually when their relationship in terms of content similarity is represented by means of a phylogeny. Conclusion: Our experiments have shown interesting alternative phylogenetic hypothesis for RNA virus genomes, bacterial genomes and alternative relationships among images and texts, illustrating a wide range of scenarios where Live Neighbor-Joining may be used

    Insertion and hairpin formation of membrane proteins: a Monte Carlo study

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    Some particular effects of a lipid membrane on the partitioning and the concomitant folding processes of model proteins have been investigated using Monte Carlo methods. It is observed that orientational order and lateral density fluctuations of the lipid matrix stabilize the orientation of helical proteins and induce a tendency of spontaneous formation of helical hairpins for helices longer than the width of the membrane. The lateral compression of the lipids on a hairpin leads to the extrusion of a loop at the trans side of the membrane. The stability of the hairpin can be increased by the design of appropriate groups of hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues at the extruded loop. It is shown that in the absence of lipids the orientation of proteins is not stable and the formation of hairpins is absent. Some analogies between the formation of helical hairpins in membranes and the formation of hairpins in polymer liquid crystals are discussed. The simulations indicate that the insertion process follows a well-defined pattern of kinetic steps

    record linkage of banks and municipalities through multiple criteria and neural networks

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    Record linkage aims to identify records from multiple data sources that refer to the same entity of the real world. It is a well known data quality process studied since the second half of the last century, with an established pipeline and a rich literature of case studies mainly covering census, administrative or health domains. In this paper, a method to recognize matching records from real municipalities and banks through multiple similarity criteria and a Neural Network classifier is proposed: starting from a labeled subset of the available data, first several similarity measures are combined and weighted to build a feature vector, then a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network is trained and tested to find matching pairs. For validation, seven real datasets have been used (three from banks and four from municipalities), purposely chosen in the same geographical area to increase the probability of matches. The training only involved two municipalities, while testing involved all sources (municipalities vs. municipalities, banks vs banks and and municipalities vs. banks). The proposed method scored remarkable results in terms of both precision and recall, clearly outperforming threshold-based competitors

    Small beams, fast predictions: a comparison of machine learning dose prediction models for proton minibeam therapy

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    Background: Dose calculations for novel radiotherapy cancer treatments such as proton minibeam radiation therapy is often done using full Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. As MC simulations can be very time consuming for this kind of application, deep learning models have been considered to accelerate dose estimation in cancer patients. Purpose: This work systematically evaluates the dose prediction accuracy, speed and generalization performance of three selected state-of-the-art deep learning models for dose prediction applied to the proton minibeam therapy. The strengths and weaknesses of those models are thoroughly investigated, helping other researchers to decide on a viable algorithm for their own application. Methods: The following recently published models are compared: first, a 3D U-Net model trained as a regression network, second, a 3D U-Net trained as a generator of a generative adversarial network (GAN) and third, a dose transformer model which interprets the dose prediction as a sequence translation task. These models are trained to emulate the result of MC simulations. The dose depositions of a proton minibeam with a diameter of 800ÎŒm and an energy of 20–100 MeV inside a simple head phantom calculated by full Geant4 MC simulations are used as a case study for this comparison. The spatial resolution is 0.5 mm. Special attention is put on the evaluation of the generalization performance of the investigated models. Results: Dose predictions with all models are produced in the order of a second on a GPU, the 3D U-Net models being fastest with an average of 130 ms. An investigated 3D U-Net regression model is found to show the strongest performance with overall 61.0%±0.5% of all voxels exhibiting a deviation in energy deposition prediction of less than 3% compared to full MC simulations with no spatial deviation allowed. The 3D U-Net models are observed to show better generalization performance for target geometry variations, while the transformer-based model shows better generalization with regard to the proton energy. Conclusions: This paper reveals that (1) all studied deep learning models are significantly faster than non-machine learning approaches predicting the dose in the order of seconds compared to hours for MC, (2) all models provide reasonable accuracy, and (3) the regression-trained 3D U-Net provides the most accurate predictions