113 research outputs found

    On the power of counting the total number of computation paths of NPTMs

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    Complexity classes defined by modifying the acceptance condition of NP computations have been extensively studied. For example, the class UP, which contains decision problems solvable by non-deterministic polynomial-time Turing machines (NPTMs) with at most one accepting path -- equivalently NP problems with at most one solution -- has played a significant role in cryptography, since P=/=UP is equivalent to the existence of one-way functions. In this paper, we define and examine variants of several such classes where the acceptance condition concerns the total number of computation paths of an NPTM, instead of the number of accepting ones. This direction reflects the relationship between the counting classes #P and TotP, which are the classes of functions that count the number of accepting paths and the total number of paths of NPTMs, respectively. The former is the well-studied class of counting versions of NP problems, introduced by Valiant (1979). The latter contains all self-reducible counting problems in #P whose decision version is in P, among them prominent #P-complete problems such as Non-negative Permanent, #PerfMatch, and #Dnf-Sat, thus playing a significant role in the study of approximable counting problems. We show that almost all classes introduced in this work coincide with their '# accepting paths'-definable counterparts. As a result, we present a novel family of complete problems for the classes parity-P, Modkp, SPP, WPP, C=P, and PP that are defined via TotP-complete problems under parsimonious reductions.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    A complex analogue of Toda's Theorem

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    Toda \cite{Toda} proved in 1989 that the (discrete) polynomial time hierarchy, PH\mathbf{PH}, is contained in the class \mathbf{P}^{#\mathbf{P}}, namely the class of languages that can be decided by a Turing machine in polynomial time given access to an oracle with the power to compute a function in the counting complexity class #\mathbf{P}. This result, which illustrates the power of counting is considered to be a seminal result in computational complexity theory. An analogous result (with a compactness hypothesis) in the complexity theory over the reals (in the sense of Blum-Shub-Smale real machines \cite{BSS89}) was proved in \cite{BZ09}. Unlike Toda's proof in the discrete case, which relied on sophisticated combinatorial arguments, the proof in \cite{BZ09} is topological in nature in which the properties of the topological join is used in a fundamental way. However, the constructions used in \cite{BZ09} were semi-algebraic -- they used real inequalities in an essential way and as such do not extend to the complex case. In this paper, we extend the techniques developed in \cite{BZ09} to the complex projective case. A key role is played by the complex join of quasi-projective complex varieties. As a consequence we obtain a complex analogue of Toda's theorem. The results contained in this paper, taken together with those contained in \cite{BZ09}, illustrate the central role of the Poincar\'e polynomial in algorithmic algebraic geometry, as well as, in computational complexity theory over the complex and real numbers -- namely, the ability to compute it efficiently enables one to decide in polynomial time all languages in the (compact) polynomial hierarchy over the appropriate field.Comment: 31 pages. Final version to appear in Foundations of Computational Mathematic

    Self-Specifying Machines

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    We study the computational power of machines that specify their own acceptance types, and show that they accept exactly the languages that \manyonesharp-reduce to NP sets. A natural variant accepts exactly the languages that \manyonesharp-reduce to P sets. We show that these two classes coincide if and only if \psone = \psnnoplusbigohone, where the latter class denotes the sets acceptable via at most one question to \sharpp followed by at most a constant number of questions to \np.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in IJFC

    Recognizing When Heuristics Can Approximate Minimum Vertex Covers Is Complete for Parallel Access to NP

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    For both the edge deletion heuristic and the maximum-degree greedy heuristic, we study the problem of recognizing those graphs for which that heuristic can approximate the size of a minimum vertex cover within a constant factor of r, where r is a fixed rational number. Our main results are that these problems are complete for the class of problems solvable via parallel access to NP. To achieve these main results, we also show that the restriction of the vertex cover problem to those graphs for which either of these heuristics can find an optimal solution remains NP-hard.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    A Second Step Towards Complexity-Theoretic Analogs of Rice's Theorem

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    Rice's Theorem states that every nontrivial language property of the recursively enumerable sets is undecidable. Borchert and Stephan initiated the search for complexity-theoretic analogs of Rice's Theorem. In particular, they proved that every nontrivial counting property of circuits is UP-hard, and that a number of closely related problems are SPP-hard. The present paper studies whether their UP-hardness result itself can be improved to SPP-hardness. We show that their UP-hardness result cannot be strengthened to SPP-hardness unless unlikely complexity class containments hold. Nonetheless, we prove that every P-constructibly bi-infinite counting property of circuits is SPP-hard. We also raise their general lower bound from unambiguous nondeterminism to constant-ambiguity nondeterminism.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    The First Order Definability of Graphs with Separators via the Ehrenfeucht Game

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    We say that a first order formula Φ\Phi defines a graph GG if Φ\Phi is true on GG and false on every graph GG' non-isomorphic with GG. Let D(G)D(G) be the minimal quantifier rank of a such formula. We prove that, if GG is a tree of bounded degree or a Hamiltonian (equivalently, 2-connected) outerplanar graph, then D(G)=O(logn)D(G)=O(\log n), where nn denotes the order of GG. This bound is optimal up to a constant factor. If hh is a constant, for connected graphs with no minor KhK_h and degree O(n/logn)O(\sqrt n/\log n), we prove the bound D(G)=O(n)D(G)=O(\sqrt n). This result applies to planar graphs and, more generally, to graphs of bounded genus.Comment: 17 page