46 research outputs found

    On moduli of rings and quadrilaterals: algorithms and experiments

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    Moduli of rings and quadrilaterals are frequently applied in geometric function theory, see e.g. the Handbook by K\"uhnau. Yet their exact values are known only in a few special cases. Previously, the class of planar domains with polygonal boundary has been studied by many authors from the point of view of numerical computation. We present here a new hphp-FEM algorithm for the computation of moduli of rings and quadrilaterals and compare its accuracy and performance with previously known methods such as the Schwarz-Christoffel Toolbox of Driscoll and Trefethen. We also demonstrate that the hphp-FEM algorithm applies to the case of non-polygonal boundary and report results with concrete error bounds

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of non-divergence form elliptic equations with Cordes coefficients

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    Non-divergence form elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients do not generally posses a weak formulation, thus presenting an obstacle to their numerical solution by classical finite element methods. We propose a new hphp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for a class of these problems that satisfy the Cordes condition. It is shown that the method exhibits a convergence rate that is optimal with respect to the mesh size hh and suboptimal with respect to the polynomial degree pp by only half an order. Numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy of the method and illustrate the potential of exponential convergence under hphp-refinement for problems with discontinuous coefficients and nonsmooth solutions

    Continuity properties of the inf-sup constant for the divergence

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    The inf-sup constant for the divergence, or LBB constant, is explicitly known for only few domains. For other domains, upper and lower estimates are known. If more precise values are required, one can try to compute a numerical approximation. This involves, in general, approximation of the domain and then the computation of a discrete LBB constant that can be obtained from the numerical solution of an eigenvalue problem for the Stokes system. This eigenvalue problem does not fall into a class for which standard results about numerical approximations can be applied. Indeed, many reasonable finite element methods do not yield a convergent approximation. In this article, we show that under fairly weak conditions on the approximation of the domain, the LBB constant is an upper semi-continuous shape functional, and we give more restrictive sufficient conditions for its continuity with respect to the domain. For numerical approximations based on variational formulations of the Stokes eigenvalue problem, we also show upper semi-continuity under weak approximation properties, and we give stronger conditions that are sufficient for convergence of the discrete LBB constant towards the continuous LBB constant. Numerical examples show that our conditions are, while not quite optimal, not very far from necessary

    Residual-based adaptivity for two-phase flow simulation in porous media using Physics-informed Neural Networks

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    This paper aims to provide a machine learning framework to simulate two-phase flow in porous media. The proposed algorithm is based on Physics-informed neural networks (PINN). A novel residual-based adaptive PINN is developed and compared with the residual-based adaptive refinement (RAR) method and with PINN with fixed collocation points. The proposed algorithm is expected to have great potential to be applied to different fields where adaptivity is needed. In this paper, we focus on the two-phase flow in porous media problem. We provide two numerical examples to show the effectiveness of the new algorithm. It is found that adaptivity is essential to capture moving flow fronts. We show how the results obtained through this approach are more accurate than using RAR method or PINN with fixed collocation points, while having a comparable computational cost

    Efficient white noise sampling and coupling for multilevel Monte Carlo with non-nested meshes

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    When solving stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) driven by additive spatial white noise, the efficient sampling of white noise realizations can be challenging. Here, we present a new sampling technique that can be used to efficiently compute white noise samples in a finite element method and multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) setting. The key idea is to exploit the finite element matrix assembly procedure and factorize each local mass matrix independently, hence avoiding the factorization of a large matrix. Moreover, in a MLMC framework, the white noise samples must be coupled between subsequent levels. We show how our technique can be used to enforce this coupling even in the case of non-nested mesh hierarchies. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method with numerical experiments. We observe optimal convergence rates for the finite element solution of the elliptic SPDEs of interest in 2D and 3D and we show convergence of the sampled field covariances. In a MLMC setting, a good coupling is enforced and the telescoping sum is respected.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Barrier Functionals for Output Functional Estimation of PDEs

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    We propose a method for computing bounds on output functionals of a class of time-dependent PDEs. To this end, we introduce barrier functionals for PDE systems. By defining appropriate unsafe sets and optimization problems, we formulate an output functional bound estimation approach based on barrier functionals. In the case of polynomial data, sum of squares (SOS) programming is used to construct the barrier functionals and thus to compute bounds on the output functionals via semidefinite programs (SDPs). An example is given to illustrate the results.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, preprint submitted to 2015 American Control Conferenc