5 research outputs found

    Closing the Gap between Web Applications and Desktop Applications by Designing a Novel Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) with Seamless Support for Desktop Applications

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    An increasing transformation from locally deployed applications to remote web applications has occurred for about two decades. Nevertheless, abandoning established and essential Windows or Linux desktop applications is in many scenarios impossible. This paper describes and evaluates existing Desktop-as-a-Service solutions and the components required for developing a novel DaaS. Based on the conclusions and findings of this analysis, the paper describes a novel approach for a Desktop-as-a-Service solution that enables, as a unique characteristic, the deployment of non-modified Linux and Windows applications. The interaction with these applications is done entirely through a browser which is unusual for remote interaction with Windows or Linux desktop applications but brings many benefits from the user's point of view because installing any additional client software or local virtualization solution becomes unnecessary. A solution, as described in this paper, has many advantages and offers excellent potential for use in academia, research, industry, and administration

    Single server-side and multiple virtual server-side architectures: Performance analysis on Proxmox VE for e-learning systems

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    At this time, almost all educational institutions use the e-learning system to support learning. The factor that plays the most role in the comfortable use of a system is the performance aspect. This type of single-server architecture is very commonly applied in building a system, but this system is actually less efficient because it does not pay attention to the level of availability. In this study, a server architecture was built in the form of multiple virtual servers utilizing virtualization on Proxmox by applying reverse proxy techniques and storage clustering to increase system availability in building an e-learning Moodle system. The design of multiple virtual server architectures uses prepare, plan, design, implementation, test and optimization methodologies. The results of the research on the testbed and test plan show that the multiple virtual server architecture has superior availability compared to the single server architecture. Based on the User Behavior Modeling Performance (UBMP) test results, the multiple virtual server architecture is also superior, with a maximum value of 100 concurrent users on the multiple virtual server-side architecture, where the availability level is 80.25%, while on the single server, it is lower with a value of 80 users and an availability level of 78.4%

    Sistem Informasi Penggajian PT. Kalisha Utama Ghani Cilacap Menggunakan Framework Laravel

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    Abstrak: PT. Kalisha Utama Ghani Cilacap merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang jasa expedisi dan memiliki lebih dari 100 karyawan di seluruh indonesia. Dalam proses pengelolaan administrasi perusaahan saat ini masih menggunakan Microsoft Excel terutama untuk pengelolaan gaji karyawannya. Sistem pengelolaan gaji tersebut oleh perusahaan dianggap tidak efektif dan tidak efisien, menghambat kinerja perusahaan kususnya dalam hal pengelolaan gaji karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menganalisa kebutuhan, merancang dan membangun sistem informasi penggajian karyawan berbasis website menggunakan framework laravel dengan pendekatan model SDLC Waterfall. Dengan  konsep MVC framework laravel memberikan kemudahan pengembang sistem informasi bekerja secara teamwork, lebih efektif dan efisien, interoperability, tingkat security yang baik dan menjamin kualitas performance sistem infromasi sekala kecil, sedang maupun enterprise. Waterfall merupakan metode penegembangan aplikasi dengan konsep model fase one by one, bertujuan untuk meminimalisir kesalahan yang mungkin saja terjadi didalm proses pengembangan aplikasi. Pengujian sistem informasi penggajian karyawan dilakukan dengan metode pengujian Black Box di setiap modulnya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan semua modul dapat berfungsi dan terhubung dengan database tanpa ada keggalan koneksi database. Dengan adanya sistem informasi penggajian karyawan berbasis website menggunakan framework laravel peneliti berharap dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi didalam proses penggajian karyawan.   Kata kunci: black box, laravel,  penggajian, sistem informasi, waterfall  Kalisha Utama Ghani Cilacap is a company engaged in the field of expedition services and has more than 100 employees throughout Indonesia. In the process of managing the company's administration at this time still using Microsoft Excel, especially for managing employee salaries. The salary management system is considered by the company to be ineffective and inefficient, hampering the company's special performance in terms of managing employee salaries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the needs, design and build a website-based employee payroll information system using a laravel framework with the SDLC Waterfall model approach. With the concept of MVC laravel framework makes it easy for information system developers to work in a teamwork, more effectively and efficiently, interoperability, a good level of security and ensure the quality of information performance on small, medium and enterprise information systems. Waterfall is an application development method with a one by one phase model concept, aimed at minimizing errors that may occur in the application development process. Payroll information system testing is carried out with the Black Box testing method in each module. The test results show all modules can function and connect to the database without any database connection. With the website-based employee payroll information system using a framework laravel researchers hope to be a solution to the problems that occur in the employee payroll process.   Keywords: information systems, payroll, laravel, waterfall, black bo


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    Students who are still unfamiliar with the revising process focus on the local level, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence level. Meanwhile, students who are experts focus on the global level, such as focusing on improving writing goals, ideas, and meanings. When making revisions, students become too focused on the local level rather than the global level. Comments for the local level are ineffective as a guide in the revision process. Therefore, this study aims to build machine learning-based software with the ANN method to classify global or local comments. This study uses a design research methodology with the SDLC model of prototyping. The results show that the RSYS software was successfully built with machine learning accuracy in classifying 19 comments, obtained from 2 documents, with a 95: 0.5 ratio, 94.74%. Whereas in alpha testing, it was stated that the functionality of the RSYS system and machine learning was considered to be functioning correctly. For beta testing, the largest percentage was 85% for ease of operation and convenience in using the application, 75% for website display and navigation availability

    Testbed para el estudio de la virtualizaci贸n de las funciones de red NFV

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    Dise帽ar y desplegar un testbed donde permita estudiar el comportamiento de NFV, generando una topolog铆a que evidencie el desempe帽o de las funciones de red virtualizadas.El presente trabajo de titulaci贸n presenta un Testbed para tecnolog铆a NFV con Open Source MANO (OSM), que es una plataforma de gesti贸n y orquestaci贸n (MANO) de c贸digo abierto para redes virtualizadas. Esta plataforma proporciona los medios para gestionar y controlar funciones de red virtualizadas (VNFs) y servicios de red en un entorno virtual. Es as铆 como, para este proyecto se utiliza OSM en combinaci贸n con las plataformas OpenStack y OpenDaylight, que permite crear un entorno de red m谩s centralizado, el cual despliega y gestiona configuraciones de red complejas propias para la virtualizaci贸n de las funciones de red. Por lo tanto, en este apartado se detalla una descripci贸n general de alto nivel de c贸mo OSM, OpenStack y OpenDaylight pueden utilizarse para virtualizar funciones de red. Es decir, en primer lugar, se crea una VNF utilizando OSM. La creaci贸n de esta VNF es simple a trav茅s de plantillas predefinidas o cargando un paquete VNF existente. Seguidamente, la VNF se despliega sobre OpenDaylight, que proporciona la infraestructura y los recursos necesarios para ejecutar la VNF. Con OpenStack se logra gestionar la infraestructura de red y controlar el flujo de tr谩fico dentro de la red virtualizada, es decir, crear, gestionar y eliminar VNFs. Y por 煤ltimo con OSM se supervisa y gestiona la red virtualizada en su conjunto creada por VNFs. Por lo tanto, el testbed desplegado proporciona herramientas para proveer, supervisar y escalar funciones de red virtualizadas (VNFs) con los recursos de red, seg煤n sea necesario.Ingenier铆