425 research outputs found

    Multiple roles of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C isozymes

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    Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C is an effector molecule in the signal transduction process. It generates two second messengers, inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Currently, thirteen mammal PLC isozymes have been identified, and they are divided into six groups: PLC-beta, -gamma, -delta, -epsilon, -zeta and -eta. Sequence analysis studies demonstrated that each isozyme has more than one alternative splicing variant. PLC isozymes contain the X and Y domains that are responsible for catalytic activity. Several other domains including the PH domain, the C2 domain and EF hand motifs are involved in various biological functions of PLC isozymes as signaling proteins. The distribution of PLC isozymes is tissue and organ specific. Recent studies on isolated cells and knockout mice depleted of PLC isozymes have revealed their distinct phenotypes. Given the specificity in distribution and cellular localization, it is clear that each PLC isozyme bears a unique function in the modulation of physiological responses. In this review, we discuss the structural organization, enzymatic properties and molecular diversity of PLC splicing variants and study functional and physiological roles of each isozyme.open19320

    Multiple roles of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C isozymes.

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    Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C is an effector molecule in the signal transduction process. It generates two second messengers, inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Currently, thirteen mammal PLC isozymes have been identified, and they are divided into six groups: PLC-beta, -gamma, -delta, -epsilon, -zeta and -eta. Sequence analysis studies demonstrated that each isozyme has more than one alternative splicing variant. PLC isozymes contain the X and Y domains that are responsible for catalytic activity. Several other domains including the PH domain, the C2 domain and EF hand motifs are involved in various biological functions of PLC isozymes as signaling proteins. The distribution of PLC isozymes is tissue and organ specific. Recent studies on isolated cells and knockout mice depleted of PLC isozymes have revealed their distinct phenotypes. Given the specificity in distribution and cellular localization, it is clear that each PLC isozyme bears a unique function in the modulation of physiological responses. In this review, we discuss the structural organization, enzymatic properties and molecular diversity of PLC splicing variants and study functional and physiological roles of each isozyme

    Immunoglobulin Genomics in the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

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    In science, the guinea pig is known as one of the gold standards for modeling human disease. It is especially important as a molecular and cellular biology model for studying the human immune system, as its immunological genes are more similar to human genes than are those of mice. The utility of the guinea pig as a model organism can be further enhanced by further characterization of the genes encoding components of the immune system. Here, we report the genomic organization of the guinea pig immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy and light chain genes. The guinea pig IgH locus is located in genomic scaffolds 54 and 75, and spans approximately 6,480 kb. 507 VH segments (94 potentially functional genes and 413 pseudogenes), 41 DH segments, six JH segments, four constant region genes (μ, γ, ε, and α), and one reverse δ remnant fragment were identified within the two scaffolds. Many VH pseudogenes were found within the guinea pig, and likely constituted a potential donor pool for gene conversion during evolution. The Igκ locus mapped to a 4,029 kb region of scaffold 37 and 24 is composed of 349 Vκ (111 potentially functional genes and 238 pseudogenes), three Jκ and one Cκ genes. The Igλ locus spans 1,642 kb in scaffold 4 and consists of 142 Vλ (58 potentially functional genes and 84 pseudogenes) and 11 Jλ -Cλ clusters. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the guinea pig’s large germline VH gene segments appear to form limited gene families. Therefore, this species may generate antibody diversity via a gene conversion-like mechanism associated with its pseudogene reserves

    IGH (immunoglobulin heavy)

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    Review on IGH (immunoglobulin heavy), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Characterization of host-symbiont molecular interactions and evolutionary relationships in the gutless oligochaete Olavius algarvensis

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    The marine gutless oligochaete O. algarvensis lives in obligate symbiosis with a chemosynthetic bacterial consortium that exclusively provides it with nutrition. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of how this essential symbiosis is maintained, both on a physiological and immunological level (chapter IV), as well as from an evolutionary perspective (chapter II). This is addressed by using metagenomics, -proteomics and -transcriptomics to better understand symbiont transmission, diversity, co-divergent evolution and the molecular adaptations of the host that allow it to intimately associate with a diverse and physiologically demanding chemosynthetic consortium (anoxia and noxious substances). Furthermore, chapter III provides the first functional genomic description of the spirochaetal symbiont of O. algarvensis, showing that it is most likely a beneficial symbiont involved in the utilization and funneling of environmentally derived organic nutrients into the symbiosis

    Multispecificity of a recombinant anti-ras monoclonal antibody

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    Recombinant monoclonal antibodies (Ab's) have widespread application as research tools, diagnostic reagents and as biotherapeutics. Whilst studying the cellular molecular switch protein m-ras, a recombinant monoclonal antibody to m-ras was generated for use as a research tool. Antibody genes from a single rabbit B cell secreting IgG to an m-ras specific peptide sequence were expressed in mammalian cells, and monoclonal rabbit IgG binding was characterized by ELISA and peptide array blotting. Although the monoclonal Ab was selected for specificity to m-ras peptide, it also bound to both recombinant full-length m-ras and h-ras proteins. The cross-reactive binding of the monoclonal Ab to h-ras was defined by peptide array blot revealing that the Ab showed preference for peptide sequences containing multiple positively charged amino acid residues. These data reinforce the concept of antibody multispecificity through multiple interactions of the Ab paratope with diverse polypeptides. They also emphasize the importance of immunogen and Ab selection processes when generating recombinant monoclonal Ab's

    The Role of ZMYND8 in Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination

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    Class switch Recombination (CSR) also known as Immunoglobulin (Ig) Class switching is a genomic recombination/deletion reaction that diversifies the effector component of the antibody response but preserves antigen specificity. CSR is initiated by the enzyme activation induced cytidine deaminase (AID), which produces nucleotide mismatches in actively transcribed immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) switch donor and acceptor DNA. The 3’ Regulatory Region (3’RR), a prototypical super-enhancer located at the 3’ of the Igh locus, is essential for acceptor switch region transcription, but the mechanism by which it regulates this process is not well defined. After targeting by AID, nearby mismatches in the donor switch region are processed into DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), translocated to DSBs in the acceptor switch region, and ligated through the DNA Damage Repair (DDR) pathway, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Critical components of CSR are 53BP1 and its effector RIF1 because they inhibit end resection to promote NHEJ and oppose competing pathways in DDR. However, the mechanism by which RIF1 effects end-protection in CSR and binds to 53BP1 is still unknown In these studies, I identified a novel component of the RIF1 interactome, ZMYND8, a chromatin reader and transcriptional repressor that binds to RIF1 and facilitates effective CSR. Unexpectedly, ZMYND8 promotes CSR independently of RIF1. In B cells, ZMYND8 binds active promoters and super-enhancers, including the Igh enhancer the 3’RR. ZMYND8 controls 3’RR activity by regulating polymerase loading. In its absence there is increased 3’ RR polymerase loading and decreased acceptor region transcription and CSR. Thus, ZMYND8 controls CSR by regulating the activity of the 3’ Igh super enhancer