616 research outputs found

    The mirror illusion induces high gamma oscillations in the absence of movement

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    We tested whether mirror visual feedback (MVF) from a moving hand induced high gamma oscillation (HGO) response in the hemisphere contralateral to the mirror and ipsilateral to the self-paced movement. MEG was recorded in 14 subjects under three conditions: bilateral synchronous movements of both index fingers (BILATERAL), movements of the right hand index finger while observing the immobile left index finger (NOMIRROR), and movements of the right hand index finger while observing its mirror reflection (MIRROR). The right hemispheric spatiospectral regions of interests (ROIs) in the sensor space, sensitive to bilateral movements, were found by statistical comparison of the BILATERAL spectral responses to baseline. For these ROIs, the post-movement HGO responses were compared between the MIRROR and NOMIRROR conditions. We found that MVF from the moving hand, similarly to the real movements of the opposite hand, induced HGO (55–85 Hz) in the sensorimotor cortex. This MVF effect was frequency-specific and did not spread to oscillations in other frequency bands. This is the first study demonstrating movement-related HGO induced by MVF from the moving hand in the absence of proprioceptive feedback signaling. Our findings support the hypothesis that MVF can trigger the feedback-based control processes specifically associated with perception of one's own movements

    Multisensory body representation in autoimmune diseases

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    Body representation has been linked to the processing and integration of multisensory signals. An outstanding example of the pivotal role played by multisensory mechanisms in body representation is the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI). In this paradigm, multisensory stimulation induces a sense of ownership over a fake limb. Previous work has shown high interindividual differences in the susceptibility to the RHI. The origin of this variability remains largely unknown. Given the tight and bidirectional communication between the brain and the immune system, we predicted that the origin of this variability could be traced, in part, to the immune system's functioning, which is altered by several clinical conditions, including Coeliac Disease (CD). Consistent with this prediction, we found that the Rubber Hand Illusion is stronger in CD patients as compared to healthy controls. We propose a biochemical mechanism accounting for the dependency of multisensory body representation upon the Immune system. Our finding has direct implications for a range of neurological, psychiatric and immunological conditions where alterations of multisensory integration, body representation and dysfunction of the immune system co-exist

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Meditation Experiences, Self, and Boundaries of Consciousness

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    Our experiences with the external world are possible mainly through vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell providing us a sense of reality. How the brain is able to seamlessly integrate stimuli from our external and internal world into our sense of reality has yet to be adequately explained in the literature. We have previously proposed a three-dimensional unified model of consciousness that partly explains the dynamic mechanism. Here we further expand our model and include illustrations to provide a better conception of the ill-defined space within the self, providing insight into a unified mind-body concept. In this article, we propose that our senses “super-impose” on an existing dynamic space within us after a slight, imperceptible delay. The existing space includes the entire intrapersonal space and can also be called the “the body’s internal 3D default space”. We provide examples from meditation experiences to help explain how the sense of ‘self’ can be experienced through meditation practice associated with underlying physiological processes that take place through cardio-respiratory synchronization and coherence that is developed among areas of the brain. Meditation practice can help keep the body in a parasympathetic dominant state during meditation, allowing an experience of inner ‘self’. Understanding this physical and functional space could help unlock the mysteries of the function of memory and cognition, allowing clinicians to better recognize and treat disorders of the mind by recommending proven techniques to reduce stress as an adjunct to medication treatment

    The influence of external and internal motor processes on human auditory rhythm perception

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    Musical rhythm is composed of organized temporal patterns, and the processes underlying rhythm perception are found to engage both auditory and motor systems. Despite behavioral and neuroscience evidence converging to this audio-motor interaction, relatively little is known about the effect of specific motor processes on auditory rhythm perception. This doctoral thesis was devoted to investigating the influence of both external and internal motor processes on the way we perceive an auditory rhythm. The first half of the thesis intended to establish whether overt body movement had a facilitatory effect on our ability to perceive the auditory rhythmic structure, and whether this effect was modulated by musical training. To this end, musicians and non-musicians performed a pulse-finding task either using natural body movement or through listening only, and produced their identified pulse by finger tapping. The results showed that overt movement benefited rhythm (pulse) perception especially for non-musicians, confirming the facilitatory role of external motor activities in hearing the rhythm, as well as its interaction with musical training. The second half of the thesis tested the idea that indirect, covert motor input, such as that transformed from the visual stimuli, could influence our perceived structure of an auditory rhythm. Three experiments examined the subjectively perceived tempo of an auditory sequence under different visual motion stimulations, while the auditory and visual streams were presented independently of each other. The results revealed that the perceived auditory tempo was accordingly influenced by the concurrent visual motion conditions, and the effect was related to the increment or decrement of visual motion speed. This supported the hypothesis that the internal motor information extracted from the visuomotor stimulation could be incorporated into the percept of an auditory rhythm. Taken together, the present thesis concludes that, rather than as a mere reaction to the given auditory input, our motor system plays an important role in contributing to the perceptual process of the auditory rhythm. This can occur via both external and internal motor activities, and may not only influence how we hear a rhythm but also under some circumstances improve our ability to hear the rhythm.Musikalische Rhythmen bestehen aus zeitlich strukturierten Mustern akustischer Stimuli. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Prozesse, welche der Rhythmuswahrnehmung zugrunde liegen, sowohl motorische als auch auditive Systeme nutzen. Obwohl sich für diese auditiv-motorischen Interaktionen sowohl in den Verhaltenswissenschaften als auch Neurowissenschaften übereinstimmende Belege finden, weiß man bislang relativ wenig über die Auswirkungen spezifischer motorischer Prozesse auf die auditive Rhythmuswahrnehmung. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Einfluss externaler und internaler motorischer Prozesse auf die Art und Weise, wie auditive Rhythmen wahrgenommen werden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit diente dem Ziel herauszufinden, ob körperliche Bewegungen es dem Gehirn erleichtern können, die Struktur von auditiven Rhythmen zu erkennen, und, wenn ja, ob dieser Effekt durch ein musikalisches Training beeinflusst wird. Um dies herauszufinden wurde Musikern und Nichtmusikern die Aufgabe gegeben, innerhalb von präsentierten auditiven Stimuli den Puls zu finden, wobei ein Teil der Probanden währenddessen Körperbewegungen ausführen sollte und der andere Teil nur zuhören sollte. Anschließend sollten die Probanden den gefundenen Puls durch Finger-Tapping ausführen, wobei die Reizgaben sowie die Reaktionen mittels eines computerisierten Systems kontrolliert wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass offen ausgeführte Bewegungen die Wahrnehmung des Pulses vor allem bei Nichtmusikern verbesserten. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass Bewegungen beim Hören von Rhythmen unterstützend wirken. Außerdem zeigte sich, dass hier eine Wechselwirkung mit dem musikalischen Training besteht. Der zweite Teil der Doktorarbeit überprüfte die Idee, dass indirekte, verdeckte Bewegungsinformationen, wie sie z.B. in visuellen Stimuli enthalten sind, die wahrgenommene Struktur von auditiven Rhythmen beeinflussen können. Drei Experimente untersuchten, inwiefern das subjektiv wahrgenommene Tempo einer akustischen Sequenz durch die Präsentation unterschiedlicher visueller Bewegungsreize beeinflusst wird, wobei die akustischen und optischen Stimuli unabhängig voneinander präsentiert wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das wahrgenommene auditive Tempo durch die visuellen Bewegungsinformationen beeinflusst wird, und dass der Effekt in Verbindung mit der Zunahme oder Abnahme der visuellen Geschwindigkeit steht. Dies unterstützt die Hypothese, dass internale Bewegungsinformationen, welche aus visuomotorischen Reizen extrahiert werden, in die Wahrnehmung eines auditiven Rhythmus integriert werden können. Zusammen genommen, 5 zeigt die vorgestellte Arbeit, dass unser motorisches System eine wichtige Rolle im Wahrnehmungsprozess von auditiven Rhythmen spielt. Dies kann sowohl durch äußere als auch durch internale motorische Aktivitäten geschehen, und beeinflusst nicht nur die Art, wie wir Rhythmen hören, sondern verbessert unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch unsere Fähigkeit Rhythmen zu identifizieren

    Corticomuscular interactions during different movement periods in a multi-joint compound movement

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    While much is known about motor control during simple movements, corticomuscular communication profiles during compound movement control remain largely unexplored. Here, we aimed at examining frequency band related interactions between brain and muscles during different movement periods of a bipedal squat (BpS) task utilizing regression corticomuscular coherence (rCMC), as well as partial directed coherence (PDC) analyses. Participants performed 40 squats, divided into three successive movement periods (Eccentric (ECC), Isometric (ISO) and Concentric (CON)) in a standardized manner. EEG was recorded from 32 channels specifically-tailored to cover bilateral sensorimotor areas while bilateral EMG was recorded from four main muscles of BpS. We found both significant CMC and PDC (in beta and gamma bands) during BpS execution, where CMC was significantly elevated during ECC and CON when compared to ISO. Further, the dominant direction of information flow (DIF) was most prominent in EEG-EMG direction for CON and EMG-EEG direction for ECC. Collectively, we provide novel evidence that motor control during BpS is potentially achieved through central motor commands driven by a combination of directed inputs spanning across multiple frequency bands. These results serve as an important step toward a better understanding of brain-muscle relationships during multi joint compound movements.V.V.N was supported by the HSE Basic Research Program and the Russian Academic Excellence Project '5–100'. This study was supported by the Max-Planck Society