343 research outputs found

    Quantization of gauge fields, graph polynomials and graph cohomology

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    We review quantization of gauge fields using algebraic properties of 3-regular graphs. We derive the Feynman integrand at n loops for a non-abelian gauge theory quantized in a covariant gauge from scalar integrands for connected 3-regular graphs, obtained from the two Symanzik polynomials. The transition to the full gauge theory amplitude is obtained by the use of a third, new, graph polynomial, the corolla polynomial. This implies effectively a covariant quantization without ghosts, where all the relevant signs of the ghost sector are incorporated in a double complex furnished by the corolla polynomial -we call it cycle homology- and by graph homology.Comment: 44p, many figures, to appea

    The algebra of flows in graphs

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    We define a contravariant functor K from the category of finite graphs and graph morphisms to the category of finitely generated graded abelian groups and homomorphisms. For a graph X, an abelian group B, and a nonnegative integer j, an element of Hom(K^j(X),B) is a coherent family of B-valued flows on the set of all graphs obtained by contracting some (j-1)-set of edges of X; in particular, Hom(K^1(X),R) is the familiar (real) ``cycle-space'' of X. We show that K(X) is torsion-free and that its Poincare polynomial is the specialization t^{n-k}T_X(1/t,1+t) of the Tutte polynomial of X (here X has n vertices and k components). Functoriality of K induces a functorial coalgebra structure on K(X); dualizing, for any ring B we obtain a functorial B-algebra structure on Hom(K(X),B). When B is commutative we present this algebra as a quotient of a divided power algebra, leading to some interesting inequalities on the coefficients of the above Poincare polynomial. We also provide a formula for the theta function of the lattice of integer-valued flows in X, and conclude with ten open problems.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum graphs and their spectra

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    We show that families of leafless quantum graphs that are isospectral for the standard Laplacian are finite. We show that the minimum edge length is a spectral invariant. We give an upper bound for the size of isospectral families in terms of the total edge length of the quantum graphs. We define the Bloch spectrum of a quantum graph to be the map that assigns to each element in the deRham cohomology the spectrum of an associated magnetic Schr\"odinger operator. We show that the Bloch spectrum determines the Albanese torus, the block structure and the planarity of the graph. It determines a geometric dual of a planar graph. This enables us to show that the Bloch spectrum identifies and completely determines planar 3-connected quantum graphs.Comment: The authors PhD thesis, submitted at Dartmouth College in 201

    Non-unitarisable representations and random forests

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    We establish a connection between Dixmier's unitarisability problem and the expected degree of random forests on a group. As a consequence, a residually finite group is non-unitarisable if its first L2-Betti number is non-zero or if it is finitely generated with non-trivial cost. Our criterion also applies to torsion groups constructed by D. Osin, thus providing the first examples of non-unitarisable groups not containing a non-Abelian free subgroup
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