3 research outputs found

    Survey on Ten Years of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problems: Mathematical Models, Solution Methods and Real-Life Applications

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    A crucial practical issue encountered in logistics management is the circulation of final products from depots to end-user customers. When routing and scheduling systems are improved, they will not only improve customer satisfaction but also increase the capacity to serve a large number of customers minimizing time. On the assumption that there is only one depot, the key issue of distribution is generally identified and formulated as VRP standing for Vehicle Routing Problem. In case, a company having more than one depot, the suggested VRP is most unlikely to work out. In view of resolving this limitation and proposing alternatives, VRP with multiple depots and multi-depot MDVRP have been a focus of this paper. Carrying out a comprehensive analytical literature survey of past ten years on cost-effective Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing is the main aim of this research. Therefore, the current status of the MDVRP along with its future developments is reviewed at length in the paper


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    A colheita é uma atividade de grande importância em empreendimentos florestais, dada a sua elevada participação no custo final da matéria-prima. O planejamento eficiente dessa atividade é essencial por permitir a otimização das operações e a redução dos custos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi propor um modelo matemático, tomando como base o problema de roteamento de veículos, para otimizar o planejamento da atividade de colheita florestal. O modelo visou reduzir os custos totais da colheita florestal, sob restrições de controle de estoque e distância média de transporte. O planejamento foi realizado para um horizonte de 1 ano, envolvendo a colheita de 200 talhões, destinados ao abastecimento de duas fábricas, uma localizada em Telêmaco Borba e outra em Ortigueira. A modelagem proposta foi capaz de determinar a melhor sequência de corte para reduzir os custos totais da colheita florestal. Além disso, o modelo se mostrou eficaz para manter o nível do estoque dentro de limites desejáveis e para não permitir uma grande variação da distância média de transporte. A inclusão da restrição de distância média de transporte ao modelo, implicou em um aumento de 2,17% nos custos totais de colheita. Palavras-chave: Otimização, Planejamento florestal, Agendamento da colheita florestal

    Multi-Depot and Multi-School Bus Scheduling Problem with School Bell Time Optimization

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    69A43551747123The school bus transportation system is responsible for transporting students to and from schools safely and promptly. This research aims to optimize the school bus schedules and the school bell times simultaneously for improving the efficiency of the school bus system operation. The authors consider the school bus scheduling problem in a multi-depot multi-school bus system and incorporate the bell time optimization to make bus operations more efficient. The authors propose four different methods, including one exact method and three heuristic methods, to solve the Multi-depot and Multi-school Bus Scheduling Problem with School Bell Time Optimization (MDSBSPTW)