229 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Vermont Mini-Cog

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    Cognitive impairment screening is important for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cognitive impairment and dementia. Additionally, screening is mandated as part of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. Colchester Family Medicine providers were surveyed about their current screening behaviors and then provided a training session on cognitive impairment screening and the Vermont Mini-Cog screening tool. Post-training, providers were surveyed about their likely future screening practices.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1540/thumbnail.jp

    Psycho-social effects of a brain-training program among healthy older adults

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    Grounded in cognitive neuroscience and social exchange theory, this research evaluated the relationship between changes in cognitive functioning and two psycho-social dimensions of life among healthy adults over the age of 70 (N=12). Specific psycho-social dimensions examined were social interaction and depression. Six females and six males participated in the study. All were white, college-educated individuals residing in a life-care residential retirement community. The participants used the Posit Science® Brain Fitness Program™, an auditory-based computer training program that improves memory and speed of processing, for forty hours over an eight-week period. Pre- and post-tests related to social interaction and depressive symptoms indicated that improvement in cognitive functioning was related to improvement in psychosocial dimensions in later life

    Octopaminergic neurons have multiple targets in Drosophila larval mushroom body calyx and can modulate behavioral odor discrimination.

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    Discrimination of sensory signals is essential for an organism to form and retrieve memories of relevance in a given behavioral context. Sensory representations are modified dynamically by changes in behavioral state, facilitating context-dependent selection of behavior, through signals carried by noradrenergic input in mammals, or octopamine (OA) in insects. To understand the circuit mechanisms of this signaling, we characterized the function of two OA neurons, sVUM1 neurons, that originate in the subesophageal zone (SEZ) and target the input region of the memory center, the mushroom body (MB) calyx, in larval Drosophila We found that sVUM1 neurons target multiple neurons, including olfactory projection neurons (PNs), the inhibitory neuron APL, and a pair of extrinsic output neurons, but relatively few mushroom body intrinsic neurons, Kenyon cells. PN terminals carried the OA receptor Oamb, a Drosophila α1-adrenergic receptor ortholog. Using an odor discrimination learning paradigm, we showed that optogenetic activation of OA neurons compromised discrimination of similar odors but not learning ability. Our results suggest that sVUM1 neurons modify odor representations via multiple extrinsic inputs at the sensory input area to the MB olfactory learning circuit.MRC studentship, UK Genetics Society Summer scholarship, BBSRC DTP summer placement, Isaac Newton Trust

    Telling Stories That Explain: Comparing Media and Organizational Discourse on Adolescent Substance Use

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    What's missing from the public conversation on adolescent substance use? For one thing, it's lacking crucial information about what makes adolescence a sensitive period for brain development. That's the conclusion of "Telling Stories that Explain," a new study from the FrameWorks Institute. Researchers analyzed the communications content in media coverage and nonprofit materials, and found that the narratives the public encounters don't tell the whole story

    Emergency and Scheduled Respite Care for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Model

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    Background: As the population of elderly citizens in the U.S. continues to expand paralleled by an increase in the prevalence of dementia, the role of respite care within the healthcare system will increase in importance. Respite care is defined as providing the primary caregiver with relief, or a reprieve, from care commitments on a short-term or emergency basis. The need for caregiver respite is well-documented; has been shown to decrease emotional stress,burnout, anxiety and depression; and is considered vital to the overall well-being of the caregiver. While studies have shown that respite care is effective, there is an unmet need for more flexibility in existing programs to improve utilization rates and availability. We attempted to address this issue by adapting an existing model to increase respite care options available to caregivers in our region.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Focal Spot, Fall/Winter 2001

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    Análise da representação de assunto em arquivos públicos: o caso do Centro de Memória da ALESC, Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina e o Arquivo Histórico do Município de Florianópolis

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Curso de Biblioteconomia.Relata a pesquisa realizada sobre Análise da Representação de Assunto em Arquivos Públicos: o caso do Centro de Memória da ALESC, Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina e Arquivo Histórico do Município de Florianópolis. Analisa o processo de representação por assunto dos documentos nos Arquivos Públicos. Propõe verificar os procedimentos e normas utilizadas na representação por assunto e identificar de que forma a informação é recuperada nos sistemas de informação dessas instituições. A metodologia é baseada na pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, como instrumento para a coleta de dados, utiliza a entrevista. Constata que os arquivos pesquisados não utilizam a norma para do processo de representação por assunto não está sendo feito de acordo com a Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística (NOBRADE). Detecta que a precariedade dos equipamentos, da infra-estrutura e a falta de profissionais especializados, dificulta que os procedimentos aconteçam em conformidade com a normas e padrões da área arquivística.We report on the survey Analysis of Subject Representation in Public Files: The Case of the Memory Center ALESC, Public Archives of the State of Santa Catarina and Historical Archive in Florianópolis. Analyzes the issue of representation for documents in Public Archives. Proposes verify the procedures and standards used in the representation issue and identify how the information is retrieved in the information systems of these institutions. The methodology is based on qualitative and exploratory research, as a tool for data collection, uses the interview. Notes that the files do not use researched the standard for the representation process subject is not being done according to the Brazilian Standard for Archival Description (NOBRADE). Detects that the precariousness of equipment, infrastructure and lack of skilled professionals, which complicates the procedures happen in accordance with the norms and standards of archival area Keyword: Representation of Subject. Publics Archives. Research Instrument. Recovery of Information

    The Making Of Electronic Archives Based On Microsoft Access At DIII Office Administration Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika STIKOM SURABAYA

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    Archiving is very important in office activities because the archive is the memory center for every activity in the office. However, in the handling of archives, DIII Office Administration of Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya is still not efficient because it still implements a conventional filing system and is time consuming for rediscovery. This study aims to make electronic archiving using Microsoft Access that can facilitate the rediscovery of archives more effectively and efficiently. The use of Microsoft access is expected to help the office administration department to be able to manage records effectively and efficiently by using electronic media in the management of archives to obtain the benefits of speed, convenience and accuracy.   Keywords : Archiving, Microsoft Access, electronic archive

    D4.2 How-to manual for the implementation of SO-CLOSE's digital storytelling tools

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    A guide for future users in the implementation process of the SO-CLOSE tool