28 research outputs found

    Eccentric connectivity index

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    The eccentric connectivity index ξc\xi^c is a novel distance--based molecular structure descriptor that was recently used for mathematical modeling of biological activities of diverse nature. It is defined as ξc(G)=∑v∈V(G)deg(v)⋅ϵ(v)\xi^c (G) = \sum_{v \in V (G)} deg (v) \cdot \epsilon (v)\,, where deg(v)deg (v) and ϵ(v)\epsilon (v) denote the vertex degree and eccentricity of vv\,, respectively. We survey some mathematical properties of this index and furthermore support the use of eccentric connectivity index as topological structure descriptor. We present the extremal trees and unicyclic graphs with maximum and minimum eccentric connectivity index subject to the certain graph constraints. Sharp lower and asymptotic upper bound for all graphs are given and various connections with other important graph invariants are established. In addition, we present explicit formulae for the values of eccentric connectivity index for several families of composite graphs and designed a linear algorithm for calculating the eccentric connectivity index of trees. Some open problems and related indices for further study are also listed.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Explicit near-Ramanujan graphs of every degree

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    For every constant d≥3d \geq 3 and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, we give a deterministic poly(n)\mathrm{poly}(n)-time algorithm that outputs a dd-regular graph on Θ(n)\Theta(n) vertices that is ϵ\epsilon-near-Ramanujan; i.e., its eigenvalues are bounded in magnitude by 2d−1+ϵ2\sqrt{d-1} + \epsilon (excluding the single trivial eigenvalue of~dd).Comment: 26 page

    The inertia of unicyclic graphs and the implications for closed-shells

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    AbstractThe inertia of a graph is an integer triple specifying the number of negative, zero, and positive eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the graph. A unicyclic graph is a simple connected graph with an equal number of vertices and edges. This paper characterizes the inertia of a unicyclic graph in terms of maximum matchings and gives a linear-time algorithm for computing it. Chemists are interested in whether the molecular graph of an unsaturated hydrocarbon is (properly) closed-shell, having exactly half of its eigenvalues greater than zero, because this designates a stable electron configuration. The inertia determines whether a graph is closed-shell, and hence the reported result gives a linear-time algorithm for determining this for unicyclic graphs

    No mixed graph with the nullity η(G~)=∣V(G)∣−2m(G)+2c(G)−1\eta(\widetilde{G})=|V(G)|-2m(G)+2c(G)-1

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    A mixed graph G~\widetilde{G} is obtained from a simple undirected graph GG, the underlying graph of G~\widetilde{G}, by orienting some edges of GG. Let c(G)=∣E(G)∣−∣V(G)∣+ω(G)c(G)=|E(G)|-|V(G)|+\omega(G) be the cyclomatic number of GG with ω(G)\omega(G) the number of connected components of GG, m(G)m(G) be the matching number of GG, and η(G~)\eta(\widetilde{G}) be the nullity of G~\widetilde{G}. Chen et al. (2018)\cite{LSC} and Tian et al. (2018)\cite{TFL} proved independently that ∣V(G)∣−2m(G)−2c(G)≤η(G~)≤∣V(G)∣−2m(G)+2c(G)|V(G)|-2m(G)-2c(G) \leq \eta(\widetilde{G}) \leq |V(G)|-2m(G)+2c(G), respectively, and they characterized the mixed graphs with nullity attaining the upper bound and the lower bound. In this paper, we prove that there is no mixed graph with nullity η(G~)=∣V(G)∣−2m(G)+2c(G)−1\eta(\widetilde{G})=|V(G)|-2m(G)+2c(G)-1. Moreover, for fixed c(G)c(G), there are infinitely many connected mixed graphs with nullity ∣V(G)∣−2m(G)+2c(G)−s|V(G)|-2m(G)+2c(G)-s (0≤s≤3c(G),s≠1)( 0 \leq s \leq 3c(G), s\neq1 ) is proved

    Spectral properties of digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number

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