4 research outputs found

    Advanced Artificial Neural Network Classification for Detecting Preterm Births Using EHG Records

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    Globally, the rate of preterm births are increasing, thus resulting in significant health, development and economic problems. Current methods for the early detection of such births are inadequate. Nevertheless, there has been some evidence that the analysis of uterine electrical signals, collected from the abdominal surface, could provide an independent and easier way to diagnose true labour and detect when preterm delivery is about to occur. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, in conjunction with Electrohysterography signal processing, numerous studies have focused on detecting true labour several days prior to the event. However, in this paper, the Electrohysterography signals have been used to detect preterm births. This has been achieved using an open dataset, which contains 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. Several new features from Electromyography studies have been utilized, as well as feature-ranking techniques. Features are ranked to determine their discriminative capabilities in detecting term and preterm records. Seven different artificial neural networks were then used to identify these records. The results illustrate that the Radial Basis Function Neural Network classifier performed the best, with 85% sensitivity, 80% specificity, 90% area under the curve and a 17% mean error rate

    Method for solving nonlinearity in recognising tropical wood species

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    Classifying tropical wood species pose a considerable economic challenge and failure to classify the wood species accurately can have significant effects on timber industries. Hence, an automatic tropical wood species recognition system was developed at Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The system classifies wood species based on texture analysis whereby wood surface images are captured and wood features are extracted from these images which will be used for classification. Previous research on tropical wood species recognition systems considered methods for wood species classification based on linear features. Since wood species are known to exhibit nonlinear features, a Kernel-Genetic Algorithm (Kernel-GA) is proposed in this thesis to perform nonlinear feature selection. This method combines the Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) technique with Genetic Algorithm (GA) to generate nonlinear wood features and also reduce dimension of the wood database. The proposed system achieved classification accuracy of 98.69%, showing marked improvement to the work done previously. Besides, a fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier is also proposed in this thesis to mimic human interpretation on wood pores which have been proven to aid the data acquisition bottleneck and serve as a clustering mechanism for large database simplifying the classification. The fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier managed to reduce the processing time for training and testing by more than 75% and 26% respectively. Finally, the fuzzy pre-classifier is combined with the Kernal-GA algorithm to improve the performance of the tropical wood species recognition system. The experimental results show that the combination of fuzzy preclassifier and nonlinear feature selection improves the performance of the tropical wood species recognition system in terms of memory space, processing time and classification accuracy

    Dynamic neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm to predict preterm deliveries in pregnant women

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    There has been some improvement in the treatment of preterm infants, which has helped to increase their chance of survival. However, the rate of premature births is still globally increasing. As a result, this group of infants is most at risk of developing severe medical conditions that can affect the respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune, central nervous, auditory and visual systems. There is a strong body of evidence emerging that suggests the analysis of uterine electrical signals, from the abdominal surface (Electrohysterography – EHG), could provide a viable way of diagnosing true labour and even predict preterm deliveries. This paper explores this idea further and presents a new dynamic self-organized network immune algorithm that classifies term and preterm records, using an open dataset containing 300 records (38 preterm and 262 term). Using the dataset, oversampling and cross validation techniques are evaluated against other similar studies. The proposed approach shows an improvement on existing studies with 89% sensitivity, 91% specificity, 90% positive predicted value, 90% negative predicted value, and an overall accuracy of 90%