4 research outputs found

    Business intelligence usage determinants: an assessment of factors influencing indivdual intentions to use a business intelligence system within a financial firm in South Africa

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    Although studies are conducted on economical gains due to BI system adoption, limited knowledge is available on factors which influence BI system usage. Identifying these factors is necessary for organisations because this may enable the design of effective BI systems, thus increasing the chance of firms adopting them to realise the actual value inherent in the exploitation of BI systems. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to investigate factors which influence BI system usage. The investigation employed constructs derived from three theoretical frameworks, namely technology acceptance model (TAM), task-technology fit (TTF) and social cognitive theory (SCT) as follows: intention to use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease use, task characteristics, technology characteristics, task-technology fit and computer self-efficacy. To test the hypotheses, data was collected by administering the study to 682 BI system users in a South African financial institution, SA-Bank, wherein 193 usable responses were received. The findings of the study with partial least squares (PLS) analysis indicated support for the joint use of constructs from the three theoretical frameworks, explaining 65% of BI system usage variance. Furthermore, the perceived usefulness of a BI system reflected a stronger influence as a factor of BI system usage over the beliefs that the system was easy to use, and the belief that it was aligned to the performance of business tasks. An unusual outcome in this study was the lack of influence of computer self-efficacy on BI system usage. Nonetheless, the study extended validation of the use of constructs derived from the three theoretical frameworks for a BI technology in the context of SA-Bank, thereby contributing to theory. Finally, the results of hypothesis testing suggested a starting point for practitioners towards designing BI systems, and recommendations and suggestions are included in this report

    The relationship among business intelligence systems adoption, information technology infrastructure, innovation and competitive environment on performance of banks in Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to determine the relationship by providing a framework that integrates business intelligence systems adoption, information technology infrastructure, innovation, competitive environment, and the performance of Malaysian banking institutions. This study focused on banks in Malaysia where the identified unit of analysis was the organisation represented by their managers. The views of knowledge-based, the resource-based theory and contingency theory were underpinned in this study. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to structural equation modelling (SEM) via Smart PLS 3.0 software were employed in this study. A total of 177 samples were deemed usable which resulted in an effective response rate of 16.93 percent. The current study clarifies how business intelligence systems adoption and information technology infrastructure both directly and indirectly predict innovation and performance outcomes. This research also highlighted the relationship between innovation and performance as moderation factors of competitive environment. The findings indicated that out of the 8 hypotheses inferred, 7 hypotheses were found to be supported, while one hypothesis was the contrary. The results obtained for the hypothesis depicted the positive significant relationship between business intelligence systems adoption and performance, information technology infrastructure and performance, business intelligence systems adoption and innovation, information technology infrastructure and innovation, and, innovation and performance, was supported (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5). Innovation does partially mediate the relationship between business intelligence systems adoption and performance (H6), and also innovation does partially mediate the relationship between information technology infrastructure and performance (H7). Competitive environment does not moderate the relationship between innovation and performance (H8). This study proposed several practical suggestions to banking institutions on how employees can innovate when enhancing their business intelligence systems adoption and information technology infrastructure to improve performance among them. The management should provide a platform for the employees to enhance their innovativeness through the implementation of business intelligence systems adoption and information technology infrastructure. Furthermore, performance can be improved if the management focuses heavily on increasing innovation among employees. The major contribution of the current study is the proposed model for measuring the performance of banking institutions in Malaysia. The performance of these institutions is fundamental as they contribute significantly to the nation’s economy

    BI-ratkaisuja talouden suoritusjohtamiseen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin tietojärjestelmiä toimittavan yrityksen tietovarasto- ja raportointiratkaisuja toteuttavan tiimin toiminnankehittämishankkeen yhteydessä. Kehitystavoitteena oli parantaa yrityksen muun henkilöstön tietämystä business intelligencestä. Opinnäyttetyön tavoitteena oli toimia osana tätä tavoitetta ja toimia dokumenttina, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää tilanteissa, joissa BI-tietämyksen kasvattaminen on tarpeen. Pääasiallisesti opinnäytetyö sisältää teoriaa liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan (BI) perusteista. Työssä on pyritty tuomaan ne perusasiat, joiden avulla lukija saa käsityksen BI-järjestelmistä ja niiden mahdollisuuksista. Jatkotyönä opinnäytetyölle ollaan suunniteltu demoympäristön toteuttamista, jossa voitaisiin käytännössä esittää erilaisia talouden BI-ratkaisuja.This Master’s Thesis was made as a part of development task inside data warehouse and business intelligence team in company which creates information systems to its customers. Target for the development task was strengthen the knowledge of business intelligence solution among other departments in the company. The goal for the master thesis was to collect basic information of BI as a document which could be used when needed to spread information about the theme. Mainly this thesis includes basic theory of the subject. Writers target has been to bring out those basics which are needed to understand BI-solutions and the possibilities which are able to get with it. In addition to master thesis the team has planned to create a demo solution which could be used to demonstrate finance BI-solutions in real life

    O uso de sistemas informatizados para uma melhor gestão de empresas de aviação

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    This work is intended to prove the powerful, for aeronautical companies, about the correct usage Of computerized systems on the management process. This work used the knowledge of Business intelligence (bi) applied in aviation and pretend to show how this can be useful for The maintenance of the organizational climate, costs reduction, safety improvements and risks Mitigation around the business. Characterized as an exploratory research using books, periodic, Guides, codes, monographs, articles, websites and programs. Taken by qualitative and Quantitative approach. Split into three different parts for better comprehension and Understanding about the theme. The first one brings an introduction of the work, what it is Intend to with the presentation of the general and specific objectives, as well as the justification Of the research and the methodologies applied. The second part has in its scope what was used In this work, the theoretical referential. Split into paragraphs the first one deals with the Brazilian aviation industry, the second one with the business management processes and their Management, the third one with the operational, managerial and strategic decision support Systems, the fourth with data, information, intelligence and knowledge and the last paragraph With the management systems the three different company’s levels, the operational, managerial And strategic. The last part of our work has talks about all the research done and seeks to Describe the concepts of business intelligence (bi), identify the aviation enterprise data sources, Identify the main difficulties of the airlines and finally to describe a functional theoretical System with the main demands by applying a bi. Data analysis was done by interpretation of Graphs and tables, that were analyzed according to the theoretical substantiation. When Analyzing the results, obtained from the research, concluded that bi is not really explored by Companies in the aviation sector, either by their unfamiliarity, the high cost of implementation Or even the difficulty in doing it and maintaining it. But who knows how to apply it and use it Correctly will benefit from the data processed and can be applied in a scenario of decision.Este trabalho teve como objetivo demonstrar o poderio, para as empresas do setor aeronáutico, Da efetiva utilização de sistemas informatizados em sua gestão. Foram abordados Conhecimentos de business intelligence (bi) aplicados na aviação e como o seu impacto pode Ser proveitoso para a manutenção de áreas críticas, redução de custos, aumento da segurança Operacional e mitigação de riscos ao negócio. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa exploratória Com procedimento bibliográfico e documental por meio de livros, revistas, periódicos, manuais, Monografias, artigos, sites e programas. A abordagem utilizada foi qualitativa e quantitativa. Foi dividido em três partes para melhor compreensão e entendimento do assunto. A primeira Traz uma introdução ao trabalho em si, sobre o que se propõe, com a apresentação dos objetivos Gerais e específicos, assim como a justificativa da pesquisa e as metodologias aplicadas. A Segunda parte possui em seu escopo aquilo que embasou este trabalho, isto é, o referencial Teórico. Elaborado em parágrafos que tratam do setor aeronáutico brasileiro, do gerenciamento Empresarial, dos processos e a sua gestão, das tomadas de decisão nos níveis operacional, Gerencial e estratégico, dos dados, informação, inteligência e conhecimento e dos sistemas de Gestão dentre eles os sistemas de apoio operacional, gerencial e estratégico. A última parte Discorre sobre toda a pesquisa feita e busca descrever os conceitos de business intelligence (bi), identificar as fontes de dados das empresas da aviação e entender as principais Dificuldades das empresas aéreas. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio de gráficos e quadros, Analisados de acordo com a fundamentação teórica. Ao analisar os resultados obtidos com a Pesquisa, conclui-se que bi é campo ainda não muito explorado pelas empresas do setor, seja Por seu desconhecimento, pelo alto custo de implantação ou até mesmo pela dificuldade em Fazê-lo e mantê-lo, porém aquelas organizações que assim o fazem se beneficiam das riquezas Que dados processados e aplicados em um cenário podem trazer em um momento de decisão